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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
22nd October 2002
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Paul Ellis (Treasurer), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adrian Coltman, Adam & Carol Bull, Brenda Lancaster, Peter Foulston, Steve Joul (LCC).
1. Apologies
Mike Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 26th September 2002
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Still no reply from Tesco regarding the discarded shopping trolleys.
- Risk assessments for action mornings to be drafted by Peter Foulston.
- Actions outstanding from Martin Calvert's conversation with Fred Duff - repairs to wall near lake still not effected; "Green Leeds" funding application.
- Display boards - Elaine Hill has information on boards she has erected in Meanwood Valley.
4. Treasurer's Report
Paul reported that the group had £902.10 in the bank.
5. Traffic Calming
Adrian Coltman reported the outcome of his representations to Nick Hunt, a senior road engineer. In summary:
- The speed limit will be reduced, for the whole length of Gledhow Valley Road, from 40 mph to 30 mph
- Junctions with Gledhow Lane and Allerton Grange Way re-engineered to calm traffic
- Installation of automatic "SLOW DOWN" signs on approaches to Gledhow Lane junction
- Chicanes at various points on the road
Adrian still intends to lobby for further work to make pedestrian crossing points clear to vehicle road users.
The group congratulated Adrian on the success of his persistence with this project.
6. Funday 2003
Date for next year's event agreed - Saturday 17th May 2003.
Bid for Civic Trust funding to be made by January/February 2003. Martin Calvert to develop a bid for materials, indicating that the group receives funding from other sources.
Suggestions for activities included sale of bird feeders and nuts, creating masks and kites and display of bats.
It was agreed that core group members would need to take specific responsibility for key actions to prepare for the Funday, in order to cover the large amount of work previously carried out by Richard Lancaster.
7. Action Mornings
Next Action Morning on Saturday 26th October
- To be focussed on the woodland below "The Pastures"
- Possible clearance of overgrown steps.
- Mike Betteridge to be asked to take some "before" photos.
Future action mornings as follows:
- Sunday November 24th 2002
- Saturday January 25th 2003
- Sunday February 23rd 2003
- Saturday March 22nd 2003
- Sunday April 19th 2003
8. Annual General Meeting
Last years AGM was very poorly attended so, to avoid the expense of room hire, this years AGM to be hosted by the Claytons, at their house on Monday 2nd December 8 p.m. The AGM will be brief to leave time for a seasonal social gathering.
Only core group members and those people on mailing list to be invited.
Any nominations for Officers and/or Committee Membership to the Chair before 25th November 2002.
9. Steve Joul
The group welcomed Steve Joul from LCC's Countryside Service
Steve outlined his wealth of countryside/parks management experience, his previous work for BTCV and his qualification in ecology.
Steve has access to a Landrover, trailer, tools etc and is willing to make these available to the group.
He has a number of ideas for work to enhance the woods and people's enjoyment of them, including installation of a bench made from re-cycled plastic, meadows, a marked walk and liaison with local schools.
10. Date of Next Meeting
AGM December 2nd 2002, 8pm.
Next Core Group meeting will be on Tuesday 14th January 2003 at 8p.m. in The Three Hulats, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.
AGM AGENDA (Provisional)
- Apologies for Absence.
- Minutes of last AGM 12th December 2001.
- Matters Arising.
- Chair's Report.
- Treasurer's Report.
- Elect Officers (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary).
- Re-Affirm Members of the Core Group.
- Any Other Business.