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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
17th July 2003
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair); Mervyn & Joan Clayton; Adrian Coltman; Adam & Carol Bull; Graham Ashton.
1. Apologies
Paul Ellis, Brenda Lancaster and Peter Foulston
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 19th June 2003
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Joan and Mervyn attended St Matthew's Church Fete on 28th June 2003 with FGVW boards and display material.
- Application for £5,000 from Green Leeds for path work and benches has been sent.
4. Action Morning
Last action morning was a great success. 30 people turned up over the morning to help with various tasks.
5. Future Action Mornings
Next Action Mornings to be:
- Saturday 19th July - Meet again at Allerton Grange Way. To concentrate on pruning and clearing paths. Identified areas to be cleared to let in more light to encourage greater bio diversity.
- Sunday 31st August - Meet at Bridge on footpath leading to Lincombe Drive, near to existing boardwalks.
- Saturday 27th September - To concentrate on meadow below lake, clear and plant wild flowers. Martin to order plants.
It was agreed that November's Action Morning should look at planting bulbs.
6. Funday
Funday agreed for Saturday 22nd May 2004. Funding will be more problematic as nature of C.I.T. is changing. Group looked at ways of reducing funday costs by providing tents themselves. Agreed to purchase a number of large tents.
7. Woodland Improvement Grant
Meeting with Justin Williamson to discuss the Woodland Improvement Grant and draw up a map of detailed proposals looking at woodland improvements. Meeting at old car park on July 28th at 10.00am.
8. AOB
- Yorkshire Water working party is due to work on footpath up Little Switzerland this summer, on Thursday and Friday 21st and 22nd August.
- Adam said that the annual subscription for web site hosting was due at a cost of £72.80, committee agreed to pay this.
- Carol brought a cheque from her employer for £500, which she had applied for on behalf of the group. The group expressed their thanks to her and Norwich Union for their generosity. Martin to write to N.U. to express the groups thanks.
- Adrian updated meeting on traffic calming. Nick Hunt hopes that work will commence later this summer after a period of statutory consultation.
- Martin updated the group on the failure of the CSOs (Combined Sewer Overflows) to prevent sewage entering Gledhow Beck. Yorkshire Water is working on the problem but have not sorted it out yet.
9. Date of Next Meeting
- Action Morning - Sunday 31st August. Meet at Bridge on footpath leading to Lincombe Drive near to existing boardwalks.
- Core Group Meeting - Thursday 28th August 8.00pm, The Queen's Arms on Harrogate Road.
- Brenda Lancaster has invited Core Group members to her house with their families on Sunday 24th August from 3pm onwards. Contact Martin for more details.