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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
15th November 2001

Present: Martin Calvert, Richard Lancaster, Adam and Carol Bull, Joan Clayton, Adrian Colton, Mike Betteridge, and Councillors Brenda Lancaster and Richard Harker for part of the meeting.

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 11th October 2001
  3. Matters Arising
  4. AGM
  1. Traffic Calming
  2. Action Mornings
  3. AOB
  4. Date of Next Meeting

1. Apologies

Peter Foulston, Mervyn Clayton.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 11th October 2001


3. Matters Arising

3.01 Walls/CIT Grant/Seats
Richard noted he had still to do these.

3.02 Chapel Allerton Forum Coffee Morning
Martin and Joan noted this had gone quite well, although not as busy as previously.
Richard noted that there was another one on 16th March 2002.

4. AGM

Martin noted that there were 2 choices:

  • Civil Service Club which would be over £200
  • St Matthews Church Meeting Room £16

Agreed to go for St Matthews Church. Martin would book room for 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
AGM would be held on Wednesday 12th December 8pm to 9pm at St Matthews Church Meeting Room, Wood Lane, Chapel Allerton. Mince pies and tea/coffee/soft drinks available.

5. Traffic Calming

Adrian noted his general interested in the need for traffic calming along Gledhow Valley Road, especially at the junction with Gledhow Lane.
Mike noted that he thought there had been a recent fatality at that junction.
Martin noted the report that Peter had collected and the difficulties of getting Highways Department to look seriously at the need for some measures to slow down traffic.
General discussion around how to move forward and start developing pressure on Highways Dept.
Agreed that Adrian would put some initial thoughts together for the next meeting.
ACTION - Adrian to develop some initial ideas.

6. Action Mornings

Sunday November 25th
Agreed on the following:

  • Path works along Gledhow Valley Road.
  • Litter - Brenda would provide a skip.
  • Tidy up area where trees felled - this only if enough people.

NEXT - Sunday 27th January 2002.

7. AOB

7.01 Publicity/Website
Martin had noted that the group were missing Mike's column.
Mike noted some of the issues around why he had given up the column.
Adam noted that there had been a note book entry from Toronto and the person had noted an area called Blue Bell Park somewhere on Gledhow Lane.
Brenda noted that she had spoken to YEP and they were interested in doing a story on it and the group. She would liaise with Mike and Adam.

7.02 Trees in Beck
Mike noted that a lot of tree material was in the beck adjacent to Allerton Grange Way and in places this was creating pools when it rained heavily.
Richard noted he would be looking at some of the trees with his colleague, Justin Williamson, from Forestry next week.

7.03 Gipton Wood
Martin noted he had been to a meeting of a group being set up to look after Gipton Wood. He noted that they had a woodland management plan that Justin Williamson had drawn up, which may be something the Friends could consider. Also it had been noted at the meeting that a number of groups in the area could look at ways to publicising each others events, etc.

7.04 Brackenwood Community Association
Brenda noted that there had been a lot of positive feedback from the Brackenwoods after the last action morning and that there had been several offers to put up posters.
ACTION - Richard would send additional posters to Brenda and Richard to distribute to people in the Brackenwoods.

7.05 Fungus Foray
Martin provided a list of fungi found on the walk on 14th October. Richard would type this up for the website.

7.06 Funday 2002
Agreed that this would be on Saturday 18th May 2002.

8. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 9th January 2002 at the 3 Hulets, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.

AGENDA (Provisional)

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the meeting held on 15th November 2001
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Traffic Calming
  5. Action Mornings
    - Last on 25th November 2001
    - Next on 27th January 2002
    - Saturday Action Mornings 2002 (Feb 23rd; Apr 27th; Jun 29th; Oct 26th) (provisional)
    - Sunday Action Mornings 2002 (Jan 27th; Mar 24th; May 26th; Jul 27th; Sep 29th; Nov 24th) (provisional)
  6. Funday 18th May (provisional)
  7. AOB
  8. Date of next meeting

  • 2002 Core Group Meetings (provisional)
    Jan 9th; Mar 7th; May 2nd; Jul 11th ; Sep 12th; Nov 7th.
  • 2002 Saturday Action Mornings (provisional)
    Feb 23rd; Apr 27th; Jun 29th; Jul 27th; Oct 26th.
  • 2002 Sunday Action Mornings (provisional)
    Jan 27th; Mar 24th; May 26th; Sep 29th; Nov 24th.

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