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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
19th July 2007
Present: Peter Foulston (Acting Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge, Paul Ellis.
1. Apologies for Absence
Martin Calvert, Mervyn & Joan Clayton.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 12th Jul 2007
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Leeds City Council Working in the Woods
A pathway has been cut across the meadow in preparation for Leeds City Council working in the woods. Fencing and signage will be put up around the lake in accordance with Health & Safety regulations. The work is due to take place in two weeks.
4. Correspondence
Lots of information was received from Leeds Voice including minutes of the Leeds Voice Environment Forum meeting held on 3rd July and the Leeds Environment Magazine. There is a Carbon March from Belfast to London taking place. The march will arrive in Leeds on 11th August. If you would like to join this leg of the march please meet at the Playhouse car park at 3.30pm where you will walk to the Victoria Gardens for a rally on cutting down carbon, to take place at 4.45pm.
Peter suggesting starting to add links from the FGVW web site to forthcoming Leeds Voice events. Although Adam agreed this was a good idea, the time taken to maintain this can't be justified at present given the existing backlog of work to do on the site.
5. 106 Grant Update
Michael updated the Group on what was happening with the 106 Grant. A further site meeting took place with Fred Duff. Fred sent an e-mail to the Group stating what work can be done and a breakdown of the costs. This can only be completed in full if the Group obtain fund matching from the Area Committee.
Justin Williamson from Forestry has also been in contact concerning the tree felling work and island clearance. He suggested that "pollarding" the beech trees would be better than felling, and more cost effective. This involves cutting the tree tops so that the trees die but are left as standing deadwood which is good for woodland wildlife. The larger logs can be left in the woods, and only the smaller cuttings need to be cleared. Some of the Oak and Sycamore can be felled as planned. Justin is going to mark the trees with yellow spots so the Group can discuss.
Justin has also looked at the work that needs doing on the island in Gledhow Lake. He has no objection to the Group burning some of the cuttings. He has agreed to clear the island of laurel so the Group can replant. He has also agreed to remove the fallen tree from the carriageway.
6. Action Mornings
July's Action Morning will include repairing the pathway that has been damaged by the recent heavy rainfall. 2 tons of sandstone has been ordered. The Group has paid for this as LCC need at least 2 weeks notice to release any 106 money. This will need to be taken into account for future work. Steve has agreed to bring 2 extra wheelbarrows. Volunteers to meet near the bench opposite the Horses' Field.
The August Action Morning will be used to construct a section of path. The Action Morning in September will include clearing Gipton Spa Bath House ready for the Open Heritage Days. Volunteers to meet at the Bath House.
An extra Action Morning is planned for 23rd September to plant more wildflowers. Martin met with Steve Joul to discuss suitable plants. He also helped to identify the ones we currently have in the meadow.
Next Action Mornings
- Sunday 22nd July 2007
- Sunday 26th August 2007
- Sunday 2nd September 2007
- Sunday 23rd September 2007
- Saturday 6th October 2007
- Sunday 11th November 2007
- Saturday 8th December 2007
7. St Matthews & Conservation Group Events
Adam provided details of the St Matthews and the Conservation Group events attended by some members of the Group.
Adam and Carol attended the Conservation Group event, which was well received, with around 100 people turning up. £50 was made from the sale of merchandise.
Joan, Mervyn and Mike attended St Matthews Church Fayre and made £45.50 from the sale of merchandise and bird boxes.
8. AOB
- FGVW Merchandise Stocks
The Group discussed how much merchandise was left and if we needed to re-stock anything in time for the Chapel Allerton Festival and Heritage Open Days. Adam agreed to produce some designs for Christmas cards and possibly a calendar for discussion.
- FunDay Merchandise & Game Costs
Adam stated that the prizes used on the FunDay had been bought for a previous event. The only costs specific to the FunDay were those stated on the invoice already given to Paul so there was no further action to take.
- Thank You to Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative
Adam asked if the Group could send a thank you letter to the Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative Headquarters for their generous donation at the FunDay.
- Japanese Knotweed
The knotweed has been sprayed.
- Austrian Scythes
Peter suggested buying two Austrian scythes with some of the 106 money from cutting the meadow.
9. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sunday 22nd July 2007
- Action Morning - Sunday 26th August 2007
- Core Group Meeting - Thursday 30th August 2007 at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane
- Action Morning - Sunday 2nd September 2007
- Action Morning - Sunday 23rd September 2007
- Action Morning - Saturday 6th October 2007
- Action Morning - Sunday 11th November 2007
- Action Morning - Saturday 8th December 2007