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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
20th July 2006

Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 15th June 2006
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Grants Sub-Committee
  1. Cares Challenge
  2. Chapel Allerton Festival
  3. Heritage Open Days
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Paul Ellis, Sian Dodderidge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 15th June 2006

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Springwatch Sales Update
    Two sparrow boxes built for the BBC Springwatch event have been sold, taking the total sales from bird boxes for this event to £355.

  • Tree Felling
    Justin Williamson has emailed Martin regarding tree feeling in the woods. Some trees near little Switzerland have become dangerous and will be removed by the Council. The Group had asked if some of the trees could be cleared around the Bath House. The Council do not see these trees as a hazard and so they have been given very low priority. The Group may be able to increase the priority if the trees if they pose a threat to the listed building.

  • More Missing Cobble Sets
    Joan informed the Group that more cobble sets had been removed from the lake area. Joan agreed to speak to Elaine Hill and Joe Smallman to see if anything could be done to prevent this.

4. Correspondence

The Group received:

  • Minutes from the Leeds Voice environmental meeting. This covered items on the allotments, Armley Trust and the canal, etc.
  • Adam received an e-mail from a local resident informing us of the action he had taken against a motor cyclist in the woods. He had reported the cyclist on at least 5 occasions to the local police. Adam has given him details of the Parkwatch to see if they can help.
  • Adam received a query from a local resident about building a treehouse in the woods. Adam contacted Leeds City Council and reported back to the resident about why it would not be allowed (mainly due to health and safety reasons).

5. Action Mornings

The Group decided not to have an Action Morning in September due to their involvement in other events happening around this time (Chapel Allerton Festival, Heritage Open Days, etc.).

On Saturday 22nd July there is nothing left to do from the Cares Challenge day work. However there are some chippings to be put down, the stone needs cleaning in the Bath House, and new barrier bars are to be put in at the car park. Litter picking will also be done, as usual. Volunteers to meet by the bench opposite the horses field.

Next Action Mornings

Saturday 22nd July
Sunday 15th October
Saturday 18th November
Saturday 9th December

6. Grants Sub-Committee

Mervyn brought in a letter from the National Bank. Group members, Ian and Linda, had applied for a grant with them. The Group gratefully received a cheque for £350.

The Group has received the cheque promised for £500 from Leeds City Council under the Area Committee Grant, to cover the cost of the marquees bought for the FunDay.

Adrian has applied for a Grant to cover display boards and promotional literature from Breathing Places.

Paul has sent a list of possible Grants to Adrian for consideration.

Elaine Hill is going to organise a sub-committee to sort out Grants. Adrian suggested we put a list together of all the work we want to do and get costings to do it so it would be easier to apply for Grants for specific projects.

Awards4all have increased their Grant limit from £5,000 to £10,000 if we want to apply.

The Group were expecting money to pay for the wood used to make the bird boxes from Springwatch. This has not been received.

7. Cares Challenge

A Cares Challenge Team made up of volunteers from Yorkshire Water and Morrisons, came to put the gabions in on Thursday 20th July. Mike provided the Group with a report and photo's of the work. The Group were very impressed with their professional and enthusiastic attitude to the job. They also delivered more than was asked of them by the Group. The Group expresses their thanks for all their hard work.

8. Chapel Allerton Festival

The Group's application for stall at the Chapel Allerton Festival on Saturday 2nd September has been agreed. The event will take place between 10am and 4pm and the Group agreed to cover the stall on a rota basis. Adrian and Adam agreed to help set it up. It was agreed to do a game, supply information leaflets and sell merchandise. The Group also agreed to take a pop-up gazebo in case of wet weather.

9. Heritage Open Days

The Group has had agreement to open the Bath House again as part of Leeds City Council Heritage Open Weekend on 9th and 10th of September. The Group will follow the same format as last year as it was very successful. The Bath House will be open between 2pm and 4pm on both days. The large marquee will be set up and the Group will provide refreshments, talks, etc.

10. AOB

  • Timber Receipt
    The group has received a receipt from the timber used to build the bird boxes which will be sent to Springwatch to be reclaimed.

  • More Cards Sold
    Adam has sold another 20 packs of cards to Radish.

  • Talks About the Woods
    Mike has received requests to give further talks about the Group's work and the woods following on from his success at the library. Mike thinks he has enough slides and photos to give more talks and asked the Group if this was OK. The Group were in full agreement and thanked Mike for doing this. Adam agreed to deliver some leaflets to Mike to give out after the talks.

  • FGVW Leaflets
    The Group agreed that Adam could go ahead and order more leaflets when required. Adam also asked the Group about producing a second leaflet concentrating on the plants and wildlife in the woods. The Group asked Adam to provide a mock-up that could be discussed at a meeting.

  • Bat Walk
    Elaine asked the Group if they would like a Bat Walk. The Group were very enthusiastic and Joan will ask Elaine if she can arrange one for the first week in September to tie in with the Chapel Allerton Festival and Open Heritage Days for maximum publicity.

  • Path Diversion
    Mike, Mervyn and Steve finished diverting the path in their own time. The path needs more hardcore putting on.

  • Woods Accessibility
    The Group are interested in trying to make the path around the lake more accessible to wheelchair uses and pushchairs. Joan has arranged for a disabled colleague to go round the lake with her on Sunday and for a report to be done on the good and bad points regarding accessibility. The Group are hoping to use this report to apply for Grants to make improvements.

  • Crayfish Survey
    A crayfish survey was carried out this week before the gabions were repaired. No crayfish were found.

11. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sat 22nd July 2006
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 31st August 2006, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
  • Action Morning - Sun 15th October
  • Action Morning - Sat 18th November
  • Action Morning - Sat 9th December

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