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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
20th November 2003
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair); Mervyn & Joan Clayton; Ralph & Brenda Lancaster; Adam & Carol Bull; Graeme Ashton; Peter Foulston; Adrian Coltman.
1. Apologies
Paul Ellis.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 23rd October 2003
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- CIT Grant
Martin spoke to Councillor Moxon concerning contacting the CIT. An application has been sent for £500 for tents split between regions.
- Overhanging Trees
Brenda and Martin met with Steve and Justin to discuss the overhanging trees on Gledhow Valley Road. To cut the trees back would cost an estimated £40,000 and would take up 40% of their budget so it will not be done as anticipated. Trees have not been cut back for some time as buses no longer use the road. Steve would like to see communication between the groups so that they can cut the trees back themselves. Joan raised the aspect of safety and lighting issues. Due to under funding it may not happen so Justin is keen for the group to do it themselves.
- Yorkshire Water
Yorkshire Water has dug holes in Gledhow Lane and is monitoring sewage. Gledhow Lane will be closed until December 23rd. Sewage screens are still getting blocked. Yorkshire Water can not do anything until it rains a lot. They are monitoring the screens every month.
- Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be at Joan and Mervyn Clayton's at 8pm. E-mails and letters have been sent out regarding this and notice of re-election although the time may have been missed off the postal ones.
Brenda sends apologies that she will be unable to attend.
- Doggy Bins
Brenda said that it was unlikely we would be able to get any.
- Bath House
Still under investigation.
- Traffic Calming
Martin asked Brenda to update the group on the traffic calming consultation paper. The paper has been delayed due to lack of manpower. Adrian raised the issue that if the consultation is not completed by the end of the year there will be no budget for the changes in this financial year. Brenda to e-mail Martin with an update.
- Turning FGVW Into A Charity
- Paul has been in contact with the Charity Commission and has re-written the constitution. Paul suggested that it would be simpler to use the Charity Commission constitution as it fits in well with our existing one. An issue has been raised as to whether to limit the scope of the group to Gledhow Valley Woods in the objectives or leave as a wider scope.
- Adrian raised the issue of roles and trustees. However Brenda is a trustee for other groups and this meant she was insured against any libel action.
- Martin to send out existing constitution and the proposed one for group members to comment on.
- Raising Money
Brenda suggested asking other councillors for MICE money. Suggested that letters were sent to the Civic Hall addressed to individual councillors.
- Housing Association
Discussions with Stephen Pearson and Alice for a barrier to stop to stop motorcycles getting into the woods. Agreed to give us £550 for the Housing Association and £500 from the CIT to cover the cost. Brenda to find out when it will go ahead.
- Funday 2004
- Need to begin organising the Funday in January.
- Martin to look into getting permission from LCC for it to go ahead.
- Believe we are insured by BCTV for the event but this will need to be checked.
- Martin to deal with the money to fund the Funday.
- We have some gazebos that belong to the group but may be need to hire one tent for refreshments and one for the band(s). Need to find out how much tents, tables and chairs will cost.
- Paul to draft a budget proposal.
- Daftasadrum already booked for the whole afternoon.
- Peter to look into the layout of tents and who goes where.
- Brenda and Joan have suggested a band but Joan has had difficulty getting in contact with them. Brenda to try her contacts.
- Suggestion to go for bands which do not need a generator as it caused problems at the last Funday.
- Peter to ask the Handbell Ringers to come again.
- Joan to co-ordinate publicity.
- Adam to design posters, badges, program etc.
- Brenda to arrange for a police presence.
- Martin to organise St John's Ambulance.
- Adrian to arrange Pottery.
- Brenda to contact a face painter.
- Martin to contact a second face painter, Gill Gilmore.
- Adrian to contact the Craftfolk.
- Tailwaggers presence debated but as yet undecided. Joan to obtain more information.
- Graeme to see if he can get hold of some birds of prey.
- Graeme to contact Steve Allan concerning the Forestry Commission.
- Steve will be asked to do a Wood Walk.
- Peter to look into the Urban Circus.
- Joan and Mervyn to do next boxes, bat boxes, wild flowers etc.
- Martin to ask John and Jenny to do the Parachute.
- Donna to have a stall.
- Need to investigate obtaining a small PA.
- Martin to contact refreshments with Tesco's and everyone to encourage people to bake.
- Need to involve other local community groups.
- More stakes needed for the gazebos.
- A display is needed about FGVW.
- Adam to provide laminated website posters.
- Martin to produce a list of who is doing what for the fun day in time for the AGM.
- Discuss the rest of allocation after the AGM.
4. Action Mornings
Justin is currently off sick with a bad back and will be unable to attend this month's Action Morning. He was due to help with tree cutting skills and wood management. This is now postponed until February.
Next Action Morning
Sunday 18th January 2004
5. AOB
- Green Leeds
Green Leeds money has been agreed. We have to send a monthly progress report on how we are spending the money. Mervyn obtained quotes from BCTV. We are likely to obtain our own materials though. Suggested continuing the path from Gledhow Way to Allerton Grange. Mervyn to oversee with BTCV and book them.
- Seating
Also need to order some seating. The group looked at different types such as metal, recycled plastic and wood. Log seating was the preferred option. Joan suggested putting the seats where the existing ones had been.
- Sad News
It was stated in the news that a young boy had hanged himself in the woods last week.
- Yorkshire Evening Post Article
There was an article in the Yorkshire Evening Post concerning the woods in an article by Simon Jenkins. Joan suggested getting a copy of the article and to respond if necessary.
First week in December Moortown has been targeted by 'LEAP', an initiative to clean up the area and remove any unwanted items. Stephen Smith was given as a contact and there is a leaflet available. Moortown will be targeted on two other dates too.
- Civic Hall Meeting
Brenda suggested that one of the groups meetings be held at the Civic Hall as she had been invited to take a group there for a tour. Brenda to arrange for a Thursday night next year.
6. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sunday 18th January 2004..
- Core Group Meeting - Thursday 15th January 8.00pm, The Queen's Arms on Harrogate Road.