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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
14th January 2003
Present: Peter Foulston, Martin Calvert (Chair), Paul Ellis (Treasurer), Joan and Mervyn Clayton, Adrian Coltman, Brenda Lancaster and Graham Ashton.
1. Apologies
Michael Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 22nd October 2002
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Need for risk assessments for action mornings, Peter to follow this up.
- Stones missing from bridge need to be replaced.
- Work has started on new tanks to collect solid waste from the stream when it floods.
4. Treasurer's Report
Paul reported that the group had £842.64p in the bank.
5. Traffic Calming
Adrian reported back on correspondence with Nick Hunt a senior road engineer on progress in implementing the proposed scheme. Nick Hunt said that the proposal had gone to the director for approval and he was hopeful that a scheme could be started soon. A date has yet to be set and this needs to be clarified as soon as possible with council officers.
6. Action Morning
Group agreed to do work around lake, clearing bushes and trees that are starting to block footpaths. Litter picking through woods as usual. A skip to be provided at the old car park.
7. Tesco's
Martin met with the local store manager regarding dumped trolleys, he has agreed to set up a trolley patrol to clear trolleys from the woods. He has also agreed to support the fun day with the help of the bakery department. Martin to liase with Tesco's over support for the fun day.
8. Funday 2003
Martin has applied for material costs from the C.I.T. for nest boxes and plants.
Elaine has said she can provide tents for the day.
Tasks allocated:
- Catering - Joan
- Nest boxes - Mervyn
- Printing - Brenda L/Doreen/Elaine H.
- Distribution of leaflets - Brenda
- Design - Adam
- Music - Peter
9. AOB
- Need to look at signage in the woods. Need for quotes and then approach possible sources of funding.
- Leaking sewer in woods is causing a major environmental nuisance for all users of the wood. Peter to follow up and to find out how far Leeds has got in solving the problem.
10. Date of Next Meeting
Next Core Group meeting will be on Thursday 13th February 2003 at 8p.m. in The Three Hulats, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.
AGENDA (Provisional)
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of last meeting
- Matters Arising
- Treasurer's Report
- Traffic Calming
- Action Mornings
- January review
- February proposed action
- Funday
- Date of next meeting