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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
25th January 2007

Special meeting to discuss how to use the £26,000 Greenspace 106 Grant money

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman, Peter Foulston.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 16th November 2006
  3. Greenspace 106 Grant
  1. AOB
  2. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence


2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 7th December 2006

Agreed as a true record.

3. Greenspace 106 Grant

Martin is submitting a plan to the Council to state how the Group will use the 106 Grant money if it is successfully obtained. The group decided to put together a two year Action Morning plan to show where and how the money will be used.

The Action Morning activities proposed were as follows:

  • Clearing parts of the field where the annual FunDay is held. Possibly creating a crescent shape bedding area with new plants and bulbs. This should take place during the Autumn.
  • Bog Planting. Estimated cost for bulb and bog planting £1,000.
  • Planting on the island in the lake, including reeds, to create a wildlife habitat. Estimated cost £1,000.
  • 6 benches to be put in over 2 Action Mornings. Estimated cost £1,000.
  • Display boards to be put up.
  • Renovate, repair and build 15 metres of path at each of 7 Action Mornings. If done by FGVW, the estimated cost would be 9 x £300 = £2,700.
  • Bath House clearance ready for the Heritage Open Days to take 2 Action Mornings.
  • Justin to be employed for tree felling. Estimated cost £2,500.
  • Tree planting.

The Group also expects to purchase new tools, with an estimated cost of £1,500.

Some quotes have been requested, including from the BTCV (£12,000 to build the path around the lake); £5,000 (for each area) in materials to cover re-doing 3 or 4 areas of exiting pathway.

Martin has agreed to meet with Aire Valley Tree Services to look at the island in the lake and get a quote on clearing and replanting. Estimated cost is £5,000.

4. AOB

  • Area Committee Grant
    Adrian has been in contact with the Area Committee and has been told that they have run out of money this year, but his application for £10,000 can be submitted in April for next year's allocation.

5. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 8th February 2007, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane
  • Action Morning - Sat 10th February 2007
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 8th March 2007, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane
  • Action Morning - Sun 11th March 2007
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 12th April 2007, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane
  • Action Morning - Sun 15th April 2007
  • Family FunDay - Sat 16th June 2007

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