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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
12th November 2009

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Bridgette Read.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 8th October 2009
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  1. Action Mornings
  2. Three Hulats' Farmers Market
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Joan Clayton, Adam Bull, Peter Foulston, Mike Betteridge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 8th October 2009

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • New Grants
    Martin is still looking into grants that the Group can apply for.
  • Community and City Pride Awards
    The Group has submitted an application for the Community and City Pride Awards. The project put forward was based around the substantial work done on the jetty.
  • Fungus Foray
    The Fungus Foray was well attended by over 20 people and received good feedback. There was plenty of fungi to look at both on the ground and growing on felled trees.
  • BBC Donation
    The BBC has recently been filming in the woods and surrounding area. They have offered to send the Group a cheque, via Adrian, as a donation to help with our work, for any inconvenience caused to local residents.

4. Correspondence

Minutes from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Group. This included information regarding Tesco and that their planning permission had been granted provided certain considerations were taken into account.

The Group has been invited to the annual "thank you" to volunteers event by Leeds City Council. The event is at the Civic Hall on 10th December from 6.30pm until 8.30pm. Martin has agreed to attend on behalf of the Group.

Bovril are offering a share of £100,000 to community groups that aim to improve woodland in the community and who would like to work on make-over projects to improve the area where they live. Details are on promotional jars of Bovril. Joan agreed to investigate and then the Group could decide which project to put forward.

Karcher has issued a product recall and our pump may be affected. Mervyn to investigate.

5. Action Mornings

Next Action Mornings

  • Sunday 11th October
    The Action Morning was well attended by over 30 people. The meadow was tidied up and plants were put in. Some path work was done following a delivering of 8 tons of stone.
  • Sunday 15th November
    Eight tons of stone has been ordered to do the path work. There will also be the opportunity to pull up knotweed and beech trees to thin. Tasks will be dependant on the weather as rain and gale force winds are expected and it may not be safe to work on the slopes. Three people from the Three Hulats will be attending. Volunteers to meet at the jetty as some repair work needs to be done. There are also bulbs to plant and nettles to cut back.
  • Sunday 13th December
    Actions for this Action Morning will be decided after November's Action Morning has taken place.

  • Leeds University Conservation Group
    An additional Action Morning will take place on Saturday 14th November at 1pm for 2-3 hours. Around 20 people from Leeds University Conservation Group will be attending. Joan and Mervyn agreed to bring refreshments.

6. Three Hulats' Farmers Market

The Group has been given permission to have a stall at the Three Hulats' Farmers Market on Sunday 29th November. Details to follow. Adam and Carol agreed to run the stall.

7. AOB

    A date for the AGM will be decided at next month's meeting. Martin to investigate catering options. The positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are open for voting.
  • 2010 Action Mornings
    The dates for next year's Action Mornings to be agreed at the next meeting. Sundays have proved to be more popular so the Group are aiming to do 8 Sundays and 4 Saturdays.
  • Chapel Allerton Graveyard
    Robin Dove has requested the Group's help, via Peter Foulston, with clearing the Chapel Allerton Graveyard. The Group agreed that Adam could send out an e-mail to members of the Group giving details so that they could volunteer if they wanted to. The Group are waiting for confirmation of dates and times in order to do this. Joan also suggested the Three Hulats may want to help so she agreed to ask them.
  • FGVW Place Mats
    Adam showed the Group some new FGVW merchandise. These were FGVW place mats to match the FGVW four seasons coasters. The Group has also received a new order of coasters and sold 30 packs of Christmas cards to Radish.

8. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 15 Nov 2009
  • Farmers Market - Sun 29 Nov 2009 (Three Hulats)
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 10 Dec 2009 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Dec 2009
  • FunDay 2010 - Sat 19 Jun 2010

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