Many people have helped to make this web site possible, and we would like to thank everyone involved. Some of these people are listed below. Great effort has been made to try and ensure that the photographs, images and texts used on this web site appear with the permission of the copyright owners.
- Phyl Abbott
Phyl kindly provided much of the information used in the "Plants of Gledhow Valley" section.
- John Billingsley
John is the General Editor of the Northern Earth journal, and kindly allowed us to reproduce his article entitled "Taking the waters in old Leeds".
- British Hedgehog Preservation Society
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society has kindly allowed us to reproduce some of their information and images on How to Build Hedgehog Homes and How to Create a Wildlife Garden.
- Martin Calvert
Chair of the FGVW Steering Group, Martin has supplied much of the material presented on this site, especially relating to The Birds of Gledhow Valley.
- Pavinder Chana
Pav grew up in the area around Gledhow Valley Woods and has spent a lot of time researching its history. He kindly allowed us to reproduce information from one of his H.N.C. Heritage Management research assignments in the "About the Woods" section.
- Countryman
Countryman magzine has kindly allowed us to reproduce one of their articles, by Debbie Loat, entitled "Space Invaders".
- William Fraser
Member of the West Yorkshire RIGS Group, Bill has kindly supplied the content for the page entitled "GVW: A Regionally Important Geological Site".
- Pennie Keech
Founder of the Leeds Hedgehog Sanctuary, Pennie has kindly supplied the content for the page entitled "How to Create a Wildlife Garden".
- Richard Lancaster
Former Secretary of the FGVW Steering Group, Richard has supplied a lot of the material presented on this site.
- Sue Murray
Sue has kindly supplied information about the foxes in Gledhow Valley Woods, including a short story version of her book "Foxes in the Smog".
- Tim Susman
Tim kindly allowed us to reproduce some of his material on Feeding and Interacting with Urban Foxes.
- Jason Wigglesworth
A keen collector and researcher of the history of Burmantofts pottery, Jason kindly provided information about the Burmantofts Bathroom in Gledhow Hall.
Photography & Artwork
- Anonymous
Occasionally we are given photos by people who want to remain anonymous. Sometimes we also receive old photographs whose original source we can't identify... if you spot any of these un-credited images on the site and know where they come from please feel free to Contact Us and let us know.
- Robin Bateman
Robin Bateman was a local artist who kindly allowed a number of his watercolour paintings of Gledhow Woods to be reproduced in the Guest Galleries section.
- Derek Belsey
Derek Belsey was an expert wildlife photographer and kindly allowed many of his bird pictures to be used on this site.
Please click here to find out more about Derek and his work.
- Mike Betteridge
A member of the FGVW Steering Group and former North Leeds Weekly Post Community Correspondent for Chapel Allerton, Mike has supplied many of the photographs taken in and around Gledhow Valley Woods, especially those featuring FGVW members in action!
- Joe Blossom
A number of Jonathan's bird photographs have been used on this site, with permission from the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust.
- Adrian Burch
Adrian has kindly supplied a number of photographs for use on this site.
- Joan & Mervyn Clayton
Members of the FGVW Steering Group, Joan & Mervyn have supplied many of the photographs taken in and around Gledhow Valley Woods.
- Phill Davison
Phill has kindly supplied a number of photographs for use on this site in the Guest Galleries section.
- Isobel Eyre
Phill has kindly supplied a number of photographs for use on this site in the Guest Galleries section.
- Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman is a local artist who has kindly allowed a number of his paintings of Gledhow Woods to be reproduced in the Guest Galleries section.
- Joanne Greenhalgh
Joanne has kindly supplied a number of photographs for use on this site in the Guest Galleries section.
- getmapping.com
getmapping.com, has kindly supplied an aerial photo of Gledhow Woods for use on this site.
- Alex Gill
Alex kindly supplied one of the historic images of Gledhow Beck, used in the Photographic History section.
- Phil Green
Phil has kindly supplied many photographs of the woods for use on this site.
- Simon Harris
Simon has kindly supplied photos of his bird box for use on the site.
- Elaine Hill
Elaine has kindly supplied photographs for use in the "Birds of Gledhow Valley" section.
- Judy Howells
Judy has kindly supplied photographs for use in the "Plants of Gledhow Valley" section.
- Roger Hunter
Roger has kindly supplied photographs of the woods during flooding for use on this site.
- Steve Joul
Steve has kindly supplied photographs for use in the "Plants of Gledhow Valley" section, as well as assisting with plant identification.
- Gwen Leach
Gwen has kindly supplied many photographs of the woods for use on this site.
- Jonathan Leach
A number of Jonathan's bird photographs have been used on this site, with permission from the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust.
- The Leodis Database, Leeds
The The Leodis Database, Leeds, has kindly allowed a number of black and white images from its collection to be reproduced on this site.
- Helen Linklater
Helen has kindly supplied text and maps of the woods for use on this site.
- The Natural History Museum, London
The Natural History Museum, London, has kindly allowed a number of plant images from its Picture Library to be reproduced on this site.
- James Mudd
James has kindly supplied photographs of FGVW events for use on this site.
- Keith Newman
Keith kindly supplied photographs of the Gledhow Hall's World War One VAD Hospital for use on this site.
- Ron Redman
Ron Redman has kindly supplied historic images of Gledhow Valley Road, used in the Photographic History section.
- Philippa Scott A.R.P.S.
Lady Scott is a professional photographer and Honorary Director of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. A number of her bird photographs have been used on this site, with permission from the Trust.
Site Design, Construction & Maintenance
- Adam Bull
Adam has been a professional freelance web site developer since 1993. He has donated his time and resources in researching, designing, building and maintaining this web site since becoming a member of the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods in 2001. He also takes many of the photographs which appear on the site, and is responsible for designing and producing FGVW merchandise.
Please click here to find out more about Adam and his work.
- Carol Bull
Thanks to Carol, Adam's wife, for ongoing help in typing up material only available in printed form, taking photographs, and for helping to test the site during its continuing development. Carol is also Secretary of the FGVW Steering Group.