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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
31st August 2006

Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 20th July 2006
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Gaz De France & Yorkshire Water
  6. Action Mornings
  1. Bat Walk
  2. Grants Sub-Committee
  3. Chapel Allerton Festival
  4. Heritage Open Days
  5. AOB
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Joan Clayton, Sian Dodderidge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 20th July 2006

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Missing Cobble Sets
    Joan has been unable to get in contact with Elaine Hill regarding the cobble sets. She is hoping to get in contact after the holiday period.

4. Correspondence


5. Gaz De France & Yorkshire Water

Both companies have been in contact independently regarding team building activities and arranging a day when volunteers can come and work in the woods. The Group need to decide what they can do with little or no supervision. It was suggested that clearing the pathways and carriageway area would be suitable. It was also suggested that the rhododendrons could be cut down but there was an issue over burning that needs to be discussed with Elaine first.

6. Action Mornings

A general tidy up is needed and a skip has been ordered for Sunday 15th October. A lot of garden waste has been dumped in the area which appears to be a current problem across the City. There is also rubbish to collect in the old car park.

Volunteers to meet in the old car park.

Next Action Mornings

Sunday 15th October
Saturday 18th November
Saturday 9th December

7. Bat Walk

A Bat Walk has been arranged for Friday 8th September. If anyone is interested in attending please meet at the end of the lake near the dam area by 7.30pm.

8. Grants Sub-Committee

The Group were unsuccessful in obtaining grants from the Leeds in Bloom Floral Fund and the North East Leeds Action Plan.

The Group received £365 from the Norwich Union Staff Community Award Scheme via an application by Carol Bull.

9. Chapel Allerton Festival

The Chapel Allerton Festival will take place on Saturday 2nd September. The event will take place between 11am and 5pm and the Group agreed to cover the stall on a rota basis. Adrian and Adam agreed to meet and set it up at 10am. Adrian agreed to collect a pop up gazebo from Martin as the weather was expected to be very poor and wet.

Adrian has also produced some A5 leaflets promoting the Bath House open days, Action Morning and Bat Walk. Mike suggested that we wear FGVW badges. Adrian can cover 11am until 1pm. Adam, Carol and Mike will be there for the duration. Martin may also attend.

The event has been scaled down from previous years and will take place in Well House Lane and the car park.

10. Heritage Open Days

The Group has had agreement to open the Bath House as part of Leeds City Council Open Heritage Weekend on 9th and 10th of September. The Group will follow the same format as last year as it was very successful.

The Bath house will be open between 2pm and 4pm on both days. Three pop-up gazebos will be used as these are quicker and easier to put up than the large gazebo.

Mervin agreed to ask Elaine for boards, lamps and tables. If she can't get any tables then Adrian can. Mervyn has the Bath House keys. Martin is unable to attend on the Saturday but can do Sunday. Adrian agreed to do the Bath House talk on Saturday and then Martin can do the talk on Sunday.

Carol agreed to man the refreshment stall and Adam agreed to man the merchandise and game stall. Mervyn agreed to bring bunting and water jugs. Mike can attend on Saturday but not Sunday.

The Group agreed to meet at the Bath House to set everything up at 1.15pm on both days.

Volunteers needed to bake refreshments to cover both days. Also Adrian agreed to supplement this with bought cakes.

Mervyn suggested that the Bath House needed to be tidied up before the event. He agreed to arrange this with various volunteers next week.

Mervyn also raised the fact that the Open Heritage Weekend is the same weekend as the Robbie Williams concert at Roundhay Park which could result in more passing trade as people head to Roundhay.

11. AOB

  • Accessibility
    Joan and Mervyn met with Joe Rajko who is a wheelchair user who has agreed to write a report for the Group on accessibility near the lake. Mervyn has also contacted Richard Anderson at the BTCV to discuss extending and widening the path for wheelchair users. Richard has agreed to provide an estimate for the work. The Group hope to put the estimate and report together and use them to apply for grants to carry out the work.

  • Memorial Bench
    A legacy of £2,000 has been left to the Civic Trust to put a bench in the woods with a plaque. The Group are hoping to buy a bench in keeping with the woods and also link this to the project widening the path and making the woods and lake more accessible. The Group hope to create a platform with a barrier and benches to allow a better view of the lake for all users.

12. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 12th October 2006, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
  • Action Morning - Sun 15th October
  • Action Morning - Sat 18th November
  • Action Morning - Sat 9th December

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