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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
25th January 2007
Special meeting to discuss how to use the £26,000 Greenspace 106 Grant money
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman, Peter Foulston.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 7th December 2006
Agreed as a true record.
3. Greenspace 106 Grant
Martin is submitting a plan to the Council to state how the Group will use the 106 Grant money if it is successfully obtained. The group decided to put together a two year Action Morning plan to show where and how the money will be used.
The Action Morning activities proposed were as follows:
- Clearing parts of the field where the annual FunDay is held. Possibly creating a crescent shape bedding area with new plants and bulbs. This should take place during the Autumn.
- Bog Planting. Estimated cost for bulb and bog planting £1,000.
- Planting on the island in the lake, including reeds, to create a wildlife habitat. Estimated cost £1,000.
- 6 benches to be put in over 2 Action Mornings. Estimated cost £1,000.
- Display boards to be put up.
- Renovate, repair and build 15 metres of path at each of 7 Action Mornings. If done by FGVW, the estimated cost would be 9 x £300 = £2,700.
- Bath House clearance ready for the Heritage Open Days to take 2 Action Mornings.
- Justin to be employed for tree felling. Estimated cost £2,500.
- Tree planting.
The Group also expects to purchase new tools, with an estimated cost of £1,500.
Some quotes have been requested, including from the BTCV (£12,000 to build the path around the lake); £5,000 (for each area) in materials to cover re-doing 3 or 4 areas of exiting pathway.
Martin has agreed to meet with Aire Valley Tree Services to look at the island in the lake and get a quote on clearing and replanting. Estimated cost is £5,000.
4. AOB
- Area Committee Grant
Adrian has been in contact with the Area Committee and has been told that they have run out of money this year, but his application for £10,000 can be submitted in April for next year's allocation.
5. Dates of Next Meetings
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 8th February 2007, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane
- Action Morning - Sat 10th February 2007
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 8th March 2007, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane
- Action Morning - Sun 11th March 2007
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 12th April 2007, 8pm at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane
- Action Morning - Sun 15th April 2007
- Family FunDay - Sat 16th June 2007