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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
6th April 2006
Note: This meeting was a held specifically to discuss arrangements for the forthcoming Family FunDay, and did not constitute a full Core Group meeting.
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Paul Ellis, Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton.
1. Apologies for Absence
Peter Foulston, Sian Dodderidge, Mike Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th March 2006
Agreed as a true record.
3. FunDay 2006
Still awaiting written permission from Leeds City Council. The Group has verbal agreement.
Members of the Group need to contact various people and get their commitment to attend the FunDay. These include:
- Elaine - Has agreed to attend. She is able to provide 30 tables, 50 chairs, a marquee and 6 toilets.
- John Casey - Has been informed. Martin to liase regarding grass cutting and fire extinguishers.
- Risk Assessments - Martin will liase with Elaine.
- Grants - Paul gave Adrian a copy of the Group's bank statement so that he could send in the application for the Floral Fund. Adrian had also applied for an Area Management grant for £450. This was approved and the Group has received £500 to be used for hiring a marquee, however the Group are going to find out if they can buy a marquee instead.
- Posters - Adam agreed to prepare a new poster and send the file to Peter. We need 25xA3 size and 40xA4 size. Posters to be put up around 4th May.
- Programme - Adam, Peter and Adrian to organise. 400 needed.
- Flyers - 5,000 needed. Phil has agreed to guillotine them. Paul, Elaine and Adrian agreed to do some photocopying. Distribution to be agreed later.
- Chapel Allerton Magazine - Adrian had spoken to Chris and they are keen to do an article on the Group and on the FunDay. They are also willing to include an advert for £25. Publication is due early May so they are hoping to do an interview with Martin as soon as possible.
- Refreshments - A disappointing £5 received from Sainsbury's. Still waiting to hear from Somerfield for refreshment support. Need as much home baking as possible.
- Gazebos - The Group own 4 large and 5 small ones. Martin left a message for Graeme to see if the Group can borrow his tent, and also possibly borrow Phil's Scout tent. The Group can also have use of Paul's tent, Heather's gazebo and Elaine's marquee.
- PA System - Peter to arrange.
- St John's Ambulance - Has agreed to attend, and are interested in providing first aid demos.
- Turns - Daftasadrum, East Steel and Urban Circus all confirmed. Urban Circus bringing colleagues to provide a circus skills type workshop during the afternoon.
- LCC Forestry & Dale the Chainsaw Man - Will attend with a marquee.
- Airedale/Park Lane College - Joan has phoned several times but no confirmation yet.
- Raffle - Adam has agreed to obtain prizes from local businesses and run the raffle, but needs lots of help on the day. Mike agreed to help for 2 hrs.
- Hunt the Duck - Adam has agreed to do this.
- FGVW Merchandise - Adam has agreed to do this.
- FGVW Display - Adrian and Adam to organise. The Group has now purchased its own display boards.
- Local History/Genealogy - Robin Dove attending.
- T-shirt Painting - Martin agreed to purchase 75 T-Shirts. Volunteers from the Dentist have agreed to man the stall.
- Firefighters - Have confirmed.
- Police/PCSO's - Adrian agreed to liase with Brenda.
- Wooden Tree - Will be done by Donna.
- Owl Demonstration - Has been confirmed.
- Beekeeper - David is attending.
- Hedgehogs - Jenny Beecher attending.
- Tadpoles/Frogs - Attending!
- Wildlife Quiz - Elaine has agreed to do it.
- Bug Hunt - Subject to manpower. Volunteers welcome.
- Bird Boxes - Mervyn has cut the wood ready.
- Meadows & Plants - Gladys has agreed to provide plants. Other donations welcome.
- Clay Modelling - Adrian agreed to do it.
- Woodcraft Folk - Have agreed to attend.
- Face Painters - Two have been booked but we may look for a third.
- Circus Tent - Paula had been in contact with Joan to ask if they could attend. After a long discussion the Group agreed to stick to their original decision and not invite them this year.
- Turns Timetable - To be completed by Peter.
- Roping Off - To be done by Peter.
- Play Area - The Group decided that this was no longer necessary.
- Budget/Money Collection - To be done by Paul.
- Name Tags - Adam will organise.
It was agreed to meet at 7.30am to start setting up on the FunDay.
4. Dates of Next Meetings
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 4th May 2006, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
- Action Morning - Sun 7th May 2006
- FunDay Meeting - Thu 11th May (to discuss the FunDay arrangements only)
- Action Morning - Sun 25th June 2006
- Action Morning - Sat 22nd July 2006