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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
23rd October 2003

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair); Mervyn & Joan Clayton; Adam & Carol Bull; Tim Thornalley; Paul Ellis; Brenda Lancaster.

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 25th September 2003
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Action Mornings
  1. Treasurer's Report
  2. AOB
  3. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies

Peter Foulston, Adrian Coltman, Graeme Ashton and Steve Joul

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 25th September 2003

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

Martin to consult Brenda regarding the traffic calming consultation.

4. Action Mornings

Last Action Morning

One skip was filled and 240 wild plants and flowers were planted. Steve suggested that there should be more planting in the area next year and supplied a list of recommended plants.

Next Action Mornings

  • Sunday 26th October
    October's Action Morning will involve planting approximately 1000 bulbs. It was suggested to plant clumps of bulbs in the grass verges.
  • Saturday 22nd November
    At November's Action Morning Justin Williamson from the Forestry Commission will provide guidance on tree cutting and woodland management.

It was decided that there would be no action morning in December.

5. Treasurer's Report

Charitable status is still being investigated. We need to register soon due to amount of funding the Group is receiving. Malcolm, one of the members, has offered to help as he is a charity lawyer.
It was suggested that we need to develop a spending strategy and agree to have a percentage in reserve. This should be included in the Constitution.
Paul Ellis agreed to redraft the Constitution by November's meeting.
Currently have £957.38 with just over £1,000 in reserve.

6. AOB

  • Eileen Moxon
    Eileen Moxon has contacted the group. She would like to know if we need any more financial support. Martin has agreed to contact her with the possibility of her helping to fund the Funday.

  • Green Leeds Funding
    Sue Lumby visited the woods some time ago and saw that the money given by Green Leeds Funding to buy tools had been put to good use. Based on the visit Sue encouraged the group to apply for further funding. The Group has been awarded £4,881.61. This was based on 3 estimates given for each item and included 7 days BTCV, wood quotes, stone quotes and seating. The money must be spent by November 2004. The Group will decide where the seating will go and what to spend the money on at a future meeting.

  • Tax Office Visit
    The Revenue Office enjoyed their Team building day in the Woods. It was a successful day with 17 metres of footpath laid and 5 tons of stone put to good use.

  • Overhanging Trees
    Meeting with the Council to discuss cutting the overhanging trees over Gledhow Valley Road still outstanding.

  • Donations
    Donations received: £10 from Lorna Arblaster and £20 from a member of the public who used our skip at the last Action Morning.

  • Steps/Path by Little Switzerland
    Core Group members visited Mr Tyson and agreed to review the steps over a 3 month period until Christmas. The steps would be removed if necessary. Brenda agreed to contact Mr Tyson to check that the Council had fixed the fence.

  • Yorkshire Water
    James from Yorkshire Water has agreed to contact Martin in the next few days regarding the sewage kiosks.

  • Bath House
    Members recently visited the Bath House owned by Wade's Charity.
    Brenda to look into arranging for the Bath House and surrounding area to be cleaned up and maybe arrange for it to be open to the public one day a year.
    Investigations need to be carried out to find out how it used to look and if railings are needed.
    It is a Grade 2 listed building so we need to prompt someone to deal with the issue and get funding.
    Joan suggested cutting back some of the growth around the bath house.
    Brenda agreed to see if we could get a `blue plaque' for the building.

  • Litter Bins
    Joan suggested that an extra bin was needed near the flower planting area.

  • Posters There was concern that the posters were no longer being read.
    Paul suggested using different headings each month to promote what we were doing during the Action Morning e.g. Flower Planting.
    Adam suggested using different icons.

  • Tree Measuring
    Joan has spoken to students from Leeds Metropolitan University doing an Architectural course. The students were measuring and studying the trees in the woods. Lesley Millard who runs the course has been in contact with the group to ask if someone can give a talk about the woods.

  • Funday
    This will be discussed at next month's meeting.
    Martin confirmed that the 'drum man' had been booked.

  • Green Fair
    There is a Green Fair on 22 November at St Martins Institute. The Group has been offered a stall to promote the Woods, however it is on the same day as the Action Morning.

7. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sunday 26th October. Meeting point to be old car park for bulb planting.
  • Action Morning - Saturday 22nd November. Meeting point to be arranged.
  • Core Group Meeting - Thursday 20th November 8.00pm, The Queen's Arms on Harrogate Road. We will discuss the Funday, AGM and Constitution changes.

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