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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
16th June 2005

Present: Martin Calvert, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Mike Betteridge, Peter Foulston

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th April 2005
  3. Matters Arising
  1. Action Mornings
  2. AOB
  3. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Adam & Carol Bull, Paul Ellis, Adrian Coltman.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th April 2005

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Gabions for the Beck
    Martin Calvert to investigate purchasing one for use in helping to prevent the Beck undercutting its bank.

  • Becks Inspector
    Joe Smallman has spoken to Community Policeman regarding crimes against the stream and lake. They need proof that our suspect was involved. Possibility of contacting the suspect and finding his objectives. Joe is aware of the current state of the stream.

  • FGVW Merchandise
    In profit already! Sales of £293.80 have resulted in a profit of £47.38 so far. Excellent news. Congratulations to Adam and the sales team.

  • Walking Festival
    FGVW has not been included in this year's printed leaflet.

  • Friends of Potternewton Park
    Martin had been sent a copy of the minutes from their last meeting, and these were shared with the group.

  • Restricting Access
    The log used to prevent cars accessing the wood from Gledhow Lane has been positioned as requested by Mervyn.

  • FunDay Accounts
    These will be ready for the next meeting.

4. Action Mornings

The last Action Morning was on 14th May and the group was mostly involved in rhodedendrum clearance near the concrete footbridge. May need to dispose of the cuttings next time to leave a better finish since they do look unsightly.

The next Action Morning will be on June 19th. The group will be digging out the edges of the deviation path and infilling with gravel to hopefully prevent a re-occurrence of flooding.

The Action Morning after that will be on Sunday 10th July to clean the Bath House and area in readiness for the Heritage Open Weekend in September.

There will also be an August Action Morning to reap the meadow. Martin Calvert will be contacting Elaine about this.

Next Action Mornings

Sunday 19th June
Sunday 10th July

5. AOB

  • Display Boards
    The group need their own, rather than having to rely on boards borrowed from the coucil or other sources. Adrian Coltman to investigate grants to help pay for some.

  • St Mathews Summer Fair
    Mervyn and Joan to attend with display boards and merchandise if possible.

  • Ponds Trust
    Pete Foulston to arrange a meeting for September. Need to progress this action.

  • Tree on Allerton Grange Way
    Mike Betteridge advises that one needs felling.

  • Back Pathway on Allerton Grange Way
    The new fence has been damaged, with 4 rails removed. Mike Betteridge to re-send e-mail to Councillor Lancaster for help re repair.

  • Woodlang Grant
    Pete Foulston to investigate what is happening.

6. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sunday 19 June 2005.
  • Action Morning - Sunday 10 July 2005.
  • Core Group Meeting - August 2005 (date to be confirmed) at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.

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