Introduction to the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods
The Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods (FGVW) was set up in March 1996 after a public meeting held to discuss issues in Gledhow Valley. A Core Group was elected to act as a committee to keep the Friends informed of activities in the Valley. The Friends aim to...
- conserve and enhance Gledhow Valley Woods (GVW);
- protect the natural beauty of GVW;
- increase public awareness about GVW and reflect the concerns of the wider community;
- support other groups in the Gledhow Valley area;
- liaise with all appropriate organisations to achieve objectives;
In 2016 the Group became a "Charitable Incoporated Organisation" (CIO) responsible to the Charity Commission. A board of elected trustees became responsible for the Group's activities. A Steering Group reports to the Board of Trustees and replaces the functions of the Core Group to carry out day-to-day activities.
Paid membership was introduced for supporters wishing to vote at General Meetings, become officers or stand as trustees. Membership is not needed to attend Action Mornings, Steering Group Meetings or General Meetings, or to receive FGVW Update e-mails.
A range of concerns have been raised...
- pollution in the Beck and Lake;
- pests - Mountain bikes, motor cyclists, dog muck, litter and rats;
- speeding cars;
- lack of woodland management;
- the need for additional seats;
- the need for more wildflowers.
The Friends have tried to deal with these issues in various ways including...
- holding regular practical events involving local people, including litter picks, path and shrub maintenance;
- involving local schools and young people in educational and practical activities such as studying wildlife of the Valley;
- maintaining pressure on Yorkshire Water to resolve pollution problems;
- working with Leeds City Council Leisure Services Department to obtain litter bins, develop grass cutting programme for wildflowers;
- undertaking active woodland management;
- Holding annual Family Fun Days (environmental theme). The year 2001 event was attended by 400 people, 100 more than the year before.
- Developing a website.
We are developing future activities including...
- producing a Management Plan;
- undertaking further active woodland management;
- arranging a more active presence in the Valley such as a Countryside Ranger;
- producing interpretative material including signboards, leaflets about the wildlife and history of the Valley;
- beginning the process of getting some crossings on Gledhow Valley Road.
For a more detailed look at some of the activities listed above, together with photos, please see the section called Examples of How the Friends are Making a Difference. For details of coming Activty Days, as well as other Friends events, please see the News & Events section, and for more pictures of what goes on during Activty Days please see the Events Gallery.