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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
27th November 2008

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman, Emma Trickett.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 23rd October 2008
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. 106 Grant Update
  6. Action Mornings
  1. Council Issues
  2. Meadow Destruction
  3. Memorial Bench
  4. AGM Date & Nominations
  5. AOB
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Mike Betteridge Paul Ellis, Peter Foulston, Sian Dodderidge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 23rd October 2008

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Graffiti
    The Graffiti wipes from the Council were used and were successful in removing graffiti from the boards near the jetty.
  • Forestry Department
    Forestry has cut down some of the fallen trees in the woods.
  • Insurance
    Paul has renewed the insurance for the Group with BTCV.

4. Correspondence

Chapel A Brownies sent a hand-made thank you note to the Group, with a £20 donation, highlighting how much they enjoyed the talk given by Mike Betteridge and how much they had learnt.

There is a Volunteer Thank You event on Monday 15th December at 6pm. Adrian attended on behalf of the Group last year so Joan and Mervyn are going to attend this year.

Minutes have been received from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Group meeting. There will be a Blue Plaque ceremony at Gledhow Hall green on Saturday 12th February 2009 at 12pm. All welcome to the ceremony. The FGVW Group has also been invited to drinks and nibbles after the ceremony. The Group are not aware of any new planning applications in the area but there is some concern over a householder trying to take over some common land.

5. 106 Grant Update

Martin provided Emma Trickett with a breakdown of where the money has been spent. The Group has £650.47 left to spend.

Joan asked if there was any 106 money from the building work to the house on Gledhow Valley Road. Martin to investigate.

6. Action Mornings

The Action Morning on Saturday 25th October was the first all day Action Morning and was a huge success. Almost 40 volunteers came throughout the day, which started at 7am and ended at 6pm.

Everyone enjoyed the day and worked hard to complete the jetty. Bulbs were also planted. The Group would like to thank all the volunteers for their hard work.

Adam suggested the Group put a plaque on the jetty to explain that it was due to the FGVW. Adrian has received good feedback by one of the local residents on the work done.

Next Action Mornings

  • Sunday 30th November
    Some new steps are needed, rhododendron cutting, a bench to move and one to put in. Some bulb planting will also take place if any children turn up. Volunteers to meet at Gledhow Valley Road/Gledhow Valley Lane junction.
  • Sunday 14th December
    Path work near the Gledhow Valley Road/Gledhow Valley Lane junction. Volunteers to meet at this point.

2009 Action Mornings

The first Action Morning in 2009 will be on Sunday 11th January. Emma suggested that the Group draw up a Management plan. Martin said that the Group had one done years ago and that he would pass a copy to Emma.

7. Council Issues

Martin has e-mailed a variety of people on each issue. The Bath House was referred to Jane Dowson. The first response was a suggestion that the Bath House was gifted to the Group which the Group were not keen on as they would like to encourage the Council to take more of an interest.

8. Meadow Destruction

Some repair work has been carried out by the corner of the lake near the meadow. The Council contracted Duffy's to complete the work. Large machinery was needed and this was driven straight across the meadow, where it became stuck in mud. A lot of damage was done to the ground as the machinery was pulled out. Around 26 squares of meadow planting have been destroyed.

Martin has received letters of apology from both the Council and Duffy's and attended a site meeting with them. They have agreed to strip a large section of the meadow and pay for compost, stone and plants to restore it. The Group were very distressed over the state of the meadow as so many volunteers had put a lot of time and effort in to making it. It is hoped that restoration work can start in April.

9. Memorial Bench

Dorothy Carter's daughter has died and Dorothy has asked the Group if she could donate a memorial bench to be placed in the woods opposite her house. The Group agreed and the cost will be approx. £200 for the bench, post mix and plaque. This will likely take place in spring 2009.

10. AGM Date & Nominations

Adrian volunteered his house as the venue for the AGM. This will be on Friday 30th January. Please send all nominations for officers before this date.

11. AOB

  • Christmas Cards
    Adam has sold more packs of FGVW Christmas cards to Radish. Joan hopes to sell some cards at the next Action Morning. Adam agreed to put a note on the update e-mail he sends out to members to remind them that Christmas cards are available.
  • Horses' Field
    There are now ponies in the "horses' field", and sheep in the field next door.
  • Bulb for the Action Morning
    Martin agreed to get some bulbs for Saturday in case any children come to the Action Morning.
  • Logs/Rubbish
    Some logs and rubbish has been dumped in the woods by Highways. The large log restricting access to the woods has also been moved.
  • Path Work
    Joan raised the issue of the poor state of the top path. It is very boggy and needs some repair work. The bench is also overgrown. The Group agreed to do some work in this area.
  • Parks & Countryside
    Emma Trickett asked for feedback from the Group on the service provided by Parks & Countryside, the Rangers and the Forestry Department. Martin explained that the Group didn't have any issues and that the level of support was good. The Group were particularly grateful for help during the FunDay event.
  • Grants
    Adrian asked for ideas for projects so that he could apply for grants. This will be discussed at the next meeting but ideas included steps, exercise stops, signposting for walks, cutting back old growth and trees.

12. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 30 Nov 2008
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 11 Dec 2008 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 14 Dec 2008
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 8 Jan 2009 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 11 Jan 2009
  • AGM - Fri 30 Jan 2009

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