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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
23rd October 2008
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge, Adrian Coltman.
1. Apologies for Absence
Paul Ellis, Peter Foulston, Sian Dodderidge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 25th September 2008
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Brownies
Chapel A Brownies were due to plant wildflowers one evening this month but they have decided that the evenings are too dark. This has left some wildflowers that need to be planted at the next Action Morning.
The 2nd Chapel A Brownies have sent a thank you note to the Group with a £20 donation highlighting how much they enjoyed the guided walk given by Mike Betteridge and how much they had learnt.
- Graffiti
Martin is obtaining some graffiti wipes from the Council which can be used to remove the graffiti from the boards near the jetty.
- Fungus Foray
34 people attended the Fungus Foray led by Steve Joul, with Anthony and Martin representing the Group. There were lots of fungi growing in dead wood and the talk lasted 2 hours. It was very well received by all who attended.
- Access to the Meadow
The large stone on the path has been moved so that vehicles no longer have access to the meadow.
4. Correspondence
Minutes have been received from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Group meeting.
The Group has been reminded that they have been invited to apply for the Community and City Pride Awards. The closing date for entries is the 31st October. The Group decided not to go ahead with an application this year.
5. 106 Grant Update
The now has a complete breakdown of how the money was spent. There is £650 left to spend.
Joan asked if any 106 money would be available from the building work to the house on Gledhow Valley Road. Martin to investigate.
6. Action Mornings
The September Action Morning was attended by a record 44 people! Of the benches that were installed, 2 were later found to have been pulled out of the ground by unknown persons. Fortunately the benches were found close by and replaced back in the ground by the Group on Tuesday.
Next Action Mornings
- Saturday 25th October
This will be an all day event and include a barbeque. There are 7 gabion baskets to install, although only 6 may be needed. These will be put at the jetty area going out into the water and will form the base for a platform, with wooden posts placed around the edge. 5 loads (4 tons each load) of stone will be delivered on the day. Paul is bringing the Venture Scouts with him to help. Start time is 9.30am although some volunteers are needed from 7.30am when the stone deliveries start. A toilet will also be delivered. There will be bulbs and wildflower planting available if any children come. John Casey will be visiting the site on Monday.
- Sunday 30th November
A new section of the path will be completed by the boggy area near Gledhow Lane. Volunteers to meet at Gledhow Valley Road/Gledhow Lane junction.
- Sunday 14th December
Path work near the Gledhow Valley Road/Gledhow Lane junction. Volunteers to meet at this point.
7. Council Issues
A number of issues were raised at the last meeting that need to be referred to the Council. Martin agreed to e-mail the appropriate people regarding each issue.
The volume of silt in the lake is going to be referred to Joe Smallman, Bob Bradley (who has mentioned the issue before to the Group) and Fred Duff. There is also a problem with the foliage at the side of the woods which is encroaching on to the footpath.
The proposal put forward by Mervyn and Paul at the last meeting regarding the Bath House will be referred to Jane Dowson. Joan also suggested Anne Castle. The Group would like to encourage the Council to take an interest in the Bath House rather than take responsibility for it. There is also an issue with the drainage in the Bath House and a tree that is leaning over it.
8. AOB
- Christmas Cards
Adam has sold 12 packs of Christmas cards to Radish. Joan hopes to sell some cards at the next Action Morning.
- Recovered Photos
Mike expressed his gratitude to Adam for helping to restore the lost photos he had taken in the woods.
- Mystery Container
The container is still in the Horses' Field. The Group hasn't received an update from the Conservation Group yet who agreed to investigate.
- Local History
Mike is investigating the history of the Kitson family and their connection with Gledhow Hall. He agreed to produce some notes for the Group when completed.
9. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sat 25 Oct 2008
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 27 Nov 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 30 Nov 2008
- Action Morning - Sun 14 Dec 2008