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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
10th December 2009

Present: Joan Clayton (Acting Chair), Mervyn Clayton, Mike Betteridge, Paul Ellis, Adam & Carol Bull. Martin Calvert and Sunder Subramaniam joined the meeting later after attending a presentation on behalf of the Group.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 12th November 2009
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  1. Action Mornings
  2. AGM
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Peter Foulston, Adrian Coltman.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 12th November 2009

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • BBC Donation
    The Group received a cheque for £450 from the Leeds Independent Studios due to filming in the woods. Martin has written to thank them for their generosity.
  • Community and City Pride Awards
    The Group has been short-listed for an award for their work on the jetty. Five members of the Group has been invited to the award ceremony on 4th February at the Civic Hall. Martin suggested that 3 Core Group members attend plus 2 volunteers. Martin to decide who to invite.

4. Correspondence

A wildflower catalogue has been received so the Group need to decide what to buy next.

Information has been received from Matthew Lobley, Chair of the Inner North East Area Committee. This includes a Community Charter from Leeds City Council that sets out the Councils promises of extra things that will be done in our area over the next year.

An e-mail has been received from Steve Crocker notifying the Group of grants available under the Green Leeds initiative. Martin has e-mailed Sue Lumby regarding this and is waiting to hear from her.

5. Action Mornings

Next Action Mornings

  • Sunday 13 December 2009
    12 tons of stone to be delivered. The path will be extended by the yew trees. Tree thinning will also take place. Volunteers meet at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane.
  • Sunday 10 January 2010
    Volunteers meet at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane to complete the work started in December.
  • Saturday 13 February 2010
  • Sunday 7 March 2010
  • Sunday 11 April 2010
  • Sunday 16 May 2010

6. AGM

The Three Hulats has kindly agreed to let the Group hold their AGM there on 21 January 2010 at 8pm. Food will be provided. All are welcome to attend. The positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are open for voting.

7. AOB

  • Success at the Three Hulats' Farmers Market
    Adam, Carol, Joan and Mervyn raised £134.50 from selling merchandise at the Three Hulats' Farmers Market, despite appalling weather conditions.
  • Success at FGVW Talk
    Mike raised £33.40 from donations at the talk he gave at the Methodist Church Hall. It was attended by about 25 people. He is hoping to do another talk to 45 people in March next year.
  • Action Mornings Risk Assessment
    Leeds Park and Countryside has started to place much more emphasis on risk assessments for each task carried out at the Action Mornings. This is turning into a large volume of reading for our volunteers and the Group are concerned that this may start to put people off from working in the woods. The Group has previously shown volunteers a series of bullet points on what to be careful of in the woods but this is too short and does not cover all the tasks. The Group are hoping to be able to compromise and produce a risk assessment document for volunteers to sign somewhere between the two in terms of volume. Martin agreed to speak to Emma at the Parks and Countryside to put our thoughts forward and to see if a compromise can be reached.
  • Chapel Allerton Residents Association
    Chapel Allerton Residents Association (CARA) has been disbanded as it was down to only 5 members.
  • Chapel Allerton Graveyard
    There has been no further progress towards work for the Graveyard. Joan has spoken to Janet, and Peter previously agreed to obtain suitable dates and times. It was agreed that it is out of the Group's hands now and that Peter and Janet need to discuss.
  • Pavement Clearing
    The pavement along both sides of Gledhow Valley Road has been cleared of leaves by two teams. Joan has contacted the Council to let them know what a great job the teams have done.
  • Volunteer Thank You Evening
    Martin and Sunder attended a Volunteer Thank You evening on behalf of the Group. Sunder agreed to send photos around the Group when available.

8. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Dec 2009
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 7 Jan 2010 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 10 Jan 2010
  • AGM - Thu 21 Jan 2010 (Three Hulats Pub)
  • Action Morning - Sat 13 Feb 2010
  • Action Morning - Sun 7 Mar 2010
  • Action Morning - Sun 11 Apr 2010
  • Action Morning - Sun 16 May 2010
  • FunDay - Sat 19 Jun 2010

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