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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
19th February 2004

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Dorothy Carter, Adrian Coltman, Graeme Ashton, Paul Ellis, Brenda Lancaster.

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 15th January 2004
  3. Matters Arising
  1. Action Mornings
  2. AOB
  3. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies


2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 15th January 2004

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Fencing & Lights
    Approximately £12,000 of council money is to be used to put up some green fencing and security lights near Lincoln Drive flats. This should help to stop litter and objects being discarded in the woods. Our thanks go to Brenda Lancaster and the Council for supporting this.

  • Wade's Charity
    On Monday 16th February a meeting was held with Wade's Charity concerning the Gipton Spa Bath House. It was discovered that the Bath House is just outside of the Wade's Charity boundary and so isn't on Wade's Land as first thought. It is on Council land. Wade's Charity lease some land to the Council on a 999 year term. The Council is responsible for managing the land leased to them. Brenda is to look into filling a trustee vacancy on Wade's Charity Board with a Council Representative. Graeme has a meeting booked with the Property Officer next week. The budget for this year has been used up but they are going to look into funding for the next tax year.

  • Blue Plaque for Bath House
    Brenda is still in contact with the Civic Trust regarding a blue plaque for the Bath House.

  • GreenSpace Voting About to Close
    The closing date for voting for the FGVW Website is 27th February.

  • Parks and Countryside
    Parks and Countryside had an open day at Gledhow Hall. It is hoped that they will be able to attend our Funday in May.

  • FGVW Charity Status
    Paul is still chasing Malcolm regarding his work with the Group attaining charity status. Malcolm is currently on his holidays.

  • Green Leeds Funding
    The Group is sending reports on what the grant has been spent on each month. December's money should have been credited. January's invoices have been sent in for the benches.

  • Car Barrier
    Joan has completed a feasibility study on Bracken Woods barrier. If a barrier is put on the gateway then the bikers will go round and use Croft Road instead. Joan suggested one barrier plus some fencing. This would cost £750 plus £250 to put in the barrier and then the fencing. This may be a later project. At the CIT meeting Joan attended it was agreed to send a Parks Warden to visit. Brenda praised Joan's attendance at the CIT meetings and said that Joan had raised the credibility of FGVW.

  • Leeds Children's Fund
    - Donna has been trying to raise funds for the Group. She recently filled in an application form for the Leeds Children's Fund and received a grant for £650. There are tight guidelines on spending this money and the Group discussed ways I which it would be spent. The money must be spent by the end of March and report sent in by the end of April. Donna is arranging for a school competition and will need £250 for this so the Group has £400 to spend on other things. Donna has arranged for a Child Protection Officer if needed.
    - Brenda suggested putting a kit or pack together for the children.
    - Joan suggested disposable cameras and fluorescent jackets.
    - Graeme said that the children could plant wild flowers for flowering next year or some green bulbs.
    - Adrian suggested buying child sized garden tools and gloves.
    - Brenda suggested a reward such as a nature book.
    - Adrian is to look into equipment costs.
    - Martin suggested taking photo's of the children in their 'new gardening gear'.
    - Brenda suggested a leaflet should be sent to parents asking them to bring their children to the next Action Morning for planting therefore there would be no need for teachers to take responsibility.
    - Adam suggested a sticker collection reward scheme where prizes could be earned by attending various events.
    - Martin is going to look into books that we could give to children.

  • Funday
    - Peace Artistes have been book as the Funday band by Joan.
    - Joan stated that Bob was interest in helping with the publicity and leaflet delivery. Brenda said she could also help to print and distribute leaflets.
    - Adrian is going to find out what the Woodland Craft people will be doing as there may be some duplication with BTCV.
    - Tailwaggers were voted out for this year.
    - Brenda to speak to North East Homes and ask them to make a donation or sponsor an event so that they can be represented.
    - Paul volunteered to get some prizes and cloakroom tickets for possible raffle on the day. Adam is going to visit the local shops in Chapel Allerton to see if they will donate any prizes.
    - Joan suggested a planning meeting to be held separate from the normal monthly meetings just for the Funday.
    - The tents have been booked and will arrive at 7am.

4. Action Mornings

Last Action morning in January was well attended with some new people joining in. Five tons of stone were used!

At the next Action Morning, on Sunday 22nd February, Graeme will be unable to attend so there will be no trailer. Also Brenda pointed out that there may not be a skip either. It is planned to fit 3 new benches. Joan asked why they would not be placed around the lake. The Group agreed that 2 benches should be put near the lake and 1 on the raised area above the lake. It was suggested that 12 bags of post mix would be needed to cement the bench legs down.

The Action Morning would also be used to look at linking up the existing footpaths and digging a ditch/channel deeper to prevent water running over the path.

Dorothy asked if the broken stone step could be fixed plus a sleeper looked at that had been kicked out near the beech trees. Dorothy also informed the Group that the daffodils were beginning to grow and asked if more gorse bushes could be planted as the one near the Bath House was looking very good.

The next Action Morning after Sunday 22nd February was agreed for Saturday 20th March where more path work was planned. The following Action Morning was booked for Sunday 25 April.

The BTCV are coming to help in the woods from the 16th to 19th March.

Next Action Mornings

Sunday 22 February
Saturday 20 March
Sunday 25 April

5. AOB

  • Receipts
    Paul is to match up the receipts with the grants. Some grant money is being delayed due to Eileen Moxon lacking receipts from the Group.

  • Missing Flagstones
    Some flagstones at the edge of the lake are missing. Joan had learned that they had been stolen but they were going to be replaced and cemented in.

  • Leaking Water
    The path made last month has some water leaking on to it. Some water is also coming through and the Group needs to look at it.

  • Steps
    Mr Tyson has some new fencing and has not made any further comments on the steps the Group started. The case is now closed.

  • Path Move
    Paul suggested moving a path rather than trying to improve a boggy part of it. This would enable the path to be connected to two existing paths.

  • Reorganizations
    There are some reorganizations taking place and Graeme and Eileen may be moved to cover different areas. The Group will be kept up to date.

  • Sewage
    The bottom rung of the sewage tank had debris on it but Yorkshire Water quickly cleared it.

  • Tree Warden Meeting
    Graeme, Sian and Mervyn went to a Tree Warden Meeting and learnt how to cut down trees. Graeme brought in programs for each month to encourage other members of the Group to attend.

6. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Core Group Meeting - Thursday 11th March 8.00pm, The Queen's Arms on Harrogate Road.
  • Action Morning - Sunday 22 February 2004.
  • Action Morning - Saturday 20 March 2004.
  • Action Morning - Sunday 25 April 2004.

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