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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
16th November 2006
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge, Peter Foulston, Donna, Richard
1. Apologies for Absence
Adrian Coltman, Sian Dodderidge, Paul Ellis.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th October 2006
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Business in the Community
Yorkshire Water completed a team building day in the woods. The weather was very good and the team completed some excellent work. Our thanks go to Mervyn, Paul and Martin for helping out on the day. Gaz De France also completed a team building day but the weather was less kind - it rained very hard. Our thanks go to Mike for helping out on the day.
- Bath House
A recent press report on the Bath House quoted that a particular Councillor would be happy to discuss the Bath House situation with the Group. Martin agreed to get in contact with them.
- Access to the Carriageway
The large stone that was blocking the carriageway has now been moved. The Group has a key to remove the bollards so that heavy equipment and benches etc. can be driven further into the woods.
4. Correspondence
The Group received the following correspondence:
- Leeds Voice has invited the Group to various public meetings including one at Leeds Town Hall 9.30 to 12.30 on 23rd November, Keeping an Eye on Leeds 5th December 7.15pm at Leeds Civic Hall, Building Sustainable Communities 8th-10th December.
- NPK Landscapes has sent the Group a wildflower order form and catalogue.
- Freda Copley has asked the Group if they would like to give a talk about the woods. Mike volunteered to contact her and arrange a time and date for him to give the talk.
- Leeds Parks & Countryside have mentioned the FGVW Action Mornings in their publication.
5. Grants Sub-Committee
Adrian is expecting some bank statements from Paul to apply for money from the Area Committee. This will be used to extend the path around the lake and improve wheelchair and pram access.
Martin and Peter met with Nick from the Wade's Charity who suggested that the Group should apply for a grant for a specific project. The Group discussed felling trees or building a new path. There is often opposition regarding cutting down trees so the Group would need to explain why this was necessary beforehand. Martin agreed to get a quote for tree felling from Leeds City Council and speak to Justin at the Forestry Commission. The trees in some areas of the wood are all the same age and species so there is very little wildlife and no new growth, so the tree felling is important for the continued success of the woods. Adrian to apply to the Wade's Charity for a grant to do this work.
6. Action Mornings
On the last Action Morning the Group tidied up following the work done by Yorkshire Water. A lot of litter was cleared and a skip filled. Some bramches were cut down and left at the end of the lake. The Group agreed to book the chipper to come in the next few weeks and to use the chippings to cover part of the pathway that is getting muddy.
Some volunteers turned up after seeing the advert on the BBC Breathing Places web site. There was a large turn out of over 30 people. The Group thanked Michael for booking the names and taking over Health and Safety duties in Joan's absence.
At the November Action Morning the Group agreed to put in two new benches. The Civic Trust has had a legacy of £2,000 left to them to put a bench in the woods with a plaque. Martin showed the plaque to the Group that was engraved in memory of Philip Snaith. Mike agreed to take photos for the Civic Trust.
Joan expressed concern that saplings are being cut down and just left in the woods. She has received some complaints that the work being done by the Group is not being cleared afterwards and looks untidy. There is also some concern that the cuttings may be set on fire and cause problems. Joan suggested building in clearing up time during the Action Morning so it was not left for those remaining at the end of the session. Joan also suggested putting some cuttings in piles for the wildlife. The Group agreed to do controlled sapling felling plus clearing up afterwards.
For the December Action Morning Mervyn agreed to bring the strimmer. Volunteers to meet in the old car park.
Martin agreed to provide dates for next year's Action Mornings.
Next Action Mornings
Saturday 18th November
Saturday 9th December
7. Information Boards
There is still money in the Groups account that is specific for Information Boards.
Martin and Peter have been to look at the signs in Golden Acre Park as suggested at the last meeting. Martin had done some research and provided information from Arien Signs for the Group to look at. It was suggested that the Group bought 2 Hereford Units at £890 plus VAT plus £150 for artwork. One would be placed in the car park and the other near the Bath House. The Group already has £500 in grant money specifically for the signs and some money left over from the Civic Trust legacy.
Adam agreed to discuss the design with Arien signs based on the leaflet he produced. The Group agreed to go ahead and order the signs. Martin agreed to check with Elaine that this was OK and if the Group needed to involve the Highways Agency.
8. Yorkshire Water
Martin has spoken to Patrick Hargreaves from Yorkshire Water, and an on-site meeting has been arranged for Monday 27th November regarding the ongoing problems with the Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). There are still problems with fat clogging the system so raw sewage is going into Gledhow Beck and the lake. Joan is continuing to collect dates when the problem occurs.
9. Woodland Management
Joan agreed to ask James if he was still interested in doing a Woodland Management Report for the Group.
10. FunDay 2007
The Group agreed to do a FunDay next year on either 12th or 19th May. Martin agreed to get permission from Leeds City Council and to ask Elaine and Steve Hill etc. about their availability.
11. Thank You Evening
A Thank You event is being held at the Civic Hall on 4th December by the North East Inner Area Committee. The Group has an invite for two volunteers to go plus the opportunity to do a stall. Joan and Mervyn have gone the previous two years so Martin agreed to reply on behalf of Mike and to ask if Adrian wanted to go.
12. AOB
- FGVW Merchandise
Adam has sold 20 packs of FGVW Christmas Cards to Radish. There are only 18 packs left. The Group agreed to print some more for next year, however new winter scene photos of the woods are needed.
Adam also showed the Group some sample fridge magnets he had ordered from VistaPrint and explained that other samples (postcards, calendar magnets, etc. would also be arriving soon.
Adam and Paul have been investigating selling merchandise on-line and looking into the addition of a PayPal "donate" button on the FGVW web site.
- Roundhay Conservation Area
Joan asked Martin for an update on the creation of a Roundhay Conservation Area. Joan thought that it already gone through, but the Group are waiting to hear officially.
Donna suggested making a DVD of the woods and the work the Friends do. Donna has some contacts who can make the film and there are also grants available. Donna agreed to get an application form to apply for a Grant from Awards for All and to get some filming quotes.
Adam also suggested a CD-based screensaver and photo album. The Group agreed to investigate further.
- Annual General Meeting
Martin agreed to add the AGM to the agenda at next month's meeting.
13. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sat 18th November
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 7th December 2006, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane.
- Action Morning - Sat 9th December