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Minutes of Annual General Meeting
6th January 2006

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman (Secretary), Paul Ellis (Treasurer), Adam & Carol Bull (Minutes Secretary), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Peter Foulston, Mike Betteridge, Dorothy Carter, Andy Brown and Tim Harberd.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the last AGM 07-01-2005
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Chair's Report 2005
  5. Treasurer's Report 2005
  1. Merchandise Sales & Web Site Report 2005
  2. Election of Officers
  3. AOB
  4. FunDay 2006
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Claire Wellings, Donna.

2. Minutes of the last AGM 07-01-2005

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising


4. Chair's Report 2005 (Martin Calvert)

Another busy year for the group!

  • Action Mornings
    We held 11 Action Mornings with notably hardly any path work. We did lots of small scale Woodland Management and kept the valley clear of litter. We also spent a lot of time making the Bath House presentable for the Heritage Open Weekend. Thanks to the loyal band of Action Morning attendees, though we could do with a plan to improve attendances.

  • FunDay 2005
    The 2005 FunDay was another resounding success despite the lack of grants to support it. In income terms we surpassed the 2004 event which was a fantastic achievement. Thanks for all the support.

  • Traffic Calming
    This is now complete and Gledhow Valley Road is now calmed and a 30mph road. I think there is general agreement that the scheme is a success.

  • Combined Sewer Outlets (CSOs)
    At last at least one of the CSOs is probably working properly and preventing sewage solids from entering the beck for the first time since the sewers were laid! Thanks to Yorkshire Water for finally achieving their target, although it must be remembered that sewage liquids still regularly enter the beck in times of heavy rainfall.

  • Donations
    Thanks to Norwich Union (£300), Michael Freeman (£92), The Gardens of the Gledhow Parks (£25) and The Ecology Building Society (£600) for their generous donations. Very kind.

  • Merchandise
    The launch of the FGVW merchandise was a bold venture. It has turned out to be very successful in particular the group assault on the Christmas Card market. Adam will shortly expand on this success. Well done to us all and in particular Adam and Carol for all their hard work.

  • Environmental Crime
    Throughout the year, indeed from Nov 2004, we have had problems with an individual emptying the lake and unplugging the silt traps on the stream. The individual seems to be making fewer visits to the area and hopefully these crimes will cease.

  • Chapel Allerton Festival
    We manned a stall at the Chapel Allerton Festival for the first time. Another resounding success in terms of sales and contact with the public. Adam's Duck Hunt game made its brilliant debut there.

  • Heritage Open Days
    Finally the jewel in our crown this year was the opening the Bath House to the public for the Heritage Open days in September. What a weekend! Over 400 people attended and our queue management skills were much in evidence. The marquee looked very professional and the refreshment and merchandise sales were outstanding. Much one-to-one contact with the public was made and considerable interest in the group was created. Over 20 new Friends signed up. A brilliant two days. Well done to one and all and thank you for the continued support for the group throughout the year.

Matters raised following the Chair's report included:

The Group agreed that the posters in the woods advertising the Action Mornings needed to be discussed at the next meeting. Suggestions included using larger text and different colours. There was also a suggestion to print some flyers and hand them to dog walkers promoting the Action Mornings and also a possible questionnaire asking members what they would like to do on the Action Mornings.

The Group also proposed to do an action plan for 2006 at the next meeting.

It was also suggested that the Action Mornings were advertised at the next Open Heritage Day.

Andy raised the point that a new group has been set up in Chapel Allerton called Green Footprints. He agreed to send a copy of the minutes to Martin to see if the Groups had anything in common.

5. Treasurer's Report 2005 (Paul Ellis)

Current Account

Balance at 1.12.2004 = £531.27
Interest = £1.19
Deposits = £4,804.35
Payments = £2,976.12
Balance at 31.12.2005 = £2,360.69

Reserve Account

Balance at 31.12.2005 = £1,057.93

Deposits down mainly due to the Green Leeds Grant received in 2004.

Paul suggested moving £500 to the Reserve Account which has a higher interest rate.

There is still one outstanding liability from 2005. The St John's Ambulance has not sent in an invoice for their time at the FunDay for £58.75. Martin agreed to contact them regarding this and also to ask if they are able to attend the 2006 FunDay and provide demonstrations.

The Group need to apply for the Area Management Grant before February 2006. Martin agreed to speak to Elaine regarding grants and getting an application form for the Area Management Grant.

Paul has also met with Malcolm regarding moving the Group to 'charitable status'. They have been through the application form and Paul needs to establish who the trustees will be and check that the form is still the most up to date one. He also needs to send the latest year end accounts to them with his application. The members agreed the move to Charitable status.

6. Merchandise Sales & Web Site Report 2005 (Adam Bull)

Web Site Report for 2005

Peaking at just over 5,000, the site now regularly receives 3,000-4,000 visitors per month. The total number of visits so far is 141,749.

The site has recently managed to achieve levels of over 11,000 page views per month. The total number of page views so far is 241,000.

Web Site Statistics

FGVW Web Site Size
Total number of pages in the web site (HTML) = 201
Total number of images used (JPEG & GIF) = 902
Total number of 360 degree QuickTime panoramas (MOV) = 12
Total number of audio files (MP3) = 2
Total number of files = 1,117
Total file size (MB) = 40.2

FGVW Web Site Construction & Maintenance
Total time spent constructing the web site (hours) = 243.5
Total time spent working on images for the web site (hours) = 149.5
Total time spent on research for web site content (hours) = 66.5
Total time spent on administration (hours) = 163.0
Total time spent (hours) = 622.5

E-Mail Mailing List
Number of people on the e-mail mailing list = 135

Merchandise Report for 2005

Postcard packs sold = 217 = £473.50 (stock remaining 38)
Rulers sold = 41 = £61.50 (stock remaining 19)
Badges sold = 50 = £28.40 (stock remaining 50)
Photos sold = 25 = £25.00 (stock remaining 75)
Christmas card packs sold = 226 = £591.50 (stock remaining 104)
Total income = £1,179.90
Development costs = £52.93
Production costs = £817.50
Total profit = £309.47

7. Election of Officers

The following were nominated and seconded as officers of the Core Group:

  • Chair - Martin Calvert
  • Treasurer - Paul Ellis
  • Secretary - Carol Bull with Adrian Coltman continuing in a Distribution role.

Paul thanked the Chair for doing such a good job over the year.

8. AOB

  • Planning permission
    Planning permission for 3 flats on Gledhow Park Road has been rejected. The Group continues to have concerns over the Horses' Field with visitors measuring the area and chopping down trees. The Group remains vigilant for planning application notices.

  • Thank You Evening
    Joan and Mervyn attended a 'thank you' evening at the Civic Hall. They spoke to Jane Dowson and a local planning officer. He informed them that the public are permitted to look at potential developments before the application gets to the planning department stage.

  • Pond's Trust & Woodland Management
    Peter suggested being more pro-active during 2006. He raised the suggestions of resurrecting the Pond's Trust project and speaking to the Council regarding Woodland Management.

  • Gabions & Pathway Enhancement
    Peter also agreed to speak to Morrisons to see who they are in contact with within the Environmental Agency. The gabion issue has become a priority as it has gone in again and the path is now disintegrating and becoming hazardous. He also suggested enhancing some of the pathways especially one that is being used on a school route now that the traffic calming is in place on Gledhow Valley Road.

  • Action Plan
    The Group agreed to produce an action plan for 2006 at the next team meeting.

9. FunDay 2006

The Group agreed to do another Fun Day this year on 20 May from 1.30pm to 5pm.

Martin has written to the Council to ask for their permission but so far has not had a reply.

Members of the Group need to contact various people and get their commitment to attend the Fun Day. These include:

  • Elaine has been contacted and has agreed to attend.
  • John Casey has agreed to contend.
  • Refreshments - Although the Group were undecided as to whether to contact Tesco again. The group would like to support local businesses instead. Volunteers also needed to bake.
  • T-Shirt Painting - Peter raised concerns over the ethical stance of buying T-Shirts from Tesco for the children to draw on. He agreed to look into the cost of Fair Trade/ethical T-Shirts.
  • Owl Demonstration - Adrian has a contact he can use.
  • Bands - Joan and Mervyn suggested a Steel Band for this year and will get in touch.
  • Leeds Morris Men - Joan and Mervyn also agreed to contact some Morris Men.
  • Urban Circus - We will try to book again.
  • Firefighters - We will try to book again.
  • Face Painters - it was suggested that 3 would be need this year as the queues were too long last year when there were only 2.
  • Bird Boxes - Mervyn agreed to order the wood and to investigate other ideas such as hedgehog boxes.
  • Beekeeper - We will try to book again.
  • Woodcraft Folk - Adrian agreed to contact them.
  • Clay Modelling - Volunteers needed.
  • Meadows in a Pot - Gladys has already planting some wildflower seeds. She is also looking into selling plants on the day.
  • Forestry People - We will try to book.
  • Chainsaw Sculpture - The Group agreed to run an auction at the end of the FunDay to auction off the wooden articles.
  • Raffle - Adam agreed to contact local businesses regarding raffle prizes.
  • FGVW Display - The Group agreed that we did not advertise enough and will work on a better display and prominence at the next FunDay.
  • Wooden Toy Tree - Donna sent a suggestion to provide a wooden tree which she could add stuffed animals on for the children.
  • Puppeteer - Andy suggested a puppeteer and agreed to contact one.
  • Local History & Geneology - Robin Dove may be able to attend.
  • Hunt the Duck - Adam agreed to do a Hunt the Duck game as it was very popular at the Chapel Allerton Festival.

10. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 15th Jan 2006.
  • Core Group Meeting - Thurs 9th Feb 2006, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
  • Action Morning - Sat 11th Feb 2006.

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This page was last updated 25 Feb 2006. © FGVW. Legal Stuff | Help! Site designed & built by Adam Bull (Bodytronix)