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Building Public Awareness
Raising public awareness of Gledhow Valley Woods, its bird and plant life, its history, the problems which threaten it, and the ways in which people can help is an important aspect of the Friends' work. The more people are encouraged to find out about and enjoy the woods, the more they are likely to respect and care about it. Without any information it is easy to overlook things happening on your own doorstep.
Some of the ways in which the Friends try to raise awareness are as follows:
- Giving talks to local church and community groups
These talks can cover all aspects of Gledhow Valley Woods from its geological history to its flora and fauna, as well as providing information about the Friends group and their work.
- Family Funday
This is a yearly event which usually attracts several hundred people for an afternoon of activities, displays, food, drink and live entertainment. Children in particular are encouraged to learn about their environment and take part in free activities such as creating a "meadow in a pot" or building a bird box. Information about the woods and the Friends' work is also displayed, as well as details of how people can help. Although not held as a profit-making event, donations from visitors have helped the Friends continue their efforts.
- Web site
This web site was launched in September 2001 to provide a central source of knowledge covering all aspects of the woods and the Friends group. It is constantly growing and developing and visitors are encouraged to contact us with any ideas or material which may be suitable for inclusion.
- Leaflets, posters & information sheets
Members of the Friends group often set up information stalls at local meetings and events (such as the regular Chapel Allerton Festival). Much of the information provided on this web site is available in printed form for people who don't have access to the internet, and people can request details of any topic which interests them.
Leaflets and posters advertising coming events and meetings are also displayed in local shops, libraries and halls, as well as being distributed to anyone on the growing e-mail and postal mailing lists.
- Local press
The Friends' group maintains close contact with local press, gaining as much publicity about their work, events and campaigns as possible.
- School events
For some years FGVW members have led school trips to the woods, giving local children hands on experience of their local greenspace and its resident flora and fauna.
If you belong to a group which might be interested in hearing a talk about the Gledhow Valley Woods, or are connected with a school interested in organising a field trip, please contact us for more information. For details of the next Family Funday, as well as other Friends events, see the News & Events section, and for more pictures of what goes on during these events see the Events Gallery.