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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
25th May 2006
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Peter Foulston, Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Mike Betteridge
1. Apologies for Absence
Paul Ellis.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 11th May 2006
Agreed as a true record.
3. Correspondence
- Library Event
The local Oakwood library in has asked the Group to provide a display and give talks to children from Roundhay's St John's School, as well as to other visitors, to support World Environment Day. Mike Betteridge volunteered to do the talks, which will take place on 6th and 7th June at the library between 9.30am-10.30am and 11.00am-12pm. Displays can be set up beforehand on the 5th. Some FGVW Leaflets will also be taken.
4. Action Mornings
Next Action Mornings
Sunday 18th June 2006
Saturday 22nd July 2006
5. FunDay 2006
The FunDay was a great success despite the awful weather conditions. The total taken on the day was approximately £1,317 which covered the costs of approximately £983. These figures are subject to confirmation.
- It was agreed that the merchandise sales would be kept separate as it was difficult to separate the costs.
- Despite the lower attendance numbers due to the weather the Group did not receive much less in donations than the previous year.
- The Group would like to thank all the volunteers that responded to the e-mail sent by Adam to help set up marquees and gazebos on the morning of the FunDay. A large number of volunteers came to help despite the rain and there was a great community spirit. Adam agreed to send an e-mail to everyone to thank them.
- There are some plants left over and the Group agreed that Gladys will sell them to raise money for her charity - the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf.
- There are also some bird boxes left over and these will be sold at the BBC Springwatch Event at Temple Newsam.
- Donna's Woodland Friends stall was well received.
- There were lots of home-made refreshments donated by volunteers which the Group would like to thank.
- Hunt the Duck and the Raffle were well supported, raising £43 and £386 respectively.
- The Steel band which was new for this year were very popular and everyone ended the music selection. The Group would like to consider them again at next year's event.
- Daftasadrum and Urban Circus were very popular with the children and adults alike, as always.
- The Group agreed to give a donation to the Owlman, the Wildlife Sanctuary lady and the beekeeper.
- The Group has received 'thanks' from various people including Joanne Smyth and Steve from the Parks & Countryside, Brenda Lancaster and Graeme Ashton.
- It was estimated that 300-400 people attended the FunDay.
- The Group were unable to do the parachute game, clay modelling, meadows in a pot or the bug hunt due to the bad weather.
- Merchandise sales suffered due to poor layout and lack of space.
- The Group also agreed that more stakes would be needed next year in case of bad weather as some gazebos blew over and were damaged.
- The Group has received a complaint on the state of the field following the FunDay. The Council has inspected the grass and have said that no permanent damage has been done and the grass will quickly recover. Mervyn removed the woodchips.
- The Group agreed that next year it was important to concentrate on the high earners such as the raffle and refreshments so that the FunDay could go ahead and that other children activities could be offered free of charge.
- The Group received a loan of 30 tables and 50 chairs and all were used on the day. They decided that the big marquee had also been essential due to the bad weather.
- Mervyn also suggested that if the weather was bad again in the future the Group should use some type of matting such as the one used by the Terrotorial Army to move vehicles.
- The article in the Yorkshire Evening Press regarding the FunDay was very well received.
- 50 A4 posters and 5,000 flyers were produced and delivered. The leaflets given to the 6 local schools produced the best results.
- Mervyn suggested that some time was spent sorting out the gazebos. They were still wet and muddy from the FunDay and the storage boxes were damaged. The Group agreed to clean, dry out and put them away properly ready for use again. Mervyn has also started to build some sturdy wood storage boxes. One gazebo was damaged so it was agreed to buy a new one and keep the damaged one for spare parts. The pop-up gazebos were popular for ease of putting up but were not very sturdy in bad weather.
- It was agreed to find out about the printing dates of the Chapel A Guide so that the Group could publish the FunDay in advance next year.
- There was also some concerns over the denomination of float money given that can be rectified next year.
6. BBC Springwatch 2006
The Group have been asked to attend the BBC Springwatch event at Temple Newsam on 3rd June from 10am to 6pm.
Elaine has filled a form in of our requirements on behalf of the Group. The Group are hoping to sell nest boxes, wild flowers, merchandise, run the "Hunt the Duck" game and to show a display of the work we do.
The Group has been allocated 3 car park spaces, 4 chairs and 3 tables.
The Group decided to take some made up nest boxes, some box kits and also to do demonstrations. It was agreed to keep the price at £5.
The volunteers aim to get there for 8.00am to set up.
7. AOB
- St Matthews Church Fete
The Group has been asked to attend the St Matthews Church Fete on Saturday 1st July. Unfortunately, the Core Group members have other commitments that day so it is unlikely anyone will be able to attend.
- Heritage Open Weekend
Adrian has completed the relevant forms so that the Bath House will be included in this years Heritage Open Days in September.
- Bath House Water Testing
The water in the Bath House has been tested and is deemed not fit to drink or bathe in!
8. Dates of Next Meetings
The next Core Group Meeting has been moved from 22nd June to 15th June.
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 15th June 2006, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
- Action Morning - Sun 18th June 2006
- Action Morning - Sat 22nd July 2006