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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
8th October 2009
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Mervyn Clayton, Carol Bull.
1. Apologies for Absence
Joan Clayton, Adam Bull, Peter Foulston, Mike Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 3rd September 2009
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Bat Walk
The Bat Walk led by Elaine on 11th September 2009 was very well attended, by over 60 people.
- Trailer
James Mudd has kindly agreed to let the Group borrow his trailer as and when needed.
- Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group (GVCAG)
Martin attended the GVCAG talk given by the Planning Councillor and Leeds City Council on behalf of the Group. Although it was very interesting it was only a short talk.
- Grass Cutting
Mike has resolved the grass cutting he raised last meeting.
- Diseased Trees Felled
Two 150 year old beech trees have had to be felled in the wood due to diseased roots. These have been used to block off access to the woods by cars.
- Friends of Highwood
Friends of Highwood borrowed the FGWV marquee and are going to send the Group a donation as a thank you.
4. Correspondence
Minutes from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Group.
5. Action Mornings
Next Action Mornings
- Sunday 11th October
There are wildflowers to plant in the meadow, and bulbs to plant (although these can be planted in November if there are insufficient volunteers). There is also some path work to do and 4 tons of stone will be delivered. Some mounds also need clearing in the meadow. Staff from the Three Hulats will be attending. Wheelbarrows will be needed. Volunteers to meet in the meadow at the end of the lake on Gledhow Valley Road.
- Sunday 15th November
There will be work on the jetty to finish off. Also the path needs to be repaired due to damage caused during the recent heavy rainfall. Leeds University Conservation Group would also like to attend. Martin suggested that if the Group was large it may be better to find an alternative day for them so they could work on a specific project together. Volunteers to meet at the jetty by the lake.
- Sunday 13th December
6. FunDay 2010
The date for the FunDay in 2010 has been confirmed as 19th June.
7. Bath House Open Day
The Group opened the Bath House on Heritage Open Days weekend due to permission being granted by the Council on the proviso that a Country Park Ranger attended. The Group would like to thank Steve Clavering for attending and making this possible. Joan and Mervyn were able to get an advert published in the Yorkshire Post which helped greatly with attendance. Approximately 232 visitors came to the bath house and over £333 was raised through donations, sale of merchandise, etc.
8. 106 Spending
It has been suggested that the remaining 106 money is used to do the crown lifting required in the meadow. Mervyn also suggested looking into fitting a raised barrier in the old car park to prevent access. Adrian agreed to get some contact details and to look into the cost.
9. Grants
Adrian agreed to apply to the Area Committee for a grant to allow the Group to carry out some more path work. Martin agreed to look into grants available for improving woodland so that the beech pollarding could be carried out.
10. Community & City Pride Awards
Martin agreed to complete the forms from Leeds City Council on behalf of the Group by the end of October. He suggested that they were completed using details of the work done on the jetty at the end of 2009.
11. AOB
- Fungus Foray
There will be a Fungus Foray on Sunday 8th November from 10am-12pm.
- BBC Donation
The BBC is going to give the Group a donation due to using the woods and surrounding area for filming.
- Chapel Allerton Graveyard
Robin Dove has requested the Group's help, via Peter Foulston, with providing manpower to help with clearing and tidying the Chapel Allerton Graveyard. The Group agreed that Adam could send out an e-mail to members of the Group giving details so that they could volunteer to help if they wanted to. Peter to find out the dates and times of when help is needed.
12. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 11 Oct 2009
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 12 Nov 2009 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 15 Nov 2009
- Action Morning - Sun 13 Dec 2009
- FunDay 2010 - Sat 19 Jun 2010