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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
19th June 2003

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair); Mervyn and Joan Clayton; Peter Foulston; Adrian Coltman; Adam and Carol Bull; Brenda Lancaster and Steve Joul.

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 29th May 2003
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Next Action Morning
  5. Future Action Mornings
  1. Green Leeds
  2. Funday
  3. Woodland Improvement Grant
  4. AOB
  5. Date of Next Meeting

1. Apologies

Paul Ellis, Dorothy Carter and Heather Ford.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 29th May 2003

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

The Group has been invited to St Matthew's Church Fete on 28th June 2003. Mervyn and Joan to attend with boards and display material.

4. Next Action Morning

Next Action Morning on Sunday 22nd June. Group to meet at junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange way. Tasks will be to clear paths next to stream and litter pick in area.

5. Future Action Mornings

The Group agreed to hold two action mornings in the course of the summer.
Saturday 19th July - Meet again at Allerton Grange Way.
Sunday 31st August - Meeting point to be arranged.

6. Green Leeds

Money is available from landfill tax and the Group can apply for funding. £5000 could be applied for to help with footpath work. Could use money for materials and outside contractors to do the work as well as just the Group. The Group will need to get 3 quotes for the work.

7. Funday

Costing for the 2003 Funday looked very good. The only problem for the future of the event is meeting the cost of tents, which the Group has not previously had to meet. The group will have to find an additional £1000 of funding for this. Agreed to approach C.I.T. with a request for funding at an early stage.
Mervyn and Joan agreed to attend next C.I.T. meetings.
It was agreed that planning for Funday should start at an earlier stage than this year so that grant applications can be dealt with at an early stage. The date for the next Funday was set as Saturday May 22nd 2004.

8. Woodland Improvement Grant

The Group discussed various ideas and opinions at this stage concerning possible areas for improvement looking at the lake, wet areas, and tree clearing and encouraging bio-diversity. It was agreed to make this the main area for discussion at the next meeting.
It was agreed that the group would meet on Sunday 13th July at Allerton Way Croft at 10.00am to walk through the woods to discuss ideas for the future.

9. AOB

Spare notice board to be placed in old car park for events, information, etc.

10. Date of Next Meeting

Woodland Improvement walk/talk Sunday 13th July at Allerton Way Croft at 10.00am to walk through the woods to discuss ideas for the future.
Next Core Group meeting will be on Thursday 17th July 2003 at 8pm in The Queens Arms, Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton.

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