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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
1st April 2009

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 5th March 2009
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. FunDay 2009
  2. FGVW Website Update
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Sian Dodderidge, Mike Betteridge, Peter Foulston

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 5th March 2009

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • New Benches
    The new benches have been delivered and can be put in during the Action Morning at the weekend. Joan to check with Dorothy on the position of the bench that will be placed in memory of her daughter.
  • Brackenwoods Volunteers
    No additional volunteers were visible at the last Action Morning from the North East Leeds and Groundwork event.
  • FGWV Name Badges
    Martin gave an updated list of names to Joan so that she could produce name badges for the Action Mornings.
  • Duffys
    Martin met with Duffys and they have agreed on £500 compensation for the damage done to the meadow.
  • Chapel Allerton Forum
    Joan, Mervyn and Martin attended the Chapel Allerton Forum in March.
  • Road Barriers
    The barriers along Gledhow Valley Road have been replaced and repaired.
  • Laurel Issues
    Steve Joul and Steve Clavering have agreed to look at the laurel to see what work needs doing.

4. Correspondence

February's minutes from the Gledhow Conservation Group were received.

A volunteering "Thank You" event is being held at the Leeds Civic Hall on Sunday 26th April from 9.30am to 3.30pm. The Group can request 4 tickets for the event.

Tesco is inviting comments for the proposed developments at the Roundhay store. Although the Group do not feel it is appropriate to comment, any individuals who wish to put their view forward can do so at the store.

The Art of Living Foundation would like to send volunteers to the next Action Morning to discuss their work whilst helping the Group. The Group had mixed feelings about this, not being sure whether the regular volunteers would mind the event becoming a platform for promoting (any) organisations.

5. Action Mornings

  • Saturday 7th March
    There was an excellent turn out and a great deal of work was completed.

Next Action Mornings

  • Sunday 5th April
    The meadow will be planted up with plug wildflowers and annual cornflower seed. Two benches will be put in. Volunteers to meet at the meadow at the bottom of the lake. If there is enough time and volunteers the area around two of the existing benches may be tidied up and squared off. The rhododendrons also need cutting back.
  • Sunday 10th May
    Martin to see if he can get any sleepers. The Council footpath needs edging and the stone can be used up. Meet at the old car park on Gledhow Valley Road opposite Gledhow Park Drive.

6. FunDay 2009

The FunDay will be on Saturday 13th June 2009.

Updates from the last meeting as follows:

  • Urban Circus have confirmed with one performer.
  • Martin has spoken to Kirsty Wiggins, who is in charge of community policing in the area, and has her support.
  • Moortown Community Group has asked for a stall.
  • Martin is looking into portable marquees.
  • Need more stakes!
  • Martin has been in contact with Lion Learners and is waiting for a quote. They are a Leeds based company offering hands-on animal experience where children can look at animals and ask questions about them. They will be in Chapel Allerton library from 3-4pm on 6th April.

7. FGVW Website Update

Adam has completely re-vamped the Plants of Gledhow Valley section of the FGVW website and has added many more photos, courtesy of Mike Betteridge.

There are now 183 species of plants listed on the page, with photos of 144. The photos are now much larger than before, and the "gallery" functionality for browsing the images has been improved.

8. AOB

  • FGVW Coasters
    Adam agreed to e-mail the Group possible photos for the FGVW drinks coasters so they could choose which ones they liked best to cover each of the seasons.
  • Allotment Show
    Adrian has confirmed that the Group will attend the Allotment Show on 4th April at the Methodist Hall. Adam and Carol are unable to attend due to double-booking, so the display boards need to be delivered to Adrian prior to the event.
  • Memorial Bench
    Dorothy has provided wording for the plaque to be put on the bench dedicated to her daughter.

9. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 5 Apr 2009
  • Core Group Meeting - Wed 6 May 2009 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 10 May 2009
  • FunDay - Sat 13 Jun 2009

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