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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
3rd April 2008

Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Adam Wilks, Claire Standish, Tamzin Spivey.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 27th Mar 2008
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. 106 Grant Update
  1. Action Mornings
  2. FGVW Family FunDay 2008
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Sian Dodderidge, Martin Calvert, Mike Betteridge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 27th Mar 2008

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Health & Safety Notice for Action Mornings
    Adam Wilks submitted costings for a board to be made showing Health & Safety information for Action Mornings. Mervyn suggested a sandwich board design and volunteered to get the plywood and stakes. Adam Wilks agreed to propose what information went on the board.
  • First Aid
    Claire Standish and Adam Wilks volunteered to investigate and attend a first aid course. They are looking at St John's Ambulance, Red Cross and BTCV sites. The Group also agreed that it was worth asking whether anyone attending Action Mornings had any medical experience in case of an emergency.
  • Christmas Cards
    Adam Bull had investigated the costs of printing larger volumes of cards. The Group compared the cost of printing 2,000 cards (1,000 of each of 2 designs) as per the previous order against having 4,000 printed (2,000 each of 2 designs). The cost saving was significant at 55p per finished pack of 6 cards, making the final price 95p per pack for materials. The Group agreed to order 4,000 in time for the FunDay. Adam Bull agreed to order and Adrian offered the Groups help to pack the cards into bags if needed.

4. Correspondence

The Group received a certificate for their Participation in the City Pride Award and details of who had won.

The Group received details of the Leeds City Council Walk programme for 2008.

Donald Purves sent the Group details of his Herbal medicine workshops and walks, which Adam Bull then put on the FGVW web site.

5. 106 Grant Update

Martin has received an e-mail from Leeds City Council stating that the work is completed.

The Group has received a breakdown of the 106 money spent so far including the costs of work done by Parks and Countryside. The Group has £7,700 left to allocate.

There is still some seeding to be completed by local residents now that the path work has been completed.

6. Action Mornings

The Action Morning in April is on Sunday to 6th April. However, if anyone would like to attend an extra Action Morning on Saturday 5th April there is some preparation work to do with decking and path work.

Saturday's Action Morning is due to start around 9.45am and Adam Wilks, Mervyn, James and Adrian will attend. Martin agreed to take responsibility for the 8 tonnes of stone being delivered. It is planned to start work on the decking and top up the path.

Sunday's Action Morning will include topping up the path and clearing the boggy area of saplings. These will be cut down and left to create wildlife habitats.

May's Action Morning will consist of clearing, planting and path work. Volunteers to meet opposite the horses' field on Gledhow Valley Road.

July's Action Morning will consist of path work and clearing and possibly putting in 3 benches. Volunteers to meet at the old bath house on Gledhow Valley Road.

Next Action Mornings

  • Sat 5 Apr 2008
  • Sun 6 Apr 2008
  • Sun 11 May 2008
  • Sat 12 Jul 2008

7. FGVW Family FunDay 2008

No major update since the FunDay meeting last week. The Group agreed to go ahead with the Churchill quote for marquee, chairs and toilets. Mervyn has been investigating water heaters.

8. AOB

  • Information Boards
    Fred Duff has sent an e-mail to Martin confirming that the Group can put up some notice boards provided they show the Leeds City Council logo. He suggested some suppliers and costs of £1,500 per board.
  • Chapel Allerton Library
    A FGVW display is being shown in the library with effect from 28th April. Adrian to collect the FGVW display boards from Adam Bull to take to the library.
  • Chapel Allerton Allotment Show
    Adrian and Adam Bull have agreed to do a display and sell FGVW merchandise from 3-4 pm at the Methodist Hall.
  • Muddy Steps
    The Group has received comments and an e-mail concerning the muddy steps near the lake. Martin and Adam Bull have answered the e-mail however the Group expressed concern about the safety of people going near the lake to feed the ducks. Mervyn and Adam Wilks would like to do some work on the jetty and put up barrier rails but are concerned about liability. Adrian suggested contacting the council for advice and to see if we could use some of the 106 money. Adam Wilks agreed to produce a design of what it could look like.
  • New Trees
    Some trees have been planted near to the children's playground. Joan expressed concern that these would be damaged quickly, especially since children use the slope for sledging.

9. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning (Extra) - Sat 5 Apr 2008
  • Action Morning - Sun 6 Apr 2008
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 8 May 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
  • Action Morning - Sun 11 May 2008
  • FunDay - Sat 14 Jun 2008 (1.30pm to 5.30pm)
  • Action Morning - Sat 12 Jul 2008

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