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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
30th August 2007

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Peter Foulston, Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge, Paul Ellis, Adrian Coltman, Adam Wilks, Frank & Jean Ogornan, Diane & Trevor Kitto.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 19th Jul 2007
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. 106 Grant Update
  1. Action Mornings
  2. Chapel Allerton Festival
  3. Heritage Open Days
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Sian Dodderidge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 19th Jul 2007

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • FGVW Christmas Cards
    We do not have any Christmas cards to sell this year as Adam was unable to find any suitable photos and no one sent any new ones to him. The Group agreed to look into this for next year.
  • Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative Thank You
    A thank you letter has been sent to the head office of the Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative for their raffle prize donation at the FunDay.
  • Scythes Quotes
    The Group has received some quotes for scythes so agreed to put the order through.
  • Balsam & Japanese Knotweed
    Mike Betteridge has cut back the Balsam in the woods and the Council has sprayed the Japanese Knotweed. The Knotweed needs doing again so Martin agreed to contact Mr Casey.

4. Correspondence

The Group received a letter from Denise Preston about the draft Parks and Green Space Strategy. This lists 3 community meetings in Roundhay from September to April. The Area Management committee are running the meetings. The first one in on 13th September from 3.30pm to 7.30pm. There is also a "Treeathon" on 23rd September at midday at Temple Newsam.

The Group has received a copy of the Gledhow Conservation Are meeting minutes. The are two planning applications giving them cause for concern. These include a swimming pool at Brighouse and a new office at Bracken House. The Group has been asked to write a letter detailing the trees and wildlife in the area.

5. 106 Grant Update

It was noted that the trees to be felled will be beech trees only and not oak and sycamore, as stated at the last meeting.

The money is to be used for some path work and tree felling. Joan mentioned that a tree had been pollarded near to where they lived and it didn't look very good. The small pieces of wood had not been cleared. Also, Leeds City Council has not yet marked the trees that will be affected.

Martin stressed that the Group would need to plan ahead as it would take at least one month's notice to be able to use the 106 money for a project.

Some benches have been ordered using the money. Mervyn raised the issue of needing benches at specific heights due to accessibility rules, especially when the new path has been built for better wheelchair access.

Paul has sent off an invoice for the path work to be done around the lake.

6. Action Mornings

Last Sunday we had a very good turnout with 28 volunteers helping, and 4 tons of stone was used on path work. 30 bags of rubbish were also collected.

There is another Action Morning on Sunday 2 September to clear the Bath House ready for the Open Heritage weekend. There is also another 2 tons of stone to use to re-do the nearby path. It may also be necessary to put some decking down near the Bath House for the event. The Group decided to try and use the generator with a power washer. Joan agreed to ask Avril if we could use her outside tap for water. A temporary ranger is coming and bring wheelbarrows. Mervyn has the Bath House key. Martin is going to arrange to bring waders. Martin agreed to speak to Elaine about Paraffin lamps for the Bath House open days. Steve is dropping off display boards at Joan and Mervyn's. Joan to contact Steve about Waders.

The next Action Morning is 23 September which will consist of wildflower planting and maybe using the new scythes!

Action Mornings used to alternate between Saturdays and Sundays but more recently they have been held mostly on Sundays. Although we have been getting good turnouts it was felt that some should still take place on Saturdays so that everyone could be included. It was decided to have more Action Mornings on Sundays than on Saturdays.

The Action Morning planned for Saturday 6th October will now be on Sunday 14th October. This will consist of path work near Gledhow Valley and Allerton Grange Way and topping up in some areas. Please meet at Allerton Grange Way near the gas sub-station.

The Action Morning due on Sunday 11th November has been moved to Saturday 17th November to avoid Remembrance Sunday.

Next Action Mornings

  • Sunday 2nd September 2007
  • Sunday 23rd September 2007
  • Sunday 14th October 2007
  • Saturday 17th November 2007
  • Saturday 8th December 2007

7. Chapel Allerton Festival

The Chapel Allerton Festival will take place on Saturday 1st September. The Group has been allocated stall C14. The weather forecast is fair. Adrian agreed to take a pop-up gazebo just in case. Adam and Carol agreed to set up and be there all day. Mike, Joan, Mervyn and Adrian also agreed to help when possible. The Festival will take place between 11am and 4.30pm. Set up is between 8.45am to 9.30am.

Adrian also agreed to take delivery of the Action Morning stone at 8am on Saturday before attending the Festival.

8. Heritage Open Days

Heritage Open Days will take place on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September between 2pm and 4pm. Set up from 1pm on both days. Paul and Martin agreed to give the guided tours. Home baked refreshments will be needed, as well as 3 pop-up gazebos. Flasks need to be borrowed from Elaine.

On Sunday at 2pm there will also be a Herb Walk starting from the Bath House which will last about 45 minutes.

9. AOB

  • Bat Walk
    Joan has had requests for another Bat Walk. Martin agreed to ask Steve Clavering.
  • First Aid
    Joan was asked at the last Action Morning if we have a first aider. Adam Wilks is a qualified first aider.
  • Graffiti
    Joan asked if there was anything that could be used to remove graffiti from trees. The Group did not think so but would ask Leeds City Council for advice.
  • Boom Sludge
    Adam Wilks asked if anything could be done to get rid of the sludge on the top of the lake near the wooden boom. Mervyn has spoken to land drainage in the past and Duffy's may remove it.
  • Scythes
    Peter asked Paul for a cheque to pay for the new scythes.
  • Lakeside Trees
    Mike raised an issue with the trees around the lake and near the memorial bench. There are so many dense trees overhanging the lake that they completely spoil the view, and also make the area dark and potentially dangerous. Martin agreed to raise this with Justin Casey.
  • Trees Along Gledhow Valley Road
    An issue was also raised regarding the trees along Gledhow Valley Road. These were supposed to be cut back when the traffic restrictions came into force, but nothing has been done. Work needs doing as it is very dark on the road in summer. Martin agreed to contact the Highway people.

10. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Core Group Meeting - Thursday 20th September 2007 at the Police Club, Gledhow Lane
  • Action Morning - Sunday 2nd September 2007
  • Action Morning - Sunday 23rd September 2007
  • Action Morning - Sunday 14th October 2007
  • Action Morning - Saturday 17th November 2007
  • Action Morning - Saturday 8th December 2007

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