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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
15th July 2004
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Graeme Ashton, Peter Foulston, Paul Ellis, Mike Betteridge, Sian Dodderidge, Iris Abbis.
1. Apologies
Dorothy Carter, Brenda Lancaster.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 17th June 2004
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Bath House
Graeme has received a set of keys for the Bath House. He will get duplicates and pass a copy to the Group. He has also spoken to John Casey about cutting and strimming in front of the Bath House to make it more visible. Justin has removed the cuttings made at the last Action Morning.
- Funday
- The Group has not heard anything further on the missing rental chairs so assume this matter is now closed.
- Certificates of Gratitude have been issued by Adam Bull to everyone who donated prizes for the raffle.
- Paul has updated the Funday accounts. Copies were distributed at the meeting.
- Sue Lumby is sending a grant for the birdbox wood and plants for the 'meadows in a pot' today.
- Martin suggested buying another new marquee (9m x 3m).
- Sewage
The sewage was up to the fourth bar on the CSO's during the last period of bad weather. This shows that the sewers are still getting blocked and sewage is still going into the lake. The Group are considering contacting Yorkshire Water again.
- Green Leeds Report
- Paul and Martin have listed what the grant of £4,800 has been spent on so far and have worked out that we have £1,770 left to spend before October.
- Martin has been in contact with Sue Lumby to chase grant money still owing.
- Mervyn is meeting the BTCV on Monday to discuss costs and dates when the pathwork can be completed.
- Graeme to investigate if we can order materials via the Council as there has been a change in policy.
- Martin is going to ask the Lord Mayor/Deputy Lord Mayor to see if they would be willing to open the path when it is completed in November.
4. Action Mornings
Three more benches have been ordered. They may be delivered in time for the 29th August Action Morning.
The Action Morning on 17th July will be a 'chipping' day. The area near Allerton Grange Way will be cleared and the chips used to help rebuild the path that Donna has been working on near the generator.
Joan raised the issue of some of the older benches needing repair work done to make them safe. Some of the concrete bases have nails sticking out of them. This will be investigated at the next Action Morning.
The next Action Morning is on Sunday 29th August. However we may need to fit in an extra Action Morning earlier in August for 'raking in' after the meadow near the lake has been cut. Graeme is to confirm dates as to when the equipment needed can be booked. The grass should be cut a few days prior to the Action Morning so that on the day volunteers can help to rake into piles and remove. This will allow any seed to drop off first.
The Action Morning in September is to be used for planting wild flowers.
Next Action Mornings
Saturday 17 July
Saturday 14 August
Sunday 29 August
5. Ponds Trust
Pete has spoken to the Ponds Trust and received a proposal form to decide if the Gledhow Valley Lake will be considered. If successful the Ponds Trust will be able to source funding and give suggestions to the Group on lake management and sewage issues. Some questions on the proposal form were more difficult to answer than others so Pete put them to the Group:
- Age of the lake: Joan will ask Dorothy to check some old maps that she has.
- Has an ecological survey been done: The Group did not think so.
- Any protected plants/animals: Little grebe
- Used for any other activity: Daphnia collection!
- Restoration/creative ideas: The group would like to raise the issue of sewage with a possible solution of reed planting and possible restoration to create bird/wildlife habitat areas.
The Group need to get written permission from the council who is the legal owner of the lake to obtain permission for work to be done. We may also need to consult with Yorkshire Water. Graeme is to find out who we need to contact at the Council. It is proposed to get a council representative to discuss the lakes function as a balancing lake at the meeting with the Ponds Trust. Peter is going to fill in the proposal form and arrange a site meeting.
6. Wade's Charity Trust
Sian has been in contact with the Wade's Charity to let them know what the Group does and to ask if Wade's Charity would like to support and endorse the work that we do. The Charity have asked for a proposal with costs to put forward at their next meeting to be held in November, where it will be considered for a grant. Sian asked the group for ideas as to what to propose.
Mervyn suggested building a jetty.
Martin suggested doing something with the island in the lake but this may need advice from the Ponds Trust and may not be done in time for November.
Sian suggested information boards and disability access to be improved to the lake. The access issue is already being looked into by Justin. Martin to contact him for an update.
Sian is to write to the Wade's Charity to say we will put in a proposal based on work regarding the lake.
7. AOB
- Fly Tipping
There has been some small scale fly tipping in the woods. The Group are anxious that this does not escalate into a more serious issue. As the waste is not hazardous or near a water course it is believed that this is the responsibility of the local authority. Joan suggested posted leaflets in the Bracken Woods area making them aware of the problem and details of the Group's activities as this had been successful in the past.
- Fungus Forays
Joan asked if there were to be any further Fungus Forays. Graeme to ask Steve Joul about this and also to look into organising a bat evening.
- Scottish Newcastle Foundation
Mervyn has received £100 from the Scottish Newcastle Foundation. The Group need to let them know what the money is spent on.
- New Tools
The Group need to use a grant they have received to buy new tools soon. It was suggested that we get a strimmer and replace some of the existing worn out tools.
- Risk Assessment
- Joan has been checking volunteers in at each Action Morning. She asked if the risk assessment sheet on safety issues was still valid. It was suggested that we need to do a handout instead. Graeme also suggested putting safety details on the website.
- Paul suggested doing a check list to be completed by each new volunteer.
- Peter volunteered to put something together.
8. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Saturday 17 July.
- Action Morning - Saturday 14 August.
- Core Group Meeting - Thursday 26 August 2004 at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
- Action Morning - Sunday 29 August.