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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
9th January 2002
Present: Richard Lancaster, Martin Calvert, Paul Ellis, Adrian Coltman.
1. Apologies
Joan and Mervyn Clayton; Brenda and Ralph Lancaster; Adam and Carol Bull; Pete Foulston.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 15th November 2001
3. Matters Arising
3.01 Grants
Noted that the CIT appears to have some funding left and agreed to look at applying for information panels, leaflet and display board materials. Richard would contact Trudie Canavan to see what may be possible to apply for.
ACTION - Richard contact Trudie Canavan.
3.02 AGM
Richard noted he would send out the minutes to all with the next action day poster.
3.03 Website
Martin reported that Adam had provided a list of hits from the last 2 months which showed Nov 2001 had 423 people visit the site looking at 668 pages and Dec 2001 had 610 people visits looking at 1222 pages.
4. Traffic Calming
Adrian provided a drawing outlining some initial ideas for Gledhow Valley Road. It was agreed that this was very impressive and there was a brief discussion about the way forward which included:
- Put on the agenda for the next Core Group to discuss more fully.
- Organising a public meeting, probably at Gledhow Primary School.
- Plan would show ideal options and include the type of measures that could be used; cycle routes; 'entrance' signs.
- Block off a section of Gledhow Valley Road for the Funday.
- Put proposals on a larger map.
ACTION - Adrian to copy plan to Richard.
ACTION - Richard to put proposals onto a large scale plan.
5. Action Mornings
Next Action Morning on Sunday 27th January
Agreed on the following:
- Litter collection.
- Tree planting - move some of those planted under beech canopy.
- Tidy up brash in area felled near Spa House.
- If time and people allow cut back laurel on lake edge path.
Action Days for 2002:
- March Sunday 24th
- April Saturday 27th
- May Sunday 26th
- June Saturday 29th
- July Saturday 27th
- September Sunday 29th
- October Saturday 26th
- November Sunday 24th
Core Group Meetings for 2002:
Thursdays at 8pm 3 Hulets, Harrogate Road Chapel Allerton.
- March 7th
- May 2nd
- July 11th
- September 12th
- November 7th
6. Funday Saturday 18th May
Richard would organise things as last year and he would send out a list of who to do what!
7. AOB
7.01 Adam
Paul suggested a thank you to Adam and Carol. Perhaps a cheque for them to go out for a meal. This was agreed and he would organise a card and cheque.
7.02 New Account
Paul noted that he had mentioned this idea at the AGM, to have another account that could be used in emergencies, but gave a better rate of interest. This was agreed and account to be with the Ecological Building Society, with £500 to start.
7.03 Landownership
Brief discussion was held around land next to Gledhow Valley Road from allotments to Gledhow Lane and who owned it. These areas were clearly part of the Valley, but the group had not undertaken any works in these areas. Some known to be private. Agreed to identify ownership.
ACTION - Martin to approach those that graze the horses.
ACTION - Richard to try and identify any council land.
8. Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 8th March 2002 at the 3 Hulets, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.
AGENDA (Provisional)
- Apologies
- Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2002
- Matters Arising
- Traffic Calming Ideas
- Funday 18th May
- Action Mornings
- Last on Sunday 27th January
- Next on Sunday 24th March & Saturday 27th April
- Date of next meeting (Thursday 2nd May)