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Minutes of Annual General Meeting
7th December 2000

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair); Steve Dicken (Treasurer); Richard Lancaster (Secretary); Daphne and Colin Barton; Councillor Ann Castle; Councillor Brenda Lancaster; Ralph Lancaster; Mary Keynes; Cora Black; Caroline Bond; Judy Mudd; Mervyn and Joan Clayton; Alex Hardy; Jack Scarf.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Chair's Report
  3. Treasurer's Report
  1. To Elect Officers
  2. To Elect & Appoint Members of the Core Group
  3. AOB

1. Apologies for Absence

Mike Betteridge; Dorothy Carter; Carl Mitchell; Ruth and Ernest Sterne.

2. Chair's Report

Martin noted the following highlights through the last year:

  • Funday in May which drew in 300 people and he noted in particular all those who had made cakes. Although it wasn't meant to make any money it did, to the tune of around £200. Apart from the range of events information about the Group and its activities were displayed. He noted that the event would be run again next year.
  • Core group had meant regularly through the year at the 3 Hulats. Those present felt that this was still a suitable venue. There are presently 19 people officially on the Core Group, but he reminded those present that anyone could come along to meetings.
  • Noted 6 action mornings over the year and noted the importance of these days, which show the group has actions behind its words.
  • The campaign to get Yorkshire Water (YW) to deal with the Combined Sewer Overflows has been another regular activity of the Core Group. Presently some works are likely in the future, but not sure exactly what. A 'concept' meeting is to be held soon between Environment Agency (EA) and YW to decide on what works are to be undertaken. Letter had been written to Michael Meacher to keep the pressure on YW and EA. Also he and Steve were to meet Fabian Hamilton soon. Finally he noted that is was important that people call EA whenever the beck appears to not have been cleaned up after rainfall. Martin noted the number for EA was 0800 80 70 60.
  • Weaving sculptures undertaken with playschemes during August and a few still remain below the lake.
  • The group has had a lot of publicity, particularly because of Mike Betteridge and relating to sewage issues in the beck.

3. Treasurer's Report

Steve reported that there had been no money at the beginning of the year but with generous support from local councillors, a local resident and the fun day the total now stood at £784:92. Hoped that next year further funds could be raised through local councillors and grants.

  • Various suggestions were put forward.
  • Development of a management plan for the Valley.
  • Develop interpretation material such as a leaflet, information panels.
  • Artist to develop sculptures.

4. To Elect Officers

The following were nominated and seconded as officers of the Core Group:

  • Martin Calvert - Chair.
  • Steve Dicken - Treasurer.
  • Richard Lancaster - Secretary.

5. To Elect & Appoint Members of the Core Group

Agreed that those presently on the Core Group would remain until they informed Richard they wished to stand down.

6. AOB

  • There was a brief discussion on proposed tree works and a map was handed round to show the location of the works.
  • Other events for next year were suggested including bird, bat and fungi walks.
  • Caroline noted that she had contact details of a local historian, Dave College, and would pass these onto Richard.

The AGM meeting finished at 8:15pm and was followed by a buffet and music provided by singers arranged through Jenny and Jon Farley.

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