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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
7th December 2006
Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Martin Calvert, Adam & Carol Bull, Paul Ellis, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Mike Betteridge.
1. Apologies for Absence
Sian Dodderidge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 16th November 2006
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Wade's Charity
Martin has e-mailed Justin at the Forestry Commission to discuss tree felling and costs so that the Group can request funding from the Wade's Charity, but has not yet had a reply.
- Information Boards
Adam has contacted Arien Signs to discuss signage for the woods. He is waiting for a call back from Steve who is responsible for countryside boards.
- Yorkshire Water Site Visit
Martin and Peter met with Victoria Hinchcliff, the Pollution Protection Manager from Yorkshire Water, following the recent Action Day. They saw "rags" on the grid in the Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) and in the lake. Yorkshire Water said that there wasn't a self cleaning mechanism in the CSOs, which conflicts with information previously received by the Group. Yorkshire Water are aware of the problems with the CSOs and agreed to e-mail the Group on the current situation and what they intended to do in the future. Martin has not heard from them as yet so will chase in a week's time.
- Woodland Management Report
Joan has spoken to James, who has agreed to produce a Woodland Management Report. He requested the help of Elaine, but she is leaving the area and going to work in Pudsey for a 12 month secondment. Steve Clavering will be taking over from Elaine in the near future so Steve has agreed to do a site visit with James when this happens.
- Thank You Evening
Mike attended the Thank You Evening on behalf of the Group. Unfortunately Adrian could not attend. Mike made a lot of contacts and handed out leaflets. He also met with Ian D Jones, a Development Worker who agreed to help us with any work that involves children.
4. Correspondence
The Group received the following correspondence:
- Leeds Voice has sent details of their forthcoming meetings.
- The Group has also received details of the Winter Green Fair at Chapel Allerton School on Saturday 9th December from 11am to 2pm.
5. Grants Sub-Committee
Adrian has sent off a grant application to extend the path around the lake and improve disability access.
Adrian agreed to talk to Martin regarding the application for the Wade's Charity grant, however we need the costs from the Forestry Commission before the letter can be written.
The Group has received some money for the new benches. The reminder of the money is to follow as Martin has sent off the photos as proof that the work has been completed and that the plaque is in place.
Joan raised the matter of "Section 106" money. She has been speaking to Brenda Lancaster who told her that when any construction work takes place the company responsible is obliged to donate some money back to the community. This has not yet happened on one project so Brenda suggested the Friends Group may benefit from a donation. A site visit has taken place at the Bath House but no confirmation yet.
6. Action Mornings
The next Action Morning is Saturday 9th December. James has agreed to bring the shredder so that the debris at the end of the lake can be cleared. It was agreed to do some tree felling and tidying up the Willow near the Bath House. The chippings are to be spread on the path leading from the road to the lake as it is getting very muddy. The gully also needs digging out again if there is time.
During January's Action Morning it was agreed to do some path work near the lake and the bridge as the path is dropping away and becoming dangerous.
Next Action Mornings
Saturday 9th December 2006
Sunday 14th January 2007
Saturday 10th February 2007
Sunday 11th March 2007
Sunday 15th April 2007
7. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM will be held at Joan and Mervyn Clayton's house on Friday 12th January starting at 7.30pm. The meeting will be at 8pm.
8. FunDay 2007
Saturday 23rd June was the date proposed for the FunDay however the Group discussed the possibility of it being earlier. A date of 9th June has been agreed.
[Please Note: Since the meeting, the date has been finalised as Saturday 16th June 2007.]
9. Tools - Small Strimmer
The small strimmer has broken and is not worth repairing. Mervyn agreed to obtain a quote for a new one. Joan also suggesting looking for something to sharpen the shears with at the same time.
10. AOB
- Accounts
Paul provided an update on the Accounts. The Group currently has £2,781.72 in the account, plus the "rainy day" fund. Martin has now been registered to access the FGVW bank account.
- Filming the FGVW Group
Donna has lent the Group a video done of Howden Church to look at to see if the Group would like to take the idea further and make one of Gledhow Valley Woods.
- Elaine Hill
Elaine has been seconded to another role at Pudsey. This is initially for a 12 months secondment but could be made permanent. Steve Clavering will be taking over the role in the near future and hopes to be able to attend a Core Group Meeting when time permits. He has asked to be put on the Friends' Mailing list.
The Group thanks Elaine for all her hard work and the help she has provided to the Group.
- Gabions
Leeds City Council will be putting in some 4x4 gabions at another site and may have one available for the Group to use. They has also told the Group that some steps in the woods are too steep and need altering from a health and safety point of view. If the steps form part of a right of way then the work will be completed by the Council. If not, then the work will be done by the Group.
- Pudsey Civic Hall Event
Steve Clavering has asked the Group if the would be interested in selling merchandise and putting up a display at a Scout event at Pudsey Civic Hall on the 6th January. They are expecting approximately 500 people. The Group agreed in principle once more information has been received.
- Duck Spotted
A female mandarin duck has been spotted on the lake.
11. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sat 9th December 2006
- AGM - Fri 12th January 2007, 7.30/8pm at Joan and Mervyn Claytons' house.
- Action Morning - Sun 14th January 2007
- Action Morning - Sat 10th February 2007
- Action Morning - Sun 11th March 2007
- Action Morning - Sun 15th April 2007