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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
25th September 2003
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair); Mervyn and Joan Clayton; Adrian Coltman; Peter Foulston.
1. Apologies
Brenda Lancaster, Adam & Carol Bull, Paul Ellis, Dorothy Carter, Graeme Ashton and Steve Joul.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 28th August 2003
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
4. Action Morning
Last Action Morning was small scale but successful.
5. Future Action Mornings
Next Action Mornings to be:
- Saturday 27th of September
To concentrate on meadow below lake, clear and plant wild flowers. Martin has ordered 240 plants. A skip is to placed by lake.
- Sunday 26th October
To look at planting bulbs and get children involved as much as possible. The bulbs will be a mix of daffodils, tulips, crocus and snowdrops.
- Saturday 22nd November
When Justin Williamson will be in attendance to give us a basic course in tree management.
6. Traffic Calming
Situation on-going. Adrian Coltman will liase with Brenda Lancaster to see if Highways can up date information for starting date.
7. AOB
- Martin and Mervyn have met with the Housing Trust on Brackenwoods concerning rubbish being dumped and boundaries.
- Woodland Grant application will need further consultation with Justin.
8. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Saturday 27th September. Meeting point to be grassy area near lake.
- Action Morning - Sunday 26th October. Meeting point to be old car park for bulb planting.
- Core Group Meeting - Thursday 23rd October 8.00pm, The Queen's Arms on Harrogate Road.