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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
21st May 2010
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull Peter Foulston.
1. Apologies for Absence
Mike Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 13th May 2010
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Will be dealt with at next meeting.
4. Correspondence
Will be dealt with at next meeting.
5. Action Mornings
Future Action Mornings
- Saturday 3 July 2010
Activities to include planting wild flowers and litter picking. Please meet in the meadow at the end of the lake on Gledhow Valley Road.
- Sunday 12 September 2010 (Bath House)
- Saturday 16 October 2010
- Saturday 13 November 2010
- Sunday 12 December 2010
6. FunDay 2010
The FunDay will be on Saturday 19 June 2010, 1.30pm-5.30pm.
- Permission LCC - E-mail sent to Fred Duff informing him of the event going ahead as a LCC event under Emma Trickett.
- Emma Trickett - Will be in attendance.
- Tables & Chairs - Need to fund 38 tables and 50 chairs (from Heerevents), and 2 toilets (from Convenience Hire). 6 more Tables from Steve Clavering.
- New Manager at Potternewton Park (ex John Casey) - To be informed. MC to liase re grass cutting and fire extinguishers.
- Risk Assessments - MC to liase with Emma.
- Grants Area Committee - Adrian to apply. Floral Fund: Martin has applied.
- Local Councillors - Mike has invited all 9 Councillors.
- Posters - 60 A4 needed. Adam to design. Need to add on the Samba Tigers and Firefighters. Urban Circus needs removing. Date and number of event to change. Also there is no bug hunt. Adam agreed to do the poster for Monday and send to Martin for checking. Pete needs the colour copy and Paul needs the black and white copy.
- Programme - Adam, Peter. 400 needed.
- Flyers - 6,000 needed. Photocopying by Paul/Adrian/Elaine? Christine Distribution Schools, Chapel A, St Matthew's, Immaculate Heart, Moor Allerton, Gledhow, Kerr Mackie and Talbot (for the first time).
- Guillotine - Phil.
- Chapel Allerton Magazine - Decided not to go ahead due to poor time of printing.
- Refreshments - Martin to write to Tesco, Lidl and Sainsburys. Adrian agreed to speak to the Co-Op. Ethnic food was dismissed. Indie Ices has confirmed. Ice Cream van - Claire.
Need as much home baking as possible. Please encourage all our supporters.
- Gazebos - 9 x (9x3m) large, 11 x (3x3m) pop-up plus 2 new 6x3m, Phil's Scout Tent. Need to check where they are stored. Adrian, Paul, Steve? New 6x6m marquee is our main marquee.
- P.A. System - Pete to hire.
- St Johns Ambulance - Invited and confirmed by Martin. Red Cross next time?
- Turns - Daftasadrum confirmed. Samba Tigers £325.
- LCC Forestry - Invited but not yet replied.
- Dale the Chainsaw Man - Invited but not yet replied.
- Raffle - Adam to scrounge prizes and organise. Need more volunteers to sell tickets.
- Hunt the Bear Game - Adam to organise.
- FGVW Display - Adam/Adrian to organise.
- Parachute Games - John/Jenny Farley to be asked by Joan. Adrian providing parachute.
- T-Shirt Design - 60 sold on the day last year. Purchasing.
- Firefighters - Confirmed by Adrian, dependant on operational requirements.
- Police/PCSOs - Adrian has left messages but not confirmed yet. Peter has been in contact with Phil Briskham who has asked if he can bring leaflets with him about the PCSOs and the work they do.
- Woodland Friends - Donna confirmed.
- Birds of Prey - Accepted.
- Beekeeper - David accepted.
- Sue Charlton - Accepted.
- Hedgehog Care - Accepted.
- Tadpoles/Frogs - Accepted.
- Bug Hunt - No! Emma Trickett doing wildlife things in tent.
- Lion Learners - Confirmed from 1.30pm onwards, £100.
- Bird Boxes (and/or bird feeders) - Mervyn to organise.
- Plants for Sale - Gladys, Margaret, Joan.
- Clay Modelling - To sort out.
- Woodcraft Folk - Invited by Adrian but not confirmed.
- Skelton Grange Environmental Group - Attending, focussing on recycling education.
- Face Painters - 1 only, confirmed by Martin.
- Turns/Timetable - Peter to organise. Adam to produce printed timetable.
- Roping Off - Peter.
- Setting Up - From 7am sharp please.
- Radish - Adam confirmed.
- Gledhow Allotments - Only selling produce, confirmed by Adrian.
- Wishing Tree - Lynne unable to attend.
- Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group - Confirmed by Adam.
- Environmental Services - No.
- East North East Area Management Team - No.
- Straw Bales - With Jim's help.
- Woodchips - Martin to ask Emma.
- Entrance Banner - Paul to organise with the Scouts.
- Leeds Urban Harvest - To be invited by Peter.
- REAP - To be invited by Paul.
- Jenga (or similar outdoor children's games) - Paul to investigate.
- Meanwood Urban Valley Farm - No.
- Mayor to Open Event - Lord Mayor of Leeds will attend between 2 and 3pm.
- Indie Ices - Confirmed.
- Ice Cream Van - To be contacted by Claire.
- Friends of Allerton Grange - Confirmed.
Other Notes:
- More Volunteers needed, especially for the Raffle.
- Need more water containers with taps. Adrian offered to get a Bowser if needed. Martin to check with Debbie what would be best to store cold water.
- Leaflet distribution from Joan and Mervyns house around 4pm on Sunday 6 June. Leaflets to be delivered to schools on Monday 7 June.
- Next Meeting and Action Morning dates now confirmed.
7. AOB
Will be dealt with at next meeting.
8. Dates of Next Meetings
- FunDay Leaflet Pickup - Sun 6 Jun 2010 (Joan and Mervyn's)
- FunDay - Sat 19 Jun 2010
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 1 Jul 2010 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 3 Jul 2010
- Open Heritage Day - Sun 12 Sep 2010 (Bath House)
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 14 Oct 2010 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 16 Oct 2010
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 11 Nov 2010 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 13 Nov 2010
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 9 Dec 2010 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 12 Dec 2010