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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
8th May 2008

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Adam Wilks, Mike Betteridge, Peter Foulston.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 3rd April 2008
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. 106 Grant Update
  1. Action Mornings
  2. FGVW Family FunDay 2008
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Sian Dodderidge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 3rd April 2008

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Health & Safety Notice for Action Mornings
    Mervyn is looking for a sandwich board that will be suitable to do this. It should be around £40 to buy one. Carol suggested a picture of a volunteer in full safety gear to show what should be worn.
  • First Aid
    Claire is still investigated First Aid Courses.
  • Christmas Cards
    Adam Bull has ordered the Christmas cards. Proofs have been received and approved, so they are in the process of being printed. Adam has also bought the cellophane bags, and printed the labels. Adam and Carol will pack the cards into sets of 6 (3 each of the 2 designs). There will be 635 packs altogether, and everything should be ready for the FunDay.
  • Display at Chapel Allerton Library
    Adrian has put up a FGVW display showing what the volunteers do in Chapel Allerton Library. This will be there for 2 weeks and is due to be taken down on Monday 12th May.
  • Chapel Allerton Allotment Show
    Adrian and Adam Bull attended the Chapel Allerton Allotment Show and spoke to a lot of local people about the work that the Group do. They handed out leaflets and sold £10 worth of merchandise. Adrian agreed to ask Martin of the Allotment Association if he would like to do a display or demonstration at the FunDay.
  • Muddy Steps by Lake
    Martin has e-mailed Fred Duff to ask who is responsible for clearing/reinstating the steps and if the Group need to do it or Leeds City Council. So far he hasn't received a response.
  • Information Boards
    Adam Bull has received updated phone numbers from Emma Trickett and a copy of the Leeds City Council Logo that we have to use. Adam will now go ahead and finish the design.

4. Correspondence

Martin has received details from the Roundhay Planning Forum of a planning application for 5 Gledhow Lane. The application is to turn a detached house into 8 flats and to build an extension. Any objections need to be in by 15th May.

There will be an In Bloom Open Day on Saturday 10th May 10-12 noon. Martin agreed to see if there are any places left so that Joan and Mervyn can attend.

Janet Leveridge has invited a speaker from the FGVW Group to speak at the Chapel Allerton Residents Association AGM on Wednesday 14th May. Mike volunteered to do this. Mike has also developed a slide show which he will present at Paxton Hall at Kirkstall in September.

5. 106 Grant Update

Chris Bolam has requested a site visit to see where the rest of the 106 money will be spent. Joan suggested work on the steps near Gledhow Lane and Mike suggested the steps near the concrete bridge. Martin suggested re-building the jetty. The Group hope there is enough money left to do all three projects. Some money was spent recently on wildflowers and peat-free compost that was used by scouts who did some volunteer work in the woods.

6. Action Mornings

The Action Mornings in April took place over two days and were a big success.

The next Action Morning is on Sunday 11th May. This Action Morning will include working on the boggy area. Some saplings need to be removed and general clearing carried out so that wildflowers can be planted. Also, some of the old knotweed needs pulling up so that the new knotweed can be sprayed by the Council. Additionally, the path needs some weed kill on it.

Volunteers are also needed to cup back the rhododendrons and do general trimming. Spades, shovels, saws, loppers and litter pickers will be needed on the day.

July's Action Morning will consist of putting in 3 benches, path work on the other side of the woods and "Balsam bashing" if it is in flower.

The Group were undecided about an Action Morning in August due to holidays so this will be agreed on nearer the time.

September's Action Morning will consist of clearing the Bath House ready for the Heritage Open Days weekend on 14th September. The meadow will also need cutting in September.

Next Action Mornings

  • Sun 11 May 2008
  • Sat 12 Jul 2008

7. FGVW Family FunDay 2008

  • LCC Permission: Sent letter to Andrew Sykes. Going ahead as a LCC event under Emma Trickett. Steve Clavering or his rep in attendance. Elaine Hill also in attendance as volunteer.
  • Gazebos: 9 x (9x3) large, 6 x (3x3) pop-up. Phil's scout tent? Paul's scout tent? We then have 6 small gazebos in reserve. Need one main marquee.
  • Tables/Chairs/Etc: Need to fund 32 tables and 50 chairs, marquee and 2 toilets - Martin requested a quote from Churchills and was quoted £876.
  • John Casey: to be informed. Martin to liaise re grass cutting and fire extinguishers.
  • Risk Assessments: Martin to liaise with Emma.
  • Grants: Adrian has applied to the Area Committee for a £500 grant.
  • Posters: 60xA4 needed - Adam Bull to produce, Peter to print.
  • Programme: Adam Bull t o produce, Peter and Adrian to print. 400 needed.
  • Flyers: 5,000 needed. Adam to produce. Paul may be able to do the photocopying. If not then Joan will ask Elaine.
  • Guillotine: Phil?
  • Chapel Allerton Magazine: Adrian provided details of the Group for an article as requested. However, they've decided not to use this! The FunDay should still be advertised though.
  • Refreshments: Martin has written to Tesco and Sainsburys. Sainsburys has promised £10. Need as much home baking as possible. Please encourage all supporters.
  • PA System: The Group has agreed to fund the hiring of a PA system for the band so Peter to check if we can use it too.
  • St Johns Ambulance: Confirmed.
  • Turns: Daftasadrum confirmed. Bassa Bassa invited. Storyteller Christine McMahon confirmed. Urban Circus will be invited following a vote of 6 to 5.
  • LCC Forestry & Dale the Chainsaw Man: Martin to invite.
  • Raffle: Adam Bull to organise.
  • Hunt the Bear: Adam Bull to organise.
  • FGVW Display: Adam Bull and Adrian.
  • Local History/Genealogy: Robin Dove to invite - Joan.
  • Parachute Games: John and Jenny Farley agreed.
  • T-Shirt Design: Martin to contact Radish regarding Fair Trade T Shirts. Joan may have some volunteers.
  • Firefighters: James has agreed to attend.
  • Police/PCSOs: Adrian to liaise with Brenda.
  • Wooden Tree: Donna.
  • Owl Man: Birds of Prey - Adam Bull to chase up.
  • Beekeeper: David accepted.
  • Hedgehogs, etc.: Sue Charlton has agreed to attend.
  • Tadpoles/Frogs: Unavailable.
  • Bug Hunt: Subject to manpower Steve Clavering attending.
  • Bird Boxes: Mervyn.
  • Plants: Gladys.
  • Clay Modelling: Joan has a volunteer, Adrian to provide clay.
  • Woodcraft Folk: Confirmed and bringing their own tent.
  • Face Painters: 2 confirmed.
  • Turns/Timetable: Peter.
  • Roping Off: Peter.
  • Setting Up: From 7.30am sharp please.
  • Animal Protection Stall: No, not suitable.
  • Herbal Medicine Stall: Martin to invite.
  • Seven: Probably not.
  • Conservation Area Committee: Confirmed.
  • Radish Stall: Confirmed.
  • Gledhow Allotments: Adrian to ask if they can do something around what people can grow in containers in their own gardens.
  • Wishing Tree: Lynne confirmed, she also has some other people coming with her from the Transition Town Initiative so may need two gazebos.
  • Straw Bales: with Jim's help.
  • Woodchips: Martin to organise with Justin.
  • Entrance Banner: Paul.
The Group agreed to hold another meeting this month to sort out leaflet and poster distribution.

Adam Bull produced a poster for the Group to comment on, and will produce a final version based on this design. Peter agreed to produce colour copies of the poster.

The Group hasn't received confirmation from Paul on the photocopying. If Paul can't do this then Joan agreed to contact Elaine who said that she could.

Leaflets will be delivered to local schools 2 weeks prior to the Fun Day (Monday 2nd June). About 5,000 leaflets needed.

Adam Bull agreed to put up posters in the local Chapel Allerton shops. Adam also agreed to send an e-mail out asking for volunteers for the FunDay and for home made refreshments, before 29th May.

Adrian agreed to look into obtaining a water heater. However, there may be issues powering it considering the strength of the generator.

Martin agreed to order a banner stating that there was a FGVW event taking place and including the web site address. Adrian to provide contact details.

The Group agreed to sort out a timetable when they know whether or not Urban Circus can attend.

8. AOB

  • Quad Bikes in the Woods
    A couple of Quad Bikes have been seen in the woods on several occasions. The Group are concerned for the safety of people using the footpaths. Martin has spoken to them but they only left to return the next day. Parkswatch has been called about the problem. The Group intend to get registration numbers next time they are seen in the woods so that the culprits can be visited by Parkswatch and the Police.
  • Highways Commission
    Adrian has received an e-mail from the Highways Commission requesting a site visit. Adrian agreed to meet up with them to discuss pedestrian safety on Gledhow Lane.
  • E-mail Mailing List
    Adam Bull has produced a postcard to send to people on the e-mail mailing list whose e-mail address no longer works, to see if they can be persuaded to re-join the list. Obviously, this is only possible if the postal address is known.
  • Business in the Community
    Mike has given Martin the names of 3 companies who are interested in doing volunteer work in the woods. Mike suggested that they could clear some of the brambles and the carriageway. Martin agreed to look at this when work was completed using the 106 money.
  • Benches
    Mervyn asked if the Group could/should buy taller benches. Martin to investigate whether or not this is necessary.
  • Lake Pollution
    Martin raised the problem of a sandy-coloured discharge going into the lake. He contacted the Environment Agency who visited the site the following day but couldn't find any evidence. Mervyn believes that it is coming from the construction work being done at Allerton Grange School. Peter agreed to look into it.

9. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 11 May 2008
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 29 May 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club, Gledhow Lane)
  • FunDay - Sat 14 Jun 2008 (1.30pm to 5.30pm)
  • Action Morning - Sat 12 Jul 2008
  • Heritage Open Day - Sun 14 Sep 2008 (12.00pm to 4.00pm)

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