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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
15th January 2004
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Dorothy Carter, Adrian Coltman, Graeme Ashton, Paul Ellis, Bob Moffat, Sian Dodderidge
1. Apologies
Peter Foulston.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 20th November 2003
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Car Barrier
The car barrier has been erected in the woods using the money given by the North Leeds Housing Association and CIT.
- Wheelie Bins
The wheelie bins on the Bracken Wood estate are now locked in an enclosure which should prevent the bins from being thrown down the steps in the woods and spilling rubbish.
- 2003 AGM Minutes
The AGM minutes were expanded by Martin and all abbreviations and work carried out by the group explained in full detail to give to the CIT. Joan to attend the next CIT meeting on 27 January. The Group need to provide a full set of minutes to the CIT every 2 months.
- Charity Status
Malcolm has not commented yet on the proposals allowing the Group to have charitable status. Paul to chase by e-mail next week.
- Risk Assessment
- Graeme sent Peter some standard risk assessment forms that they use so that they could be adapted to fit in with the work of the Group. Peter has made a start on risk assessment. He has produced one for litter collection and disposal.
- It was suggested that members sign a diary at Action Mornings to state that they have read the risk assessment forms. This would also allow the Group to keep a record of how many people turn up for Action Mornings. Joan agreed to organise.
- Green Leeds
- The Group have to send in a report each month and receipts to show what their money has been spent on.
- BTCV have been booked in for 4 days in March, Tuesday to Friday. Mervyn to contact them and get a quote for the work they are going to do during those days. Some of the Green Leeds money is to be used to pay for the BTCV and materials for pathways and steps. The money needs to be spent by October 2004.
- Funday 2004
- Martin provided a list of responsibilities that members of the Group agreed to do for the Funday.
- Andrew Sykes is happy with it being a Leeds City Council event and has given permission for the event to go ahead.
- We have received funding of £500 for marquees.
- Sue Lumby is getting a grant for plants for the meadow in a pot event and wood.
- - Leisure Services Fund has agreed to give some money for services.
The band is to be booked by Joan and Brenda.
- The Handbells have agreed to come.
- The Council Parks Watch would like to come. Graeme to remind them near to the time.
- We need extra water for the Pottery event.
- The Group agreed that Tailwaggers could put on a display. Joan to contact them.
- Graeme suggested that each 'turn' booked needed to provide a risk assessment form.
- Graeme has been in contact with the Birds of Prey person and is going to contact him again in March.
- Steve Joul has agreed to do a woodland walk. Graeme will contact him on Sunday.
- The Group need extra stakes for the gazebos. Martin will arrange.
- The beekeepers have agreed to come. They also told Martin that the bee swarm found on the field at the last Funday had survived.
- The Group decided not to have the wood coppicers this year.
- Heather may do some juggling activity to replace the circus skills team. Paul to make contact.
- Martin stressed the importance of each member of the Group to sort out and book the event they were responsible for as soon as possible.
- Mervyn to ask Donna if she would be interested in organising a raffle and ask local businesses to donate prizes.
- It was suggested that a risk assessment needs to be done for the calor gas heater needed for hot drinks.
4. Action Mornings
At the last Action Morning in November some of the trees were cut down on the slope going down to the lake.
The next Action Morning will take place on Sunday 18th January. 50m of wood planking and 5 tons of stone will be delivered. Work will take place on the path near Gledhow Lane to cover a boggy area.
Dorothy raised the issue of a broken step which will be looked at during the next Action Morning.
The next Action Morning is on 22nd February. Justin Williamson was pencilled in to attend however he sent an e-mail to Martin to state that he would not be able to come as he was attending a Tree Warden course. Justin suggested that he attended an Action Morning on 21nd February to show us how to be successful in tree management e.g. what trees to cut down, thin out and how to manage the woods generally. The Group decided to ask if Justin could come in March as a special event rather than at an Action Morning. Martin to action.
Graeme tried to encourage Group members to become Tree Wardens. Full training is given and there are Tree Warden courses taking place on 24 January and 21 February. Paul, Sian and Mervyn expressed an interest and Graeme is to provide them with more information. Justin and Glen would like to have a tree management display at our next Funday.
Next Action Mornings
Sunday 18th January 2004
Sunday 22nd February 2004
5. AOB
- Web Site
- Adam had received an e-mail praising the web site.
- Adam had received an e-mail from Green Space saying that the Friends web site had made the short list in a national competition to find the best community web site. Members are encouraged to vote for the web site by visiting...
Adam is to circulate the web site address to members and encourage them to vote. He is also going to mention it on the web site News page.
- Community and Civic Pride Award
Graeme told the Group the City Services Department at the Council were introducing a Community and Civic Pride Award in March that we may be interested in.
- Parks and Countryside Meeting
He also informed the Group about a Parks and Countryside meeting being held at their Headquarters on Red Hall Lane from January 19 to 21.
- Gipton Spa Bath House
Sian wrote to the Wade's Charity concerning the Bath House. She received a letter back stating that the Trust were holding a meeting in May where the subject of the Bath House would be raised. They would assess our application and prepare a report. Richard Harker and Brenda Lancaster are also looking into the Bath House.
- Traffic Calming Update
Adrian provided an update on the roads. Planning application notices had been put up and residents asked to give any comments by 12 January. Adrian had written to the Planning Officer and made a few comments concerning the scheme including illuminated signs, speed limits being put on the road surface, improved lighting etc. Nick Hunt replied the next day and rejected the majority of Adrian's suggestions. However, he has agreed to put a flashing light sign to tell motorists to slow down. The lighting has been improved. They are looking into cutting back the trees and they are thinking about the footpath on Gledhow Lane.
- Daphnia
Bob asked the Group if they had any information about the man in waders who goes into the lake on a regular basis. The Group believe he is taking daphnia from the lake to sell in a fishing shop. The Group are not sure about the legality of this action but think it will be difficult to stop.
- Lake Pollution
Bob asked the Group why the lake was so polluted. Martin stated that it was due to sewage leaking into the lake and the leaves from the trees settling at the bottom. The Group are to consider getting advice from the Ponds Trust at a later date.
Mark Jeffries from Yorkshire Water has been in contact with Martin asking if he can come on another site visit to look at the new CSOs. Martin informed the Group that the sewers had blocked today and sewage had leaked into the paddock and beck. The CSOs are still being blocked by a high proportion of fat in the sewers.
- Rats in the Woods
Joan raised the issue of rats near the lake and is to contact Malcolm the rat catcher.
- Owls in the Woods
Owls have been spotted in the woods.
- Steps
The Group suggested that Paul and Brenda visit Mr Tyson at the next Action Morning to ask if he would like the steps near his house to be completed or taken away.
6. Dates of Next Meetings
- Core Group Meeting - Thursday 19th February 8.00pm, The Queen's Arms on Harrogate Road.
- Action Morning - Sunday 18th January 2004.
- Action Morning - Sunday 22nd February 2004.