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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
4th March 2010

Present: Joan Clayton (Acting Chair), Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 11th February 2010
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. Community & City Pride Awards
  2. FunDay 2010
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Mike Betteridge, Martin Calvert, Adrian Coltman, Paul Ellis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 11th February 2010

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Place Mats
    Adam has ordered a box of 24 place mats via Radish, since we have almost sold out of the original stock.

4. Correspondence

Minutes of the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group (GVCAG) Meeting.

5. Action Mornings

Next Action Mornings

  • Sunday 7 March 2010
    There will be six managers from Wetherspoons coming to help, along with Graham and Maria, managers of the Three Hulats. The Group expects to be doing some beech thinning. Mervyn and Adam Wilks to do some preparation work on Saturday.
  • Sunday 11 April 2010
    Joan agreed to contact Martin to agree a meeting point and then let Adam know for the Breathing Places website. The Group are expecting to do some path work however there has been a mix up over the Council delivering "crush and run" (crushed sandstone) rather than "dust" (finely crushed sandstone) so the Group's order with another company needs to be changed if possible.
  • Sunday 16 May 2010

6. Community & City Pride Awards

The Group won an Award for their work on the jetty (mentioned at the last meeting). There will be a celebration night for all Group members and volunteers at the Three Hulats on Friday 26 March at 8pm. Refreshments will be provided and all FGVW volunteers are invited to attend.

7. FunDay 2010

The FunDay will be on Saturday 19th June 2010.

  • Permission LCC - Send letter to Fred Duff informing him of the event going ahead as a LCC event under Emma Trickett.
  • Emma Trickett - Will be in attendance.
  • Tables & Chairs - Need to fund 36 tables and 50 chairs, and 2 toilets. 6 more Tables from Steve Clavering.
  • New Manager at Potternewton Park (ex John Casey) - To be informed. MC to liase re grass cutting and fire extinguishers.
  • Risk Assessments - MC to liase with Emma.
  • Grants: Area Committee - Floral Fund: Martin to apply.
  • Local Councillors?
  • Posters - 60 A4 needed. Adam to design. Peter, Adrian, Paul to print?
  • Programme - Adam, Peter. 400 needed.
  • Flyers - 6,000 needed. Photocopying by Paul/Adrian/Elaine? Christine distribution schools, Chapel A, St Matthew's, Immaculate Heart, Moor Allerton, Gledhow, Kerr Mackie and Talbot (for the first time).
  • Guillotine - Phil.
  • Chapel Allerton Magazine - Adrian to contact with details.
  • Refreshments - Martin to write to Tesco and Sainsburys. Adrian agreed to speak to the Co-Op. Ethnic food was discussed. Indie Ices has confirmed. Need as much home baking as possible. Please encourage all our supporters.
  • Gazebos - 9 x (9x3) large, 10 x (3x3) pop-up, Phil's Scout Tent? Need to check where they are stored. Adrian, Paul, Steve? New 6m x 6m marquee is our main marquee.
  • P.A. System - Pete to hire.
  • St Johns Ambulance - Invited and confirmed by Martin, although the Group would like to invite the Red Cross instead. Need to contact Linda Kaye.
  • Turns - Daftasadrum confirmed. Urban Circus and circus skills - Peter to ask. Samba Tigers £325 (The Group expect the band to play for 2 hours in 30 minutes slots).
  • LCC Forestry - Not invited yet.
  • Dale the Chainsaw Man - Not invited yet.
  • Raffle - Adam to scrounge prizes and organise.
  • Hunt the Bear Game - Adam to organise.
  • FGVW Display - Adam/Adrian to organise.
  • Parachute Games - John/Jenny Farley to be asked by Joan. Adrian providing parachute.
  • T-Shirt Design - 60 sold on the day last year. Still to purchase.
  • Firefighters - To be invited by Adrian.
  • Police/PCSOs - To be invited by Adrian.
  • Woodland Friends - Donna confirmed.
  • Birds of Prey - Accepted.
  • Beekeeper - David accepted.
  • Sue Charlton - Invited by Martin.
  • Tadpoles/Frogs - Accepted.
  • Bug Hunt - Emma Trickett to organise.
  • Lion Learners - Confirmed from 1.30pm onwards, £100.
  • Bird Boxes (or something else) - Mervyn to organise.
  • Plants for Sale - Gladys, Margaret.
  • Clay Modelling - Agreed.
  • Woodcraft Folk - To be invited by Adrian.
  • Face Painters - 1 confirmed, working on one more - Martin.
  • Turns/Timetable - Peter to organise. Adam to produce printed timetable.
  • Roping Off - Peter.
  • Setting Up - From 7.00am sharp please.
  • Radish - Confirmed.
  • Gledhow Allotments - To be invited by Adrian.
  • Wishing Tree - Lynne?
  • Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group - Adam has invited them but received no response yet.
  • Environmental Services - Martin
  • Straw Bales - With Jim's help.
  • Woodchips - MC to ask Emma.
  • Entrance Banner - Paul to organise.
  • Leeds Urban Market - To be invited by Peter.
  • REAP - To be invited by Paul.
  • Jenga (or similar outdoor children's games) - Paul to investigate.
  • Skelton Grange Environmental Group - To be invited by Adrian.
  • BTCV
  • Meanwood Urban Valley Farm
  • Mayor to Open Event - To be invited by Adrian.
  • Indie Ices - Confirmed.

Joan suggested that the Group needed to promote the FGVW tent more. The Group decided that a generic banner was needed to put up at the front of the tent just stating our abbreviated name, full name and website address.

8. AOB

  • Hedgehog Boxes
    Mervyn has found some information sheets on how to make hedgehog boxes out of recycled wine boxes. Any offers of wine boxes would be welcome. Joan has been asking local wine shops.
  • Bird Boxes
    Mervyn is going to get hold of some recycled pallet wood to make some bird boxes for the FunDay, as suggested by a member of the public last year.
  • St Matthew's Church Fair
    Adam and Carol agreed to do a stall at St Matthews Church Fair on Saturday 27th March from 10.30am to 12.30pm.
  • Invoices
    Joan has two outstanding invoices - one from Mervyn for wood and one from Mike for photos for the Award celebration evening.
  • Island
    Mike has reported that there is debris and fallen trees on the island and that Justin needs to be contacted. The Group has this in hand and work will be done on the Island at the next Action Morning.
  • Action Morning Tasks
    Adam has sent an e-mail round the mailing list members asking for ideas on what work they would like undertaking in the woods. In the meantime some local people have asked Joan if it would be possible to do some work on the steep steps to make them easier to walk on, and also if a handrail can be put up. They have also asked for two additional benches near to the lake as it gets busy in the summer.
  • Wade's Charity
    Joan encouraged members to look at the Wade's Charity website (www.wadescharity.org). There is plenty of information on there detailing the ownership history of the woods and surrounding area. She is going to use some of the information at the next Heritage Open Day as it covers the Bath House. There is also information on the site for obtaining grants.

9. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 7 Mar 2010
  • Celebration Evening - Fri 26 Mar 2010 (Three Hulats)
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 8 Apr 2010 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 11 Apr 2010
  • Action Morning - Sun 16 May 2010
  • FunDay - Sat 19 Jun 2010

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