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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
22nd September 2005
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Paul Ellis.
1. Apologies for Absence
Peter Foulston, Mike Betteridge, Dorothy Carter.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 1st September 2005
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Meadow Cutting
Elaine has agreed to have the meadow cut next Thursday so that the cuttings can be gathered at the next Action Morning. Volunteers would be very welcome.
- Display Board
The Group has been investigating the costs of getting their own set of display boards. Mervyn and Adam have received some quotes and will liase with Adrian. Paul will look into whether or not the Group can use the grant it originally received for signage. Adrian will look into other Grant opportunities to cover the cost.
- FGVW Leaflet
Martin has contacted the Council to find out if there is any MICE money available to be used by the Group to print FGVW Leaflets, designed by Adam. Mohammed and Jane from the Council have agreed to come on a site visit to discuss MICE money and also to discuss the tree felling and cutting along Gledhow Valley Road. Martin will arrange a date for the meeting and Adam will provide a copy of the leaflet to show at the meeting.
- Gardens Day Donations
The Group are expecting to receive donations from selling refreshments at the Open Gardens Day that took place in June around Gledhow Park Road. Martin has tried to get in contact with the people who collected the donations but has been unsuccessful so far.
- Skip Required
A skip will be arranged for the second October Action Day.
- Tree Cutting
There has been some bad tree cutting on Gledhow Valley Road. Martin contacted Justin who gave him the name of the appropriate Planning Officer. No plans have been applied for in the area. The problem has been logged and will be kept under investigation. Approximately 8 trees have been felled badly, including Oak trees and the Group are concerned as to why this has been done.
- Traffic Calming
No further information has been received. The 40mph signs have been removed.
- Ponds Trust
This is ongoing. No update to report as Peter was unable to attend the meeting.
4. Correspondence
- The Group has received a copy of the Wildflowers Catalogue.
- Members of the Group are invited to attend an 'Initial Preparation of Leeds City Centre' meeting.
- A Group Member has also been invited to attend a meeting at 'Parkforce' on Tuesday 27th September at 12 noon. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to attend.
5. Chapel Allerton Festival & Heritage Open Days Report
Chapel Allerton Festival
The FGVW stall at the Chapel Allerton Festival was a great success and raised the awareness level of the Group within the local community, as well as raising funds as follows:
We sold:
49 packs of Christmas cards
37 packs of postcards
19 badges
11 photographs
6 rulers
£ 248.10 from sale of merchandise
£ 55.00 from the 'Hunt the Duck' game
£ 9.40 from donations
£ 312.50 Total
Around 12 people signed up to the e-mail mailing list, and others to the postal list.
Heritage Open Days
The organisers of the Heritage Open Days thanked the Friends for opening up the Bath House and named us the top new attraction. The Group also received excellent feedback from the 400 people who visited during the open days.
The general interest in the area has been increased and the Group has received lots of local support. At least 20 people signed up to the e-mail mailing list, and many others to the postal list.
Our thanks go to everyone who helped on the day and who provided the home made refreshments.
Over the two days, the Group was also able to raise funds as follows:
We sold:
82 packs of Christmas cards
52 packs of postcards
8 badges
14 photographs
6 rulers
£ 367.80 from sale of merchandise
£ 50.00 from the 'Hunt the Duck' game
£ 206.26 from donations (including those for refreshments)
£ 624.06 Total
6. Grants
- Parks & Countryside
Martin has found out that Parks & Countryside have applied for a Heritage Lottery Grant for Gledhow Valley. The Group has received no other information on what the money, if received, will be used for and there is some concern that the Group was not consulted.
- Other Grant Applications
Adrian is going to apply for 3 grants and consulted the Group on what the grants should be used for. Suggestions included pathwork, restoring the jetty and information boards. Adam has also received information on the Area Committee Well Being Budget which could be used for leaflet printing costs. A sub-group meeting has been arranged for Monday at 8pm to discuss the issue of grants.
7. Scrutiny Board
There is a Scrutiny Board been set up to investigate the flooding in Leeds during August last year. There is a meeting on Wednesday 28th September at 2pm to discuss this. Martin will attend on behalf of the Group with a local resident to highlight the problems caused by the flooding on Gledhow Valley Road.
8. Business in the Community
Yorkshire Water and Jo have arranged a site meeting on 3rd October to discuss putting in some gabions on behalf of the Group. It is hoped that the work can be carried out before the end of the year.
9. Action Mornings
The last Action Morning on 21st August involved final clearing and preparation of the Gipton Spa Bath House area ready for the Heritage Open Days.
The next Action Morning will be on Saturday 1st October. The day will involve cutting back in the area around the Bath House, and litter picking. Please meet at the old Bath House on Gledhow Valley Road.
There will also be an Action Morning on Saturday 29th October to include stream clearance, cutting back and litter picking. Please meet at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.
Next Action Mornings
Saturday 1st October
Saturday 29th October
10. Any Other Business
- Testing the Bath House Water
Joan asked if the Bath House water could be tested due to the interest caused by the Open Heritage Day. This lead to Paul raising the issue of what the Group's involvement in the Bath House should be. The Council own the Bath House so it was suggested that the Group should lobby the Council more to get it restored and keep interest going. Paul agreed to put together some ideas and a proposal.
- Other Bath House Work
The Group considered removing some of the Ash trees around the Bath House to try and restore the area as it would have been when the Bath House was built. Justin and Elaine have agreed to do a site visit next week to provide advise.
The Group also discussed ways that the Bath area could be cleaned more thoroughly. Mervyn suggested contacting the Fire Brigade to find out if they could pump the water out for us so that the silt could be shoveled out.
- Drain Works
Some work has been done to a section of drain damaged by tree roots. The damage was causing the water to bubble to the surface. A new section of drain has been put in near the bridge.
- Charity Status
Paul raised concern over the money coming to the Group if the grant applications were successful. Completing the Charity status registration has been given increased priority.
- FunDay 2006
Joan suggested that the Group start to think about next years FunDay very soon. Last year the Group was unable to get any grants and had to fund the Day themselves. It was suggested that we apply for grants for this event sooner rather than later.
- Merchandise Summary
Adam provided statistics on the total FGVW merchandise sold to date:
139 packs of Christmas Cards
215 packs of postcards
50 badges (with Duncan the Duck a clear lead)
25 photographs
40 rulers
The profit to the Group so far is £85.47 (£955.90 takings minus £817.50 production costs and £52.93 development costs), with plenty of stock remaining. It was suggested that Group members look out for any selling opportunities such as Christmas Fairs to raise more funds.
Paul suggested trying the bookshop in Oakwood that sells local history books. Adam asked the Group to take more photos of the woods that could be used for merchandise next year.
- FGVW Web Site Update
Adam stated that the web site would be updated over the coming week with photographs and information from recent FGVW events and from local press coverage, plus other material kindly donated by other people, including:
- Plant photographs by Judy Howell.
- Lake dredging photographs from March 1991 by Isobel Eyre.
- Gledhow Valley Road construction photograph, supplied by Nigel Facer.
- Leeds Maps
Some very old maps of Leeds and the local area have been donated to Joan and Mervyn for use by the Group if interested. Copyright issues will need to be checked out before they can be added to the web site.
11. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Saturday 1st October 2005.
- Core Group Meeting - Thursday 27th October 2005, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
- Action Morning - Saturday 29th October 2005.