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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
21st July 2005

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Peter Foulston, Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 16th June 2005
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Chapel Allerton Festival
  1. Heritage Open Day
  2. Action Mornings
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Paul Ellis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 16th June 2005

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

It was noted that the meeting was a special meeting set up to discuss the Chapel Allerton Festival and the Heritage Open Day only.

4. Chapel Allerton Festival

The main Chapel Allerton Festival will be on 3rd September 2005 from 11am to 5pm.

The Group proposed the following:

For two people to run the FGVW stall at all times, including at least one Core Group member.

The proposed timetable is:

10 am - Set up by Adrian, Martin and Adam
11 am - Adam
12 pm - Peter
1 pm - Peter, Mervyn/Joan
2 pm - Adrian, Mervyn/Joan
3 pm - Adrian and Paul
4 pm - Paul
5 pm - Dismantle

Volunteers welcome to help run the stall.

The display boards are being borrowed from Elaine and the Group have everything they need for a display.

On the table it was proposed that we have:

  • Treasure map style "Hunt the Gledhow Valley Duck" game to be completed by Adam which will include book tokens and disposable cameras as prizes. It was suggested that this be "50 pence a go".
  • Donation box.
  • Joining leaflets.
  • Information leaflets.
  • Leaflets advertising the Heritage Open Day and the Bath House - Adrian to design, produce, and arrange copies.
  • Merchandise - to include 30 rulers, at least 25 packs of each postcard set (apart from the Drawings set) and around 20 each of some larger photos (9x6) including the Bath House and some of the pictures which appear on the postcard sets. Adam to action.
  • Pictures of the Bath House are required - to be supplied by Joan and Mervyn.
  • Christmas cards - if possible to produce them in time. It was proposed that two sets of 1,000 cards be ordered, of the robin and winter bridge scene photos. It was also proposed that the cards be sold in packs of 6 (3 of each design) for £2.50-£3.00 per pack. Stickers to be added on each pack to state that they are sold on behalf of Gledhow Valley Woods. Adam to action.

5. Heritage Open Day

The Heritage Open Day, which includes the opening of the Bath House to the public, will take place on 10th and 11th September from 2pm to 4pm.

The Group agreed:

  • 3 Group members to be there at all times.
  • Adrian to borrow 3 tables and some chairs.
  • Refreshments needed such as tea, coffee, squash, cakes and biscuits. Elaine to provide containers.
  • Gazebo required.
  • Donation box needed.
  • Merchandise also required, similar to that on the Chapel Allerton Festival stall. Adam to action.
  • Posters to be put up 2 weeks beforehand promoting the day. Martin to action.
  • Tea-lights required. Joan to action.

6. Action Mornings

The last Action Morning was on 10th July and the group was mostly involved in cleaning the Bath House and clearing the area in readiness for the Heritage Open Weekend in September.

The next Action Morning will be on Sunday 21st August to finish clearing the Bath House and area for the Heritage Open Weekend in September.

Next Action Morning

Sunday 21st August

7. AOB

It was noted that the meeting was a special meeting set up to discuss the Chapel Allerton Festival and the Heritage Open Day only.

8. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sunday 21 August 2005.
  • Core Group Meeting - To be arranged.

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