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Minutes of Annual General Meeting
12th December 2001
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair); Paul Ellis (Treasurer); Richard Lancaster (Secretary); Daphne Barton; Councillor Brenda Lancaster; Mary Keynes; Mervyn Clayton; Peter Felston; Adrian Coltman; Adam and Carol Bull; Tomas Remiarz; Mike Betteridge.
1. Apologies for Absence
Councillor Ann Castle; Councillor Eileen Moxon; Dorothy Carter; Joan Clayton.
2. Minutes of the last AGM 07-12-2000
3. Chair's Report
Martin noted the following highlights through the last year:
- Funday in May which drew in 400 people and he noted in particular all those who had made cakes and popular activities such as the potters wheel, wishing tree and music. Although it wasn't meant to make any money it did, to the tune of around £200. Apart from the range of events information about the Group and its activities were displayed. He noted that the event would be run again next year.
- Of special note this year was the website kindly developed by Adam. This was an excellent addition for the group and expertly put together.
- Core group had meant regularly through the year at the 3 Hulats. There are presently around 12 people officially on the Core Group, but he reminded those present that anyone could come along to meetings.
- Noted regular action mornings over the year and these were still well attended. 2 large banners had been produced with the groups name so that others could see who was doing the work.
- The 2 areas that had been felled in the beech wood were now showing signs of regeneration especially the groundflora.
- Group had received a grant for tools from LCC and some funding from local councillors.
- A short management plan had been produced, but hoped that a much more detailed plan would be put together over the coming year.
- The campaign to get Yorkshire Water (YW) to deal with the Combined Sewer Overflows had come to something of an impasse. Work would be undertaken in 2003, but this would only remove the solids and not any other pollution. It seemed unlikely that anything more could be achieved.
- Fabian Hamilton had visited the site and was very supportive.
- The group had been part of the Britain in Bloom judges tour in July.
- The September Bat walk had gone well, with several bats spotted and this year a Fungus Foray, on 14th October, had been led by Andy Woodall of the Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group who had provided a list of fungi seen on the day.
- New Treasurer, Paul Ellis, had taken over from Steve Dicken who has moved out of the area.
4. Treasurer's Report
- Paul reported that the account stood at £1,694.16 and provided a breakdown of the accounts (see below).
Balance 07-12-2000 |
£784.92 |
Balance 26-08-2001 |
£1,305.58 |
Interest |
£0.33 |
Deposits |
£760.00 |
Payments |
£371.75 |
Balance 12-12-2001 |
£1,694.16 |
- Paul suggested that it may be worth putting £500 in another higher interest account that could be kept for contingencies. This was agreed and he would look into suitable accounts.
5. To Elect Officers
The following were nominated and seconded as officers of the Core Group:
- Martin Calvert - Chair.
- Paul Ellis - Treasurer.
- Richard Lancaster - Secretary.
6. To Elect & Appoint Members of the Core Group
Agreed that those presently on the Core Group would remain until they informed Richard they wished to stand down.
7. AOB
Traffic Calming
This was a new and developing issue for the group.
Adrian noted that this had been raised at the recent CIT meeting and he had arranged a meeting of all those who had expressed concerns. He was putting together some ideas for the next Core Group meeting. It appears that some works to the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane would take place in the new financial year. However, there was still a need to look at the speed generally along Gledhow Valley Road and developing safe crossing points.
Meeting closed 9pm.