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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
5th March 2009

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge, Peter Foulston, Steven Johns.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 5th February 2009
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  1. Action Mornings
  2. FunDay 2009
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Sian Dodderidge, Paul Ellis

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 5th February 2009

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • FGWV Charity Status
    Paul has been doing some investigation into the Group obtaining charity status and will update everyone at the next meeting he attends.
  • New Benches
    Martin agreed to chase up the bench delivery.
  • Brackenwoods
    North East Leeds and Groundwork are doing some community work in the Brackenwoods area around the edge of the wood. Martin sent them a poster to publicise the work done by the Group.
  • Sledging
    The Council has repaired the barrier along Gledhow Valley Road at the bottom of the hill used for sledging.
  • Name Badges
    Adam sent Joan a list of volunteer names which Joan has been working through and updating. Martin agreed to consult Debbie on which of her "ladies" needed to be included and also if the names of any children needed to be on the list.
  • On-Site Meeting
    Martin had an on-site meeting with Fred Duff and Mr Bradley during the week. They walked along the top path from the flats to Gledhow Lane and discussed the steps used by children on their way to school. The Council did not think they had enough money to complete all the work and suggested providing sleepers for the Group to do the work instead. Mervyn had looked at the steps and thought that they could be improved without having to start from scratch. They then walked along the middle path through the meadow which was quite muddy and also needs some remedial work. Fred Duff agreed to see if there was any money available to do the work and get back to Martin.
  • Tree Pollarding
    Justin has marked up some trees for pollarding.
  • Duffys
    Martin is in discussion with Duffy regarding the compensation for the damage done to the meadow. Duffys has also cleared away the rubbish that they left.

4. Correspondence

The North East Area Committee has invited people to the Chapel Allerton Forum at the Methodist Hall on Saturday 14th March from 12pm-2pm. Council Services will be there discussing the plans for the next year. Anyone is welcome to attend.

5. Action Mornings

Next Action Mornings

  • Saturday 7th March
    8 tons of stone due to be delivered for path work. Volunteers to meet near the gas sub-station. Last month's Action Morning had to be cancelled due to the icy weather. The work planned for this Action Morning was carried over to March. The work will involve finishing off the path work started 6 months ago and completing a new bit of path work behind the gas sub-station to the original steps. The Group may get some chippings to lay in case any children turn up wanting to help.
  • Sunday 5th April
    The meadow will be planted with plug wild flowers and annual cornflower seed. If the benches have arrived these can be put in too. Volunteers to meet at the meadow at the bottom of the lake. There will also be some path work to do near the railings. Adam to e-mail Group members to encourage children to come and plant. The Group have the £450 grant from Northern Rail to use for buying plugs and there should also be some support from Duffys.
  • May
    Details to be confirmed at a later date.

Martin agreed to e-mail Steve Clavering to see how best to eradicate the Laurel and Joan raised the potential problem of the Himalayan Balsam.

6. FunDay 2009

The FunDay will be on Saturday 13th June 2009.

Updates from the last meeting as follows:

  • Urban Circus to be contacted by Peter. Martin has tried 3 times with no response.
  • Clifton and Lightcliffe Brass Band from has confirmed.
  • One face painter confirmed. Another needed.
  • Hedgehog lady has agreed provided she is well enough.
  • Chainsaw sculpture probably.
  • Debbie has a contact for PCSOs.
  • Adrian to contact Moortown Fire Service.
  • Mervyn to organise the hay bales, approx 20.
  • John and Jenny agreed to run the parachute game. Parachute to be provided by Adrian.
  • The Group agreed to hire a marquee and 2 toilets.
  • Martin and Mervyn discussed nest boxes that include cameras.
  • Adrian agreed to invite the Woodcraft Folk.
  • Adrian to provide clay for clay modelling.
  • Martin to e-mail Elaine and Emma at Leeds Countryside for further ideas.

7. AOB

  • Name Badges
    Steven Johns provided a box of blank name badges for the Group to use.
  • Pavements
    Trevor Kitto dropped off some e-mails he received from the Highways Commission in response to his contact with them regarding the state of the pavements along Gledhow Valley Road and the surrounding area. Trevor has put a lot of time and effort into pursuing this issue, and has also attended a site visit.
    It was not considered a priority by the Council and the Group doubt that any work will be done. The Council say that roads/pavements are selected for maintenance "solely based on the state of the carriageway irrespective of the condition of the footway".
    Adrian had also attended a site visit at Little Switzerland. The kerb is very low and cars are driving on the pavement. The Council did not see it as an issue unless there was an accident. Mervyn suggested taking photos of the pavement before and after cleaning to show the Council how it should look to see if this made a difference. Minor repairs will be done as and when required but there is no Council budget for full resurfacing.
  • Rubbish in the Woods
    Joan had reported some bags of rubbish containing personal information to the authorities 7 weeks ago. It has still not been removed. Stickers have been placed on the bags stating that it is an offence to dump this. If there are 2 bags this is a £75 fine, more than this and it is classed as a prosecution case. The Group has been unable to remove it due to proceedings taking place. Joan also reported a tent and some rubbish to be removed form the woods. Again the Group has been unable to move this due to the potential needle hazard and are waiting for the relevant authorities to remove it. Joan has chased this issue several times.
  • FGVW Coasters
    Adam has received a letter from Radish asking if the Group would like to join them in buying some coasters that include pictures of the Woods. Radish has suggested going halves on the order. This will cost the Group approximately £160 with coasters being sold by both Radish and the Group. The Group agreed to try it out. Adam agreed to bring in some photos for selection.
  • FGVW Leaflets
    The Group is running out of leaflets so Adam has been obtaining quotes for printing further copies. He received 3 quotes from Vistaprint (who have previously produced FGVW postcards), ThoughtFactory (who have previously produced FGVW greetings cards), and Smallprint (who have previously produced FGVW leaflets), as well as samples. The cheapest and best quality was VistaPrint although there was some discussion as to whether the Group should use local businesses i.e. Smallprint. Adam to order 2,000 leaflets once the text has been updated.
  • Allotment Show
    Adrian has confirmed that the Group will attend the Allotment Show on 4th April at the Methodist Hall. Adrian to attend. The display boards are needed.

8. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sat 7 Mar 2009
  • Core Group Meeting - Wed 1 Apr 2009 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 5 Apr 2009
  • FunDay - Sat 13 Jun 2009

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