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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
10th January 2008
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Peter Foulston, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Mike Betteridge, Paul Ellis, Adam Wilks.
1. Apologies for Absence
Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 13th Dec 2007
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Strimming
We are not allowed to strim in the Woods. Mike Betteridge asked if it would be possible if we attended a course but the answer is still no.
4. Correspondence
The Group has received the minutes from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group (CVCAG) meeting on 11 December 2007. The Victorian Evening was well received. Noted their intention to hold an event within our FunDay in June. FGVW would need to approve any such plans.
Received copies of LCC Leeds Countryside Walks Programme 2008.
Received a cheque for £250 from Tesco plc as their contribution to the 2007 FunDay.
5. 106 Grant Update
The Group thinks that Parks and Countryside have finished responding to our e-mail re path work and island clearance. We need to send another e-mail to ask for what we consider is outstanding work to be completed. Will wait for a week or so to send the e-mail. Martin Calvert to ring Chris Bolam to discuss with him.
Next on the 106 agenda will be the planting of the island in March.
6. Action Mornings
On the January Action Morning we hope to install 3 benches, weather permitting. Also excavating the edges of the carriageway, looking at the car park drains, litter picking and beech thinning.
On the February/March Action Mornings we hope to construct a section of path next to the decking/steps constructed in October along with an adjustment to the aforementioned steps.
Next Action Mornings
- Sun 13 Jan 2008
- Sun 10 Feb 2008
- Sat 15 Mar 2008
- Sun 6 Apr 2008
7. FGVW Annual General Meeting
Anyone wishing to stand for election at AGM must contact Martin Calvert before 25 Jan 2008.
Councillors Valerie Kendall, Jane Dowson and representative from Gledhow Valley Conservation Action Group will be in attendance.
8. FGVW Family FunDay 2008
- Letter sent to Andrew Sykes asking for permission for the FunDay on June 14th 2008.
- After a heated debate, it was agreed that we will have to extend the event to 5.30pm.
- Steve Clavering and Elaine Hill will be attending from LCC.
- Justin and Forestry to be invited.
- Joan Clayton to ask Robin Dove.
- Allotments people want to attend.
- Tents: We have 8 large 9x3 gazebos for which we will pay Mervyn to make storage boxes. We have 2 scout tents available and 6 pop-ups. Also 6 old style in reserve, but hopefully not needed.
- Turns: Daftasadrum, Rossett School Band, Storyteller Christine McMahon, a main band and Urban Circus if possible. Pete to actively pursue both.
- Raffle: Adam Bull has agreed to organise the raffle.
- Parachute Games: Joan Clayton to ask Jenny.
- T-shirt Design: Joan Clayton to ask Ellis.
- Firefighters: Joan Clayton to ask Jim.
- Wishing Tree: Hopefully Lynne will do one. Joan Clayton to check.
- Beekeeper: David invited.
- Hedgehogs: Sue Garforth from Hedgehog Care invited.
- Bird Boxes: Mervyn happy to organise.
- Plant Sales: Everybody can contribute please.
- Clay Modelling: Joan Clayton to ask Sue.
- Animal Protection: Not thought to be within the ethos of the event.
- Seven: To be consulted.
- Radish: To be invited as a thank you for their year round support.
- Straw Bales: A must for 2008.
- Woodchips: Martin Calvert to organise.
- Entrance Banner: Paul Ellis to investigate.
9. AOB
- Volunteer Thank You Event
LCC are running a "thank you" event on Sun 24 Feb 2008. Anybody wishing to attend should contact Martin Calvert.
- Photos
Adam Wilks brought along a series of photos outlining work to be done at future Action Mornings. Much appreciated
- Snow Photos
Martin Calvert bravely took photos in the biting snowstorms of the previous Thursday with complete disregard to his personal safety. We do need some snowy photos as we must produce some Christmas cards for sale this year.
- Deer
Joan Clayton informed the group of the young deer found by the roadside. It was visited by the Beechwood vet who took it in overnight. He re-homed it to a deer expert in Bramhope. The deer escaped from a smallholding and so hopefully is thriving. There was speculation that deer's father had returned and was attemping to drive the deer off his territory.
10. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 13 Jan 2008
- AGM - Fri 1 Feb 2008
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 7 Feb 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
- Action Morning - Sun 10 Feb 2008
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 13 Mar 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
- Action Morning - Sat 15 Mar 2008
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 3 Apr 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
- Action Morning - Sun 6 Apr 2008
- FunDay - Sat 14 Jun 2008 (1.30pm to 5.30pm)