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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
11th October 2001
Present: Peter Foulston, Martin Calvert, Adam Bull, Joan and Mervyn Clayton, Richard Lancaster.
1. Apologies
Brenda and Ralph Lancaster; Paul Ellis.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 16th August 2001
3. Matters Arising
3.01 Walls
Richard noted that there was no further progress.
3.02 Grants
Richard had yet to contact Keith Lander about CIT grants.
3.03 Seats
Richard noted he hadn't forgotten and would try and get some soon.
3.04 Bat Walk 20th September & Fungus Foray 7th October
The bat walk had gone quite well and 2 species of bat noted - pipistrelles at each end of the lake and duabentons over the lake. Only around 10 people attended.
The fungus foray would now take place on the 14th October.
3.05 Website
Adam reported that the site had been very busy recently with 110 hits in September and 82 so far this month and he provided a detailed breakdown. A number of hits had come from abroad. He noted that the panoramas where now complete.
Everyone thanked Adam for all his work.
4. Traffic Calming
Pete provided a copy of a Traffic Flow survey for Gledhow Valley Road. He noted that a letter from the Highways Dept. had identified that although there had been a number of accidents at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane only one involved a pedestrian. However, this did not resolve the issue of children trying to cross at this junction at the busy periods.
Noted that Adrian Coltman was looking at issues around the Allerton Grange Way/Gledhow Valley Road junction.
Joan and Mervyn noted that traffic calming measures had been completed on Allerton Grange Way, but that works had only dealt with one side of the junction onto Gledhow Valley Road.
Agreed that there should be some attempt made to get crossings on Gledhow Valley Road, as if nothing else the traffic flow information shows the road to be very busy.
ACTION - Richard - to invite Adrian to the next meeting.
5. YW/EA Update
Pete reported that he had been in contact with a colleague in EA who had noted that work was scheduled for Gledhow Beck, but this would be aesthetic works to replace old CSO's with newer ones, which would collect much of the floating debris. These works were due for completion by end March 2003.
Agreed that this was as much as could be expected.
Richard noted that he would contact YW as they had suggested in the past that they would look a putting in a dipping platform.
ACTION - Richard to contact YW about a dipping platform.
6. Management Plan
Agreed that the group would pay for the works undertaken by Tomas, but not to ask him to do any more.
7. Action Mornings
Last on 23rd September
Agreed this went well, particularly in the Brackenwoods. 2 skips had been filled and path works identified for the day completed.
Agreed that due to people being away the next one due on 27th October would be cancelled.
The November Action Morning is set for Sunday 25th.
8. AOB
8.01 Publicity
Joan and Mervyn noted that Mike was still happy to send publicity material to the YEP.
8.02 AGM
This was re-arranged provisionally for 5th December.
8.03 Meadows
Richard noted he had seeded a small area of the 'meadow' up from the old car park entrance and 2 small areas near the lodge house at the entrance from Gledhow Road.
8.04 Chapel Allerton Forum Coffee Morning
Richard reported that Lorna Arblaster from the Chapel Allerton Community Forum was organising another coffee morning on 3rd November 11am to 3pm and had asked if someone from the group could be present.
Martin thought he may be able to attend and Joan and Mervyn may attend for a short time.
9. Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 15th November 2001 8pm at the 3 Hulets, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.
AGENDA (Provisional)
- Apologies
- Minutes of the Meeting Held on 11th October
- Matters Arising
- Traffic Calming
- Action Morning
- 25th November
- Date of Next Meeting