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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
14th October 2004

Present: Peter Foulston (Acting Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Graeme Ashton, Sue Murray, Jed Hanahoe

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 18th September 2004
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Action Mornings
  5. Tree Management
  1. Bath House
  2. Children's Fund
  3. Sewage
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies

Martin Calvert, Paul Ellis, Mike Betteridge, Dorothy Carter, Iris Abbis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 18th September 2004

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Risk Assessment
    Peter is continuing to write Risk Assessments for more of the Group's activities.

  • Path Work
    Peter agreed to check with Adrian to see if he had written to the Lord Mayor's Office to ask either the Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor to come and open the new path.

  • Benches
    The last 3 benches need to be put in the woods. Mervyn suggested that this could be a separate activity to be done mid-week outside of the Action Mornings as the next few Action Mornings had already been accounted for. Jed and Peter offered their help with this if needed.

  • Photocopier
    The photocopier given to the Group by Bob and Doreen Ward needs some repair work doing. Joan and Mervyn had contacted an engineer but he was not very hopeful that it was worth looking at and fixing. Mervyn volunteered to check it out himself to see if he could fix it.

  • Green Leeds
    Peter agreed to check with Martin and Paul to find out if the Group had received the rest of the grant money yet.

  • Ponds Trust
    Peter has received some maps showing the lake to prove its an historic feature to go with the application. Still waiting for written permission from the landowner confirming the Group can work on the lake. Graeme nominated Steve Joul and Steve Frosdick to put on the form as they represent Leeds City Council who is the landowner. Graeme agreed to send Peter their contact details.

  • Lake Boom
    The Boom at the end of the lake rose during the recent flooding and has got stuck. This has been raised as a potential hazard as children may try to walk across it and fall in the lake. The boom is there to trap litter and debris etc. and so is not functioning properly in its current position. Graeme informed the Group that Simon Frosdick is investigating and hopes to rectify the problem soon.

  • Swan Sighting
    A mute swan has been spotted on the lake by several members of the Group. This is the first siting of any swan in Gledhow Valley Woods as far as the Group know and was seen as a positive sign that the woods and lake are healthy.

  • Traffic Calming
    Work has started on the Allerton Grange Way junction. The tree cutting along the road has not started yet.

4. Action Mornings

The Action Morning in September involved planting 180 wild flower plugs in the meadow. Graeme had also rotivated 25 square meters and cleared some grasses in preparation so some wildflower damp meadow seed mix was also sown. There was a good turn-out of 18 to 20 people.

The next Action Morning will be on 16th October and will consist of finishing off and general tidying of the footpaths. Four tons of sandstone has been ordered. The remainder of the path needs digging out and laying with sandstone. Graeme agreed to pick up a wheelbarrow from Peter on Saturday and a skip has been ordered.

Next Action Mornings

Saturday 16 October
Sunday 21 November

5. Tree Management

Justin Williamson met Mervyn in the woods to discuss tree thinning and general tree management. Justin suggested coming to an Action Morning in November to cover lopping and thinning skills and how to cut plants back properly. The current Action Morning is booked for the 14th November but it was suggested that it may be better to move this to 20/21 November so that Justin could attend. Graeme to liase with Martin and Justin to agree a date.

6. Bath House

Graeme brought a copy of the article of when Joan and Mervyn met with the Yorkshire Evening Post. A fence has also been put up around the Bath House to protect it from anti-social behaviour. The Group had mixed feelings on this fence and how it looks visually. Graeme stated that it was only a temporary measure as the building was being considered for a Heritage Lottery bid from Leeds City Council. Joan has consulted local residents who are pleased with the fence especially if it eliminates some of the anti-social behaviour.

7. Children's Fund

The Children's Fund has asked Donna for the money back that the Group have not spent immediately. Part of the Grant was to be spent on buying trees for the schools who entered our Fun Day poster competition. However, the money had to be spent by April and as this is not the correct season to buy and plant trees the money was not spent within the time scale given. Brenda tried unsuccessfully to argue our case that the money was still to be spent as instructed just at a later date. The Group has agreed to refund the £120.66p and buy the trees out of its own finances.

8. Sewage

Donna's son and his friends have found a way to get into the sewage system and into the holding tanks by going under the bar at the bottom of the grid. This has been raised by the Group as a dangerous issue and Joe Smallman is to contact Yorkshire Water to assess the risk.

9. AOB

  • Graeme Leaving
    Graeme announced that he had been promoted and started his new job on 1st November as a Countryside Officer. He will take up new duties and responsibilities so he will unable to help the Group in the near future. The Group gave their heartfelt gratitude to Graeme for his help over the last two years and wished him well in his new role. Graeme explained that Steve Joul would remain in Area East to help the Group if needed. The Council is reorganising into five outer wedges each with its own area management. This is due to happen in January 2005 and Elaine Hill's wedge may cover Gledhow.

  • Trees to Plant
    Graeme said that Justin has some trees available if the Group need them. The Group would like guidance from Justin as to where the trees should be planted or if any were actually needed. The clear felled area now has oak and birch growing so it may be that we do not need them.

  • Tree Warden Program
    Graeme raised the Tree Warden Program and handed out information on the forthcoming program of events. This program aims to get the community to look after local woodland in an effective and correct manner. Most events are free but there are also some fee based training courses.

  • Shrubbery Clearance
    Michael Betteridge has been making headway in clearing the shubbery near the field where the Fun Day is held.

  • Skips
    Joan said that she had read that we may have problems getting skips in the future due to a change in Council activities. This is to be checked with Brenda.

  • Police Club Membership
    Martin joined the Police Club. This makes it easier for the Group to hold arrange meetings and other functions there.

10. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Saturday 18 September.
  • Core Group Meeting - Thursday 14 October 2004 at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
  • Action Morning - Saturday 16 October.

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