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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
3rd September 2009
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge, Steve Clavering, Peter Foulston.
1. Apologies for Absence
Paul Ellis.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 6th August 2009
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- The Three Hulats
The Three Hulats were kind enough to supply bacon sandwiches on the last Action Morning. Unfortunately they attended on the wrong day, but the Group are grateful for their kind thoughts.
4. Correspondence
The Group has paid an annual membership fee to the Gledhow Sports & Social Club.
MAS Seeds Ltd has sent an updated price list for bulbs and wildflowers.
Martin has agreed to amend the Group's e-mail address on the www.leeds.gov.co.uk website.
Several e-mails have been sent out to obtain permission and obtain insurance details for the Group to open the Bath House on the Heritage Open Days weekend. Due to an administrative error the application was not processed in time to be included in Heritage Open Days, as the Group thought. Martin has e-mailed Councillor Proctor, Emma Trickett and Brenda Lancaster to try and obtain permission to open the Bath House independently, and ask if the Group would have public liability insurance.
No decision has been received as yet but the Group agreed to continue with cleaning the Bath House at the next Action Morning. Once a decision has been reached Adam agreed to send out an e-mail regarding the opening and to request help in providing refreshments. It is hoped a decision will be reached before Saturday so that the event can be publicised at the Chapel Allerton Festival.
Steve agreed to supply some oil lamps for the Bath House Open Day if it went ahead.
Elaine Hill contacted Martin to offer her services in providing a Bat Walk, which is now confirmed for Friday 11th September.
5. Action Mornings
Next Action Mornings
- Sunday 6th September
Volunteers to meet at the Bath House. Activities will include cleaning the Bath House, litter picking and moving the stone to fill in the sloping path to the jetty. If there is enough volunteers the meadow also needs to be cleared. Steve agreed to supply wheelbarrows, rakes and picks.
- Sunday 11th October
This Action Morning will be used to finish off any jobs from September's Action Morning. Volunteers to meet at the meadow. There will be some planting to do, path work and work on the jetty.
- Sunday 15th November
- Sunday 13th December
6. FunDay 2010
The proposed date for the FunDay in 2010 was originally 13th June. Martin proposed to change this to Saturday 19th June. Martin will consult Steven Hill before a final decision is made.
7. AOB
- The Meadow
The meadow has been cut, although some of the flowers have been left to be cut later in the season. The grass needs to be raked up by the Group and then it will be collected by the Council. The meadow has been included in the Leeds Meadow programme. Martin has enquired about a special push scythe to cut the meadow in the future. He also agreed to remind Justin about lifting the crowns on the trees in the meadow to allow more light to get through.
- Trailer
The Group discussed getting a trailer to transport the tools to the Action Mornings. Options available are to buy, hire or borrow. Mervyn agreed to ask James Mudd for further information.
- Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group
Christine from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group joined the meeting to update the Group on the public hearing meeting she attended discussing the Tesco proposals for expansion in the area. There were several issues raised including that although the Oakwood Traders had not objected as a group some of them had as individuals. Some concern was raised as to what would happen if the proposals were accepted provided certain conditions were met but then those conditions were not actually adhered to. Negotiations have already taken place on compensation from Tesco on improving the Oakwood area including the clock. Tesco stated that they had already consulted local groups such as FGVW. The Group had been contacted by Tesco some time ago but were not aware of agreeing to any proposals and had left any action to individuals. Another public meeting is to be held as the decision was deferred due to an objection. The Planning Officer agreed to consult the plans again.
- Grass Cutting on Allerton Grange Way
Mike raised an issue concerning grass cutting on Allerton Grange Way which Martin is investigating.
- Preventing Cars from Accessing the Woods
Mervyn consulted Steve on a request for some logs near the gas sub-station and a bollard in the old car park to prevent cars getting into the woods. There was some confusion over this and Steve agreed to check.
- Grass Cutting Between Gledhow Valley Road and Harrogate Road
There have been some complaints on the state of the grass cutting between Gledhow Valley Road and Harrogate Road. The Council out-sources this work to Glendale and the Group suggested that complaints should be referred to them. There was also concern that they were knocking down the security fences along Gledhow Valley Road when cutting the grass.
- Friends of Highwood
Steve attended a meeting with the Friends of Highwood and they have asked if they can borrow a large marquee for an event on 19th September. The Group agreed for a donation. Steve agreed to pick it up from Adrian.
- Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group Talk
Christine from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group invited members of FGVW to attend an illustrated talk given by one of the Councillors on the Gledhow area at 7pm on 10th October at Gledhow Sports & Social Club. Wine and nibbles will be available.
- Chapel Allerton Graveyard
Peter Foulston raised an issue regarding the poor state of the Chapel Allerton Graveyard. Robin Dove has requested the Group's assistance in providing manpower to help with this. This is to be discussed at the next meeting.
8. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 6 Sep 2009
- Bath House Open Day - Sun 13 Sep 2009 (12-4pm)
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 8 Oct 2009 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 11 Oct 2009
- Action Morning - Sun 15 Nov 2009
- Action Morning - Sun 13 Dec 2009
- FunDay 2010 - Sat 19 Jun 2010