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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
14th October 2010
Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Carol Bull, Peter Foulston, Geoff Gilbert, Joan & Mervyn Clayton.
1. Apologies for Absence
Martin Calvert, Adam Bull, Mike Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 2nd September 2010
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
4. Correspondence
Copies of the Leeds City Council Community Charter Delivery Plan for 2010/11 were received and distributed at the meeting.
5. Action Mornings
Future Action Mornings
- Sunday 17 October
Work to be done on the path near the "excavations" done by Paul behind the house on Little Switzerland. Decking to be done where the stream crosses the path. Top dust also to be distributed on the path if it arrives in time. There is also woodchip to spread and bulbs to plant. The meadow also needs to be scythed but this will be dependent on the weather. Also litter picking. Please meet at the crossroads of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road.
- Sunday 14 November
Some of the steps need repairing due to damage from bikes. Mervyn made some suggestions to turn this into a slope to make access easier for buggies. Group to do a site visit to decide what to do.
- Sunday 12 December
6. Bath House Open Day
The Bath House Heritage Open Day went extremely well with 354 visitors attending. Altogether the event raised £407.18, mostly from the sale of merchandise including Christmas cards and from donations given for refreshments. Adam sent out an e-mail to thank the volunteers and Joan agreed to pass on thanks to others not online.
7. Groundwork Proposals for Brackenwoods
FGVW has received the completed application form from Groundwork in order to apply for a grant under Changing Spaces, which is part of Lottery Funding. They wish to put forward the building of 3 entrance sites and pathways:
- Improve the steps behind Gledhow Valley school and plant bulbs around the area.
- Replant the land, put in benches and possible information board in the area near the gas station at Gledhow beck where some garages have recently been knocked down.
- Build a path near Lincombe Drive.
Groundwork will be completing the work, they just need our help in getting funding. The Group didn't see any issues with this as we are not intending to apply for Lottery Funding ourselves, so agreed to support and sign the application. Adrian agreed to send the details in.
8. Meadow
Martin has put in an application for some work to be carried out on the trees around the meadow. Permission is needed as this is in a conservation area. The crowns need to be raised to encourage growth on the ground. The work can go ahead if there are no objections within the next 6 weeks. The Group decided to set up a separate time and day for the work to be carried out as it was decided that it wouldn't be a suitable activity for an Action Morning.
Martin has also e-mailed Peter regarding scything the meadow, which Peter agreed could be done at the next Action Morning.
9. Three Hulats' Farmers Market
Joan and Mervyn attended the Three Hulats' Farmers Market on 26 September 2010 and raised £40.50 selling FGVW merchandise. The stall cost the Group £3. Adam and Carol agreed to do one on 28 November and the Christmas one on 12 December with Joan and Mervyn's help.
10. AOB
- Pathwork
Geoff raised issues with some of the paths in the woods. The path at the top of the carriageway and Gledhow Woods Close is in need to repair. Nettles are growing through the path and some areas are very muddy during the winter months. The path needs to be made wider and some membrane put down. Also part of the path is difficult to negotiate with electric buggies and wheelchairs as the camber is the wrong way. Work also needs doing where the tree fell on the carriageway. The tree has been removed so the new path people created in going round the tree needs blocking off and the original path restored. The Group agreed that this could be looked at as a project for 2011.
- Moortown Magazine
The recent magazine contained incorrect information about the Group. It quotes details on the Heritage Open Day and dates for the next Action Mornings under the heading of the Leeds Urban Harvest Group. It also states the Councillors' parties incorrectly.
- Old Photographs
Mr and Mrs Kitto have given the Group some old photographs of the Chapel Allerton/Gledhow area and also some film which Joan and Mervyn are converting to a more user friendly format. Adam to put these on the website if appropriate, when available.
- Combined Sewage Overflows (CSOs)
Joan has contacted Yorkshire Water, the Highways and Land and Drainage to try and sort out the various problems of blocked CSOs and flooding on Gledhow Valley Road. The CSOs are not working again and sewage has been seen and photographed on Gledhow Valley Road. The drains are also blocked. Yorkshire Water promised to come out and investigate but had problems as the CSO was full of water so they could not use their camera properly. Adrian agreed to contact someone at Yorkshire Water to try and speed the process up. Joan agreed to send photo's to Peter for the Environment Agency. Adrian also suggested getting a Councillor involved.
- FGVW Christmas Cards
The new FGVW Christmas cards have been printed and shown to the Group. Adam is going to order the envelopes. All members of the Group are encouraged to start selling once Adam and Carol have packaged up the cards.
The date and venue for the AGM needs to be agreed.
11. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 17 Oct 2010
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 11 Nov 2010 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 14 Nov 2010
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 9 Dec 2010 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 12 Dec 2010
- Annual FunDay 2011 - Sat 11 Jun 2011