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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
9th October 2006

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge, Paul Ellis

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 31st August 2006
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Gaz De France & Yorkshire Water
  6. Action Mornings
  1. Financial Update
  2. Grants Sub-Committee
  3. Tesco Extension at Roundhay
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Peter Foulston, Sian Dodderidge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 31st August 2006

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Missing Cobble Sets
    The missing cobbles have been replaced at the end of the lake.

  • Bat Walk
    The Bat Walk held on Friday 8th September 2006 was very well received, with around 30 people attending.

  • Heritage Open Days
    The Group raised £389.72 during the Heritage Open Days on Saturday and Sunday 9th-10th September 2006, when Gipton Spa Bath House was opened to the public by FGVW volunteers.
    The money was made up of £24.00 from the Lollipop Treasure Hunt Game, £181.00 from sale of FGVW merchandise, and £184.72 from donations.

  • Chapel Allerton Festival
    The Chapel Allerton Festival on Saturday 2nd September 2006 was a complete wash-out due to the torrential rain, and the Group was only able to raise £23.00 from their stall.
    The money was made up of £12.00 from the Lollipop Treasure Hunt Game, £9.50 from sale of FGVW merchandise, and £1.50 from donations.

  • BBC Springwatch Money
    The Group has received money from the BBC Springwatch event and this has been used to pay for the wood used to build bird boxes.

  • BBC Breathing Places Web Site
    Adam has registered the Group's details with the BBC Breathing Places web site so that we can publish details of Action Mornings and any future events.

4. Correspondence

The Group received the following correspondence:

  • Martin has received a copy of the Friends of Gipton Wood newsletter.
  • Adrian has received a letter from the Open Heritage Group thanking us for opening the Gipton Spa Bath House.

5. Gaz De France & Yorkshire Water

As part of the Business in the Community initiative both companies have approached the Group to do some team building activities in Gledhow Valley Woods. A work party of 14 from Yorkshire Water will be doing some volunteer work in the woods on Friday 13th October from 9am until 4pm. The Group will ask them to cut back around the lake and make a channel for the natural water streams to meet up with the existing water course rather than making the pathway boggy.

Patrick Hargreaves from Yorkshire Water will be leading the volunteers and he has also said that he will act as Yorkshire Waters PR rep if the Group has any future issues.

Gaz De France has agreed to carry out work the week commencing 23rd October, in 4 different Groups so that they can provide cover in the office.

Paul asked if he could approach the Co-Op on Street Lane as they were looking for a voluntary activity to do as a team building event. The Group agreed that the Co-Op could also carry out work in the woods if they wanted to.

6. Action Mornings

Brenda is providing a skip for October's Action Morning. The Group agreed to clear up any cuttings that may be left over from the work done by the Yorkshire Water volunteers. Some strimming needs to be done. A large quantity of bricks has been dumped in the woods which need clearing. The bottom end of Gledhow Lane is becoming a dumping ground due to council restrictions at the local tips and the Group are anxious to clear this area and try and prevent further dumping.

At the November Action Morning the Group agreed to put in two new benches. The Civic Trust has had a legacy of £2,000 left to them to put a bench in the woods with a plaque. The Trust has agreed to give the Group £2,000 to do this so the Group agreed to put in two benches with a plaque. The wording for the plaque has been provided by the Trust. The benches will be sited in an accessible place to fit in with the work being done on the path around the lake to improve access for wheelchairs and pushchairs.

The Group also suggested arranging to move the stone blocking the carriageway entrance so that the Group could transport the benches closer to the site as they are very heavy.

Joan suggested the carriageway should be cleared of saplings and trees as it was in danger of being lost altogether. Paul suggested that this is work that the Co-Op volunteers could do for us.

Volunteers to meet in the old car park.

Next Action Mornings

Sunday 15th October
Saturday 18th November
Saturday 9th December

7. Financial Update

Paul provided the Group with an update on the Groups finances. We have £3,109.32 in the current account and over £1,000 in the "rainy day" fund. Our insurance is up for renewal at the end of October and will cost £250. Paul asked for confirmation of the value of the strimmer as this will need to be listed separately as an item over £100 in value. This will cost an additional £5 on the insurance.

There is still money in the account that is specifically for Information Boards. Paul expressed concern about the length of time we had been looking into this without making a decision. Paul agreed to look into this. Joan and Mervyn suggested going to look at the various signs in Golden Acre park to get an idea of what was available. Adam agreed to contribute to the overall design of the signs following on from the leaflet he produced. The Group agreed that the signs should make it obvious to people that they were in Gledhow Valley Woods, and that permission would be needed from the Highways Commission.

Mike also suggested that the Group contact the Council for some additional "No Tipping" signs to put up at likely tipping sites.

8. Grants Sub-Committee

Adrian has received an application form to apply for a large grant to carry out work on the path around the lake to improve access to wheelchair users. He needs costings and quotes to submit the form. Mervyn has received a quote from BTCV to do some path work but the Group also agreed to add on money needed for the Group to do further pathwork to complete the job. Joe Rajko, who has been helping us decide what needs to be done to improve access has been round the lake in his wheelchair and agreed to provide a letter detailing his findings that can also be used with the application.

Adrian also suggested adding in a management fee to cover costs of time, administration, etc.

Paul also suggested looking at potential work on the other side of Gledhow Valley Road as a different project for which we may want to investigate getting a grant.

9. Tesco Extension at Roundhay

Tesco has approached the Group to ask for feedback on their proposals to buy Homebase and expand the Tesco Store at Roundhay, which will also include building an underground car park.

Paul expressed concern about a patch of woodland behind the store being at risk. The Group also agreed that they were concerned about the increased volume of traffic on Gledhow Valley Road and a possible increase in litter.

Adrian suggested that we should point out to Tesco that they had been unwilling to support us at our last FunDay!

The Group decided to invite Tesco's PR Manager to an FGVW meeting to find out about the likely impact, and to also involve the Chapel Allerton Association and the Friends of Gipton Spa Woods.

10. AOB

  • Thank You Letters
    The Group decided that it was the Treasurer's responsibility to send out "thank you" letters to companies that had donated money to the Group.

  • Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Blocked Again
    Joan said that the CSO near the horses field had become blocked again on 21 August and 14 September. It seems to block every time we have a large amount of rainfall. Adrian suggested contacting Yorkshire Water again.

  • Deer in the Woods
    There have now been over 20 sightings of deer in the woods.

  • Cycle Path
    Adrian asked the Group how they would feel about contacting Cycle Highways to see if we could turn the pathway down Gledhow Valley Road into a joint pedestrian/cycle path. Adrian agreed to investigate if this was a possibility.

  • Tree Felling Report
    The Group has been made aware of a tree report looking at potentially removing trees in the area.

  • Gipton Spa Bath House
    There was an article in the Yorkshire Evening Post on 20th September on the Bath House. Martin asked the Group where they wanted to go with the Bath House. The Group has other commitments in the woods and the Council don't seem interested. The Group agreed to contact the reporter to find out which Councillor had agreed they would be willing to discuss the Bath House with the Group, and to take it from there.

11. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 15th October
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 16th November 2006, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
  • Action Morning - Sat 18th November
  • Action Morning - Sat 9th December

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