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Traffic Calming & Pedestrian Safety
The volume and speed of traffic along Gledhow Valley Road has increased steadily over the years, as has the number of accidents which occur. Recent surveys have shown that motorists frequently ignore speed restrictions, with drivers of HGVs being the worst offenders, and concern is growing over the safety of pedestrians.
Several "school routes" cross this road as they pass through the woods, and improvements to the woods themselves (see other Examples of How the Friends are Making a Difference) encourage people to come for recreational purposes. Despite this there are currently no traffic calming measures in place along this busy road and no pedestrian crossing points.
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods, together with other local residents, continue to campaign for better traffic management in this area. Early in 2002 speed ramps were put in place along Allerton Grange Way as a direct result of such campaigning, and a number of other suggestions are currently being considered for future proposal to Leeds City Council. These suggestions are shown below...
Suggested Traffic Calming Measures
Please note that the following are suggestions only and we welcome your questions and comments. Gledhow Valley Road runs left to right across the centre of the map.

(Click on the map for a larger version)
- Enhance crossing with island to allow safe crossing for children going to school.
- Entrance to Valley - mark to show that you are entering a special area (e.g. cattle grid, gate, wall, sculpture, 30mph zone).
- Pedestrian crossing point with island.
- Chicane (e.g. as on Foundry Road, Gipton).
- Improve crossroads (e.g. "reduce speed" signs, pedestrian crossing points, speed ramps).
- Gledhow Lane - Pedestrian crossing point, speed ramps, improve pavements.
- Gledhow Lane - Widen pavement with railings, priority markings, signing.
- Speed ramp, signing, 30mph zone.
- Pedestrian crossing point with speed ramps.
- Pedestrian crossing point with speed ramps and 30mph signs.
- Pedestrian crossing point with speed ramps.
- Entrance to Valley - mark to show that you are entering a special area (e.g. cattle grid, gate, wall, sculpture, 30mph zone).
- To improve the valley for all non-vehicle users in terms of safety, access and pollution (noise and fumes).
- To encourage greater use of the valley for pedestrians either as an area to walk and explore or as a direct access route to other areas.
Areas to be Tackled
- Reducing speed of traffic.
- Reducing weight limit of vehicles on the road to 7.5 tons.
- Reducing quantity of traffic.
- Restricting through traffic to local use only.
- Adding safe crossing areas along the length of the road that will encourage pedestrian access.
- Improving pavements and footpaths within the valley to encourage pedestrian use.
Ideas on the Way Forward
- Discuss aims and ideas with the wider community.
- Draw up a list of short and long term proposals.
- Liaise with Leeds City Council Transport and Highways Department to discuss specific proposals and funding.
- Raise "radical" ideas such as closing part of the road permanently, or closing the road for a day each year.
- Explore a "non-road" route.
The strength of local campaigning has already led to extensive traffic-calming measures being instigated. Please see the article entitled Adrian's Quick Thinking Leads to a Showdown in the Press Clippings & Media Publicity section for more details.
If you have any questions or comments related to traffic calming issues along Gledhow Valley Road, please contact us and let us know.