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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
26th September 2002

Present: Peter Coulston, Martin Calvert (Chair), Paul Ellis (Treasurer), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adrian Coltman, Adam & Carol Bull.

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 19th July 2002
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Treasurer's Report
  5. Traffic Calming
  6. Visit of Denise Preston & Fred Duff
  7. B.T.C.V
  8. Motorbikes in the Woods
  1. Management Plan
  2. Funday 2003
  3. Display Boards
  4. Mailing Lists
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Leeds Voice
  7. AOB
  8. Date of Next Meeting

1. Apologies

Brenda Lancaster & Mike Betteridge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 19th July 2002


3. Matters Arising

  1. Tesco has yet to reply to correspondence regarding the discarded shopping trolleys.

4. Treasurer's Report

Paul reported that the group had £933 in the bank.
The group agreed to affiliate to B.T.C.V. for £25; also to look at the cost of getting some benches in the woods. Paul was going to investigate putting in a bid for some funds from a "Masonic group".

5. Traffic Calming

Adrian reported back on local residents' group consultation and the meeting he had with Nick Hunt, a senior road engineer. Adrian felt hopeful that some of the concerns raised would be addressed. He hoped to report back with more info at the next meeting.

6. Visit of Denise Preston & Fred Duff

Martin reported back on their visit. They toured all areas of the wood. Fred Duff said he would give the group details of Green Leeds funding for an application for funds. They informed Martin that Steve Joull, from Middleton Park, would become new liaison officer and Martin has arranged to meet him in the near future to look at support for the group as well as invite him to our next meeting.
Leeds will still provide materials for action mornings.

7. B.T.C.V

Group agreed to affiliate, as well as getting insurance cover for the group for up to £5 million liability. This cost £140 for the year. The group then discussed health and safety issues. Peter Coulston agreed to look into risk assessments for the group.

8. Motorbikes in the Woods

This continues to be nuisance and it is damaging paths and the wood in general. Police seem very unwilling to act. There is a Leeds Leisure services security patrol, which can be contacted on (0113) 232 9973.

9. Management Plan

Management Plan discussion was deferred to a future meeting.

10. Funday 2003

Brenda through the C.I.T. has agreed to cover our costs for the day. Group decided that we needed to discuss details of day early to ensure we were fully prepared, as we would not have Richard's support next year. It was agreed to discuss the Funday at the next meeting.

11. Display Boards

Group to contact B.C.T.V. about what boards they would recommend, and possible suppliers.

12. Mailing Lists

Group decided that we would continue with main mailing lists, but encourage new members and existing ones to be contacted by e-mail to reduce costs.

13. Action Mornings

Next Action Morning on Sunday 29th September
Next action morning was discussed and work to be carried out agreed.

14. Leeds Voice

Group discussed being represented on the forum, but nobody requested to be nominated.

15. AOB

There was none.

16. Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 22nd October 2002 8pm at the 3 Hulets, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.

AGENDA (Provisional)

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the meeting held on 26th September
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Treasurer's Report
  5. Introduction of Steve Joull
  6. Traffic Calming
  7. Funday 2003
  8. Action Mornings
  9. - Next on Saturday 26th October
  10. AGM
  11. Dates for Future Action Mornings & Core Group Meetings
  12. Management Plan
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next meeting (Thursday 7th November 8pm at the 3 Hulets)

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