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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
16th August 2001
Present: Mervyn and Joan Clayton; Brenda and Ralph Lancaster; Adam and Carol Bull; Martin Calvert; Richard Lancaster; Paul Ellis (part).
1. Apologies
Mike Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th June 2001
3. Matters Arising
3.01 Mike Betteridge
Noted that Mike had given up his role as local reporter for the YEP. All agreed that this was a real shame and Joan would send Mike a card thanking him for all his support.
ACTION - Joan to organise card.
3.02 Walls
No progress so far. Brenda agreed to chase up wall repairs especially at the old car park bridge.
ACTION - Brenda to contact Parks about walls.
3.03 Britain in Bloom
Joan briefly described the visit by Britain in Bloom judges to the Valley on 12th July. They seemed interested in the activities of the Friends and provided the judges with a real view of the Valley. It was believed that Leeds have won the Large Town category in the competition.
3.04 Grants - Sainsbury/CIT
Martin noted that he had received the £100 grant from Sainsbury's.
Richard noted that there would be £150 from Chapel Allerton Councillor's MICE money for the interpretation panels.
Brenda nopted that it would be worth putting in for a £500 grant from the CIT and Richard would contact Keith Lander for more info.
ACTION - Richard to contact Keith Lander and provide info. to Martin.
3.05 Treasurer
Paul Ellis agreed to be Treasurer and all present appreciated his involvement.
ACTION - Martin/Paul - signatories for the account.
3.06 Seats
Joan noted that it would be helpful for a couple of seats near the lake.
ACTION - Richard to organise seats.
4. Traffic Calming
Brief discussion around the need for some measurers to allow safer crossing at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way. Agreed to put on next agenda as Peter was away at present.
5. YW/EA Update
Nothing further to report.
ACTION - Martin to write to EA for an update.
6. Action Mornings
Last on 11th August
Richard apologised profusely for not supplying tools and stone etc. He had got all his dates confused before going away on holiday!! However, reported that only one person actually showed up. He promised it wouldn't happen again!!
Next on 23rd September
Agreed to have 2 skips 1 for Brackenwoods and 1 at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane.
Also agreed to have 2 meeting points 1 at the junction of Lincombe Drive and Brackenwood Drive and 1 at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane.
Agreed that activities would be path works and litter picking adjacent to the Brackenwoods. Meadow works and litter collection generally.
Now Mike had gone there was a need to get some publicity. Could link action morning with the website and agreed Brenda would contact YEP.
ACTION - Brenda - organise 2 skips and contact YEP.
ACTION - Richard - posters and materials!!!
Future Action Days and Events
Following events are to take place:
- Action Morning - Saturday 27th October (possible activity - litter/path work).
- Action Morning - Sunday 25th November (possible activity - litter/path & tree work).
- Bat Walk - Thursday 20th September 7pm - meet below lake.
- Fungus Foray - Sunday 7th October 1:30pm - meet old car park.
- AGM - provisionally Thursday 6th December.
7. Management Plan Update
Richard noted that it was not an actual management plan, rather an outline plan that would provide the starting point for a full plan. It covered most of the issues in the Valley. Richard would send out copies for comments.
ACTION - Richard to send out copies for comments.
8. AOB
8.01 Web site - www.bodytronix.co.uk/fgvw
Adam provided a view of the website to everyone present on a laptop. Noted that some 85 hours so far and he went through the elements of the site. He noted possible future features such as maps, aerial photos, panoramic views of the valley and other interactive activities.
All present noted how impressed they were and expressed thanks to Adam and Carol for all their work.
Agreed that site should have it's own domain name and site and Adam would arrange this.
ACTION - Richard to find out about maps and copyright.
ACTION - Adam to organise domain name etc.
ACTION - Brenda to contact YEP to 'launch' site.
8.02 AGM
Agreed provisional date to be Thursday 6th December, hopefully at the Yorkshire Bank Social Club as last year.
ACTION - Brenda to contact Social Club.
9. Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 11th October 2001 8pm at the 3 Hulets, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.
AGENDA (Provisional)
- Apologies
- Minutes of the Meeting Held on 16th August
- Matters Arising
- Walls
- Website
- Seats
- Bat Walk/Fungus Foray Report
- Traffic Calming
- YW/EA Update
- Management Plan
- Action Mornings
- Last on 23rd September
- Next on 27th October
- Date of Next Meeting